2023-12-25 17:56:30 +08:00

996 lines
31 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

<view v-if="!disabled" class="tn-image-upload-class tn-image-upload">
height: movableAreaHeight
v-for="(item, index) in lists"
width: $tn.string.getLengthUnitValue(width),
height: $tn.string.getLengthUnitValue(height),
zIndex: item.zIndex,
opacity: item.opacity,
@change="movableChange($event, item)"
class="tn-image-upload__item tn-image-upload__item-preview"
width: $tn.string.getLengthUnitValue(itemWidth, 'px'),
height: $tn.string.getLengthUnitValue(itemHeight, 'px'),
transform: `scale(${item.scale})`
<!-- 删除按钮 -->
borderTopColor: deleteBackgroundColor
color: deleteColor
<!-- 进度条 -->
v-if="showProgress && item.data.progress > 0 && !item.data.error"
<!-- 重试按钮 -->
<view v-if="item.data.error" class="tn-image-upload__item-preview__error-btn" @tap.stop="retry(index)">点击重试</view>
<!-- 图片信息 -->
:src="item.data.url || item.data.path"
@tap.stop="doPreviewImage(item.data.url || item.data.path, index)"
<!-- 添加按钮 -->
v-if="maxCount > lists.length"
top: addBtn.y + 'px',
left: addBtn.x + 'px',
width: $tn.string.getLengthUnitValue(itemWidth, 'px'),
height: $tn.string.getLengthUnitValue(itemHeight, 'px')
<!-- 添加按钮 -->
class="tn-image-upload__item tn-image-upload__item-add"
width: $tn.string.getLengthUnitValue(itemWidth, 'px'),
height: $tn.string.getLengthUnitValue(itemHeight, 'px')
<view class="tn-image-upload__item-add--icon tn-icon-add"></view>
<view class="tn-image-upload__item-add__tips">{{ uploadText }}</view>
export default {
name: 'tn-image-upload-drag',
props: {
// 已上传的文件列表
fileList: {
type: Array,
default() {
return []
// 上传图片地址
action: {
type: String,
default: ''
// 上传文件的字段名称
name: {
type: String,
default: 'file'
// 头部信息
header: {
type: Object,
default() {
return {}
// 携带的参数
formData: {
type: Object,
default() {
return {}
// 是否禁用
disabled: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
// 是否自动上传
autoUpload: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
// 最大上传数量
maxCount: {
type: Number,
default: 9
// 预览上传图片的裁剪模式
imageMode: {
type: String,
default: 'aspectFill'
// 点击图片是否全屏预览
previewFullImage: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
// 是否显示进度条
showProgress: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
// 是否显示删除按钮
deleteable: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
// 删除按钮图标
deleteIcon: {
type: String,
default: 'close'
// 删除按钮的背景颜色
deleteBackgroundColor: {
type: String,
default: ''
// 删除按钮的颜色
deleteColor: {
type: String,
default: ''
// 上传区域提示文字
uploadText: {
type: String,
default: '选择图片'
// 显示toast提示
showTips: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
// 预览图片和选择图片区域的宽度
width: {
type: Number,
default: 200
// 预览图片和选择图片区域的高度
height: {
type: Number,
default: 200
// 选择图片的尺寸
// 参考上传文档 https://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/media/image
sizeType: {
type: Array,
default() {
return ['original', 'compressed']
// 图片来源
sourceType: {
type: Array,
default() {
return ['album', 'camera']
// 是否可以多选
multiple: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
// 文件大小(byte)
maxSize: {
type: Number,
default: 10 * 1024 * 1024
// 允许上传的类型
limitType: {
type: Array,
default() {
return ['png','jpg','jpeg','webp','gif','image']
// 是否自定转换为json
toJson: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
// 上传前钩子函数,每个文件上传前都会执行
beforeUpload: {
type: Function,
default: null
// 删除文件前钩子函数
beforeRemove: {
type: Function,
default: null
index: {
type: [Number, String],
default: ''
computed: {
movableAreaHeight() {
if (this.lists.length < this.maxCount) {
return Math.ceil((this.lists.length + 1) / this.baseData.columns) * uni.upx2px(this.height) + 'px'
} else {
