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<view class="template-edit tn-safe-area-inset-bottom">
<!-- 顶部自定义导航 -->
<tn-nav-bar :isBack="false" backTitle="" :bottomShadow="true" backgroundColor="#FFFFFF">
<view class="custom-nav tn-flex tn-flex-col-center tn-flex-row-left">
<view style="padding-left: 15rpx;" @click="goBack()">
<text class="tn-icon-left" style="font-size: 40rpx;"></text>
<view class="tn-margin-top"
style=";text-shadow: 1rpx 0 0 #FFF, 0 1rpx 0 #FFF, -1rpx 0 0 #FFF , 0 -1rpx 0 #FFF;">
<tn-tabs :list="[{name:'邀请入会'}]" :current="topCurrent" activeColor="#000" :bold="false"
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<view class="tn-safe-area-inset-bottom" :style="{paddingTop: vuex_custom_bar_height + 'px'}">
<view style="padding: 50rpx">
<tn-button @click="openQrcode" backgroundColor="#82B2FF" height="80rpx" :shadow="true"
fontColor="#ffffff" width="100%">生成二维码</tn-button>
<view style="margin-top: 40rpx">
<tn-button open-type="share" backgroundColor="#82B2FF" height="80rpx" :shadow="true"
fontColor="#ffffff" width="100%">转发到微信好友</tn-button>
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<!-- <view style="padding:20rpx 40rpx">-->
<!-- <view style="font-size: 32rpx">我邀请的会员:30位</view>-->
<!-- <view>-->
<!-- <view class="tn-flex tn-flex-center tn-flex-col-center" style="padding: 30rpx;width: 100%;">-->
<!-- <view>-->
<!-- <image src="/static/def.png" style="width: 100rpx;height: 100rpx;border-radius: 50%;">-->
<!-- </image>-->
<!-- </view>-->
<!-- <view style="width: 100%;">-->
<!-- <view class="tn-flex tn-flex-col-center tn-flex-row-between">-->
<!-- <view style="margin-left: 20rpx;color: #000000">-->
<!-- <view style="font-size: 35rpx;">王小明</view>-->
<!-- </view>-->
<!-- </view>-->
<!-- </view>-->
<!-- </view>-->
<!-- </view>-->
<!-- </view>-->
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<tn-popup :closeBtn="true" v-model="show" mode="center" width="500rpx" height="700rpx">
<div style="text-align: center;padding: 30rpx;font-size: 32rpx;font-weight: 600;">使用二维码邀请入会</div>
<view style="text-align: center;margin-top: 40rpx;">
<image :src="qrcode_url" style="width: 400rpx;height: 400rpx;"></image>
<view style="text-align: center;margin-top: 40rpx;">
<tn-button shape="round" backgroundColor="#82B2FF" fontColor="#ffffff"
<view class='tn-tabbar-height'></view>
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import {
} from "@/util/api";
import store from "@/store";
export default {
data() {
return {
show: false,
topCurrent: 0,
uid: 0,
userInfo: {},
apiImgUrl: this.$store.state.imgUrl,
qrcode_url: ''
onShareAppMessage() {
return {
title: this.userInfo.nikename + '邀请你加入【' + this.userInfo.association_name + '】',
path: '/pages/index/apply_in?id=' + this.uid + "&association_id=" + this.userInfo.association_id,
imageUrl: this.apiImgUrl + this.userInfo.association_image,
onShareTimeline() { // 分享到朋友圈
return {
title: this.userInfo.nikename + '邀请你加入【' + this.userInfo.association_name + '】',
path: '/pages/index/apply_in?id=' + this.uid + "&association_id=" + this.userInfo.association_id,
imageUrl: this.apiImgUrl + this.userInfo.association_image,
onLoad() {
var u = uni.getStorageSync('uid');
this.uid = u;
methods: {
saveBase64() {
filePath: this.qrcode_url,
success: function(res) {
title: '保存成功',
fail: function(err) {
console.log(err, '失败')
openQrcode() {
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title: '生成中',
2024-06-21 16:15:26 +08:00
mask: true,
2024-05-17 18:17:07 +08:00
var that = this;
url: store.state.apiUrl + '/move/login/getUnlimitedQRCode',
method: 'POST',
data: {
path: 'pages/index/apply_in',
scene: "id=" + this.uid + "&association_id=" + this.userInfo.association_id
responseType: 'arraybuffer',
arraybuffer: true,
success: (result) => {
const url = 'data:image/png;base64,' + uni.arrayBufferToBase64(result.data);
base64ToImage(base64Data) {
var that = this;
const fs = uni.getFileSystemManager();
var filePath = wx.env.USER_DATA_PATH + '/qrcode.jpg';
const base64 = base64Data.split(',')[1]; // 获取base64字符串部分
filePath: filePath,
data: base64,
encoding: 'base64',
success: (res) => {
that.qrcode_url = filePath;
console.log('图片保存成功', filePath);
// 成功回调
that.show = true;
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2024-05-17 18:17:07 +08:00
fail: (err) => {
console.error('图片保存失败', err);
2024-06-21 16:15:26 +08:00
2024-05-17 18:17:07 +08:00
// 失败回调
getUserInfo() {
member_b_id: this.uid,
member_id: this.uid
.then(res => {
if (res.code == 1) {
this.userInfo = res.data;
.catch(error => {
title: error,