return Math.ceil(this.lists.length / this.baseData.columns) * uni.upx2px(this.height) + 'px'
itemWidth() {
return uni.upx2px(this.width) - (uni.upx2px(10) * 2)
itemHeight() {
return uni.upx2px(this.height) - (uni.upx2px(10) * 2)
data() {
return {
lists: [],
uploading: false,
baseData: {
windowWidth: 0,
columns: 0,
dragItem: null,
widthPx: 0,
heightPx: 0
addBtn: {
x: 0,
y: 0
timer: null,
dragging: false
watch: {
// fileList: {
// handler(val) {
// val.map(value => {
// // 首先检查内部是否已经添加过这张图片因为外部绑定了一个对象给fileList的话(对象引用)进行修改外部fileList时
// // 会触发watch导致重新把原来的图片再次添加到this.lists
// // 数组的some方法意思是只要数组元素有任意一个元素条件符合就返回true而另一个数组的every方法的意思是数组所有元素都符合条件才返回true
// let tmp = this.lists.some(listVal => {
// return listVal.url === value.url
// })
// // 如果内部没有这张图片,则添加到内部
// !tmp && this.lists.push({ url: value.url, error: false, progress: 100 })
// })
// },
// immediate: true
// },
lists(val) {
this.$emit('on-list-change', this.sortList(), this.index)
created() {
this.baseData.windowWidth = uni.getSystemInfoSync().windowWidth
mounted() {
this.$nextTick(() => {
methods: {
// 清除列表
clear() {
this.lists = []
// 重新上传队列中上传失败所有文件
reUpload() {
// 选择图片
selectFile() {
if (this.disabled) return
const {
name = '',
} = this
let chooseFile = null
const newMaxCount = maxCount - lists.length
// 只选择图片的时候使用 chooseImage 来实现
chooseFile = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
count: multiple ? (newMaxCount > 9 ? 9 : newMaxCount) : 1,
success: resolve,
fail: reject
chooseFile.then(res => {
let file = null
let listOldLength = lists.length
res.tempFiles.map((val, index) => {
if (!this.checkFileExt(val)) return
// 是否超出最大限制数量
if (!multiple && index >= 1) return
if (val.size > maxSize) {
this.$emit('on-oversize', val, this.sortList(), this.index)
} else {
if (maxCount <= lists.length) {
this.$emit('on-exceed', val, this.sortList(), this.index)
url: val.path,
progress: 0,
error: false,
file: val
this.$emit('on-choose-complete', this.sortList(), this.index)
if (this.autoUpload) this.uploadFile(listOldLength)
}).catch(err => {
this.$emit('on-choose-fail', err)
// 提示用户信息
showToast(message, force = false) {
if (this.showTips || force) {
// 手动上传通过ref进行调用
upload() {
// 对失败图片进行再次上传
retry(index) {
this.lists[index].data.progress = 0
this.lists[index].data.error = false
this.lists[index].data.response = null
// 上传文件
async uploadFile(index = 0) {
if (this.disabled) return
if (this.uploading) return
// 全部上传完成
if (index >= this.lists.length) {
this.$emit('on-uploaded', this.sortList(), this.index)
// 检查是否已经全部上传或者上传中
if (this.lists[index].data.progress === 100) {
this.lists[index].data.uploadTask = null
if (this.autoUpload) this.uploadFile(index + 1)
// 执行before-upload钩子
if (this.beforeUpload && typeof(this.beforeUpload) === 'function') {
// 在微信,支付宝等环境(H5正常)会导致父组件定义的函数体中的this变成子组件的this
// 通过bind()方法绑定父组件的this让this的this为父组件的上下文
// 因为upload组件可能会被嵌套在其他组件内比如tn-form这时this.$parent其实为tn-form的this
// 非页面的this所以这里需要往上历遍一直寻找到最顶端的$parent这里用了this.$u.$parent.call(this)
let beforeResponse = this.beforeUpload.bind(this.$tn.$parent.call(this))(index, this.lists)
// 判断是否返回了Promise
if (!!beforeResponse && typeof beforeResponse.then === 'function') {
await beforeResponse.then(res => {
// promise返回成功不进行操作继续
}).catch(err => {
// 进入catch回调的话继续下一张
return this.uploadFile(index + 1)
} else if (beforeResponse === false) {
// 如果返回flase继续下一张图片上传
return this.uploadFile(index + 1)
} else {
// 为true的情况不进行操作
// 检查上传地址
if (!this.action) {
this.showToast('请配置上传地址', true)
this.lists[index].data.error = false
this.uploading = true
// 创建上传对象
const task = uni.uploadFile({
url: this.action,
filePath: this.lists[index].data.url,
name: this.name,
formData: this.formData,
header: this.header,
success: res => {
// 判断啊是否为json字符串将其转换为json格式
let data = this.toJson && this.$tn.test.jsonString(res.data) ? JSON.parse(res.data) : res.data
if (![200, 201, 204].includes(res.statusCode)) {
this.uploadError(index, data)
} else {
this.lists[index].data.response = data
this.lists[index].data.progress = 100
this.lists[index].data.error = false
this.$emit('on-success', data, index, this.sortList(), this.index)
fail: err => {
this.uploadError(index, err)
complete: res => {
this.uploading = false
this.uploadFile(index + 1)
this.$emit('on-change', res, index, this.sortList(), this.index)
this.lists[index].uploadTask = task
task.onProgressUpdate(res => {
if (res.progress > 0) {
this.lists[index].data.progress = res.progress
this.$emit('on-progress', res, index, this.sortList(), this.index)
// 上传失败
uploadError(index, err) {
this.lists[index].data.progress = 0
this.lists[index].data.error = true
this.lists[index].data.response = null
this.$emit('on-error', err, index, this.sortList(), this.index)
// 删除一个图片
deleteItem(index) {
if (!this.deleteable) return
async () => {
// 先检查是否有定义before-remove移除前钩子
// 执行before-remove钩子
if (this.beforeRemove && typeof(this.beforeRemove) === 'function') {
let beforeResponse = this.beforeRemove.bind(this.$tn.$parent.call(this))(index, this.lists)
// 判断是否返回promise
if (!!beforeResponse && typeof beforeResponse.then === 'function') {
await beforeResponse.then(res => {
// promise返回成功不进行操作
}).catch(err => {
} else if (beforeResponse === false) {
} else {
} else {
}, true)
// 移除文件操作
handlerDeleteItem(index) {
// 如果文件正在上传中,终止上传任务
if (this.lists[index].data.progress < 100 && this.lists[index].data.progress > 0) {
typeof this.lists[index].data.uploadTask !== 'undefined' && this.lists[index].data.uploadTask.abort()
this.$emit('on-remove', index, this.sortList(), this.index)
// 移除文件通过ref手动形式进行调用
remove(index) {
if (!this.deleteable) return
// 判断索引合法
if (index >= 0 && index < this.lists.length) {
let currentItemIndex = this.lists[index].index
this.lists.splice(index, 1)
// 重新排列列表信息
for (let item of this.lists) {
if (item.index > currentItemIndex) {
item.index -= 1
item.x = item.positionX * this.baseData.widthPx
item.y = item.positionY * this.baseData.heightPx
item.positionX = item.index % this.baseData.columns
item.positionY = Math.floor(item.index / this.baseData.columns)
this.$nextTick(() => {
item.x = item.positionX * this.baseData.widthPx
item.y = item.positionY * this.baseData.heightPx
// 预览图片
doPreviewImage(url, index) {
if (!this.previewFullImage) return
const images = this.lists.sort((l1, l2) => { return l1.index - l2.index}).map(item => item.data.url || item.data.path)
urls: images,
current: url,
success: () => {
this.$emit('on-preview', url, this.sortList(), this.index)
fail: () => {
// 检查文件后缀是否合法
checkFileExt(file) {
// 是否为合法后缀
let noArrowExt = false
// 后缀名
let fileExt = ''
const reg = /.+\./
// #ifdef H5
fileExt = file.name.replace(reg, '').toLowerCase()
// #endif
// #ifndef H5
fileExt = file.path.replace(reg, '').toLowerCase()
// #endif
noArrowExt = this.limitType.some(ext => {
return ext.toLowerCase() === fileExt
if (!noArrowExt) this.showToast(`不支持${fileExt}格式的文件`)
return noArrowExt
/********************* 拖拽处理 ********************/
// 更新拖拽信息
updateDragInfo() {
this.baseData.widthPx = uni.upx2px(this.width)
this.baseData.heightPx = uni.upx2px(this.height)
// 获取可移动区域的信息,用于判断当前有多少列
const query = uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this)
query.exec((res) => {
if (!res) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 10)
this.baseData.columns = Math.floor(res[0].width / this.baseData.widthPx)
// 初始化可拖拽列表信息
this.lists = []
this.fileList.forEach((item) => {
// 首先检查内部是否已经添加过这张图片因为外部绑定了一个对象给fileList的话(对象引用)进行修改外部fileList时
// 会触发watch导致重新把原来的图片再次添加到this.lists
// 数组的some方法意思是只要数组元素有任意一个元素条件符合就返回true而另一个数组的every方法的意思是数组所有元素都符合条件才返回true
let tmp = this.lists.map(value => {
return value.data
}).some(listVal => {
return listVal.url === item.url
// 如果内部没有这张图片,则添加到内部
!tmp && this.lists.push(this.handleDragListItem({
url: item.url,
error: false,
progress: 100
// 更新添加按钮位置
// 处理拖拽列表信息
handleDragListItem(item) {
const positionX = this.lists.length % this.baseData.columns
const positionY = Math.floor(this.lists.length / this.baseData.columns)
const x = positionX * this.baseData.widthPx
const y = positionY * this.baseData.heightPx
return {
id: this.unique(),
preX: x,
preY: y,
disabled: true,
opacity: 1,
scale: 1,
index: this.lists.length,
offset: 0,
moveEnd: false,
moving: false,
data: {
// 生成元素唯一id
unique(n = 6) {
let id = ''
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) id += Math.floor(Math.random() * 10)
return 'tn_' + new Date().getTime() + id
// 更新添加按钮位置
updateAddBtnPositioin() {
if (this.lists.length >= this.maxCount) return
this.addBtn.x = (this.lists.length % this.baseData.columns) * this.baseData.widthPx
this.addBtn.y = Math.floor(this.lists.length / this.baseData.columns) * this.baseData.heightPx
// 获取排序后数据
sortList() {
const list = this.lists.slice()
list.sort((l1, l2) => {
return l1.index - l2.index
return list.map(item => {
return item.data
mouseEnterArea () {
// #ifdef H5
this.lists.forEach(item => {
item.disabled = false
// #endif
mouseLeaveArea () {
// #ifdef H5
if (this.baseData.dragItem) {
this.lists.forEach(item => {
item.disabled = true
item.zIndex = 1
item.offset = 0
item.moveEnd = true
if (item.id === this.baseData.dragItem.id) {
if (this.timer) {
this.timer = null
item.x = item.preX
item.y = item.preY
this.$nextTick(() => {
item.x = item.positionX * this.baseData.widthPx
item.y = item.positionY * this.baseData.heightPx
this.baseData.dragItem = null
this.dragging = false
// #endif
movableLongPress(item) {
// #ifndef H5
// console.log("LongPress--------------------------------------------------------------");
this.lists.forEach(value => {
value.moving = false
this.dragging = true
// 设置对应的元素允许拖动
const index = this.lists.findIndex(obj => {
return obj.id === item.id
item.disabled = false
item.opacity = 0.7
item.scale = 1.1
this.$set(this.lists, index, item)
// #endif
movableChange (e, item) {
if (!item || !this.dragging) return
// console.log("movableChange");
item.moving = true
item.preX = e.detail.x
item.preY = e.detail.y
// console.log(item.preX, item.preY);
if (e.detail.source === 'touch') {
if (!item.moveEnd) {
item.offset = Math.sqrt(
Math.pow(item.preX - item.positionX * this.baseData.widthPx, 2) +
Math.pow(item.preY - item.positionY * this.baseData.heightPx, 2))
let x = Math.floor((e.detail.x + this.baseData.widthPx / 2) / this.baseData.widthPx)
if (x > this.baseData.columns) return
let y = Math.floor((e.detail.y + this.baseData.heightPx / 2) / this.baseData.heightPx)
let index = this.baseData.columns * y + x
if (item.index !== index && index < this.lists.length) {
for (let obj of this.lists) {
if (item.index > index && obj.index >= index && obj.index < item.index) {
this.updateItemPosition(obj, 1)
} else if (item.index < index && obj.index <= index && obj.index > item.index) {
this.updateItemPosition(obj, -1)
} else if (item.id != obj.id) {
// obj.offset = 0
// console.log(obj.moving);
// if (!obj.moving) {
// obj.preX = obj.positionX * this.baseData.widthPx
// obj.preY = obj.positionY * this.baseData.heightPx
// console.log("moving", obj.id, obj.preX, obj.preY);
// }
// obj.x = obj.preX
// obj.y = obj.preY
// // console.log(obj.id, obj.preX, obj.preY);
// this.$nextTick(() => {
// obj.x = obj.positionX * this.baseData.widthPx
// obj.y = obj.positionY * this.baseData.heightPx
// })
item.index = index
item.positionX = x
item.positionY = y
// TODO 发送事件
movableStart (item) {
// console.log("movableStart");
this.lists.forEach(item => {
item.zIndex = 1
// #ifdef H5
item.disabled = false
// #endif
item.zIndex = 10
item.moveEnd = false
this.baseData.dragItem = item
// #ifdef H5
this.dragging =true
this.timer = setTimeout(() => {
item.opacity = 0.7
item.scale = 1.1
this.timer = null
}, 200)
// #endif
movableEnd (item) {
if (!this.dragging) return
// console.log("movableEnd");
const index = this.lists.findIndex(obj => {
return obj.id === item.id
if (!item.moving) {
item.preX = item.positionX * this.baseData.widthPx
item.preY = item.positionY * this.baseData.heightPx
item.x = item.preX
item.y = item.preY
item.offset = 0
item.moveEnd = true
item.moving = false
item.disabled = true
// console.log(item.x, item.y);
// console.log(item.id, item.moving);
// this.$set(this.lists, index, item)
// this.lists[index] = item
// console.log(this.lists[index]);
this.lists.forEach(listValue => {
listValue.moving = false
listValue.disabled = true
this.$nextTick(() => {
item.x = item.positionX * this.baseData.widthPx
item.y = item.positionY * this.baseData.heightPx
item.opacity = 1
item.scale = 1
this.baseData.dragItem = null
this.dragging = false
// console.log(item.x, item.y);
this.$set(this.lists, index, item)
this.$emit('sort-list', this.sortList())
// 更新图片位置信息
updateItemPosition(item, offset) {
const index = this.lists.findIndex(obj => {
return obj.id === item.id
item.index += offset
item.offset = 0
item.positionX = item.index % this.baseData.columns
item.positionY = Math.floor(item.index / this.baseData.columns)
if (!item.moving) {
item.preX = item.positionX * this.baseData.widthPx
item.preY = item.positionY * this.baseData.heightPx
item.x = item.preX
item.y = item.preY
// console.log("updateItemPosition", item.id, item.preX, item.preY);
// this.$set(this.lists, index, item)
this.$nextTick(() => {
item.x = item.positionX * this.baseData.widthPx
item.y = item.positionY * this.baseData.heightPx
this.$set(this.lists, index, item)
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.tn-image-upload {
position: relative;
&__movable-area {
width: 100%;
&__movable-view {
border-radius: 10rpx;
overflow: hidden;
&__item {
/* #ifndef APP-NVUE */
display: flex;
/* #endif */
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
width: 200rpx;
height: 200rpx;
background-color: transparent;
position: relative;
border-radius: 10rpx;
overflow: hidden;
&-preview {
border: 1rpx solid $tn-border-solid-color;
&__delete {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 0;
z-index: 10;
border-top: 60rpx solid;
border-left: 60rpx solid transparent;
border-top-color: $tn-color-red;
width: 0rpx;
height: 0rpx;
&--icon {
position: absolute;
top: -50rpx;
right: 6rpx;
color: #FFFFFF;
font-size: 24rpx;
line-height: 1;
&__progress {
position: absolute;
width: auto;
bottom: 0rpx;
left: 0rpx;
right: 0rpx;
z-index: 9;
/* #ifdef MP-WEIXIN */
display: inline-flex;
/* #endif */
&__error-btn {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
background-color: $tn-color-red;
color: #FFFFFF;
font-size: 20rpx;
padding: 8rpx 0;
text-align: center;
z-index: 9;
line-height: 1;
&__image {
display: block;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
border-radius: 10rpx;
&-add {
flex-direction: column;
color: $tn-content-color;
font-size: 26rpx;
&--icon {
font-size: 40rpx;
&__tips {
margin-top: 20rpx;
line-height: 40rpx;
&__add {
background-color: $tn-font-holder-color;
position: absolute;
// margin: 10rpx;
// margin-left: 0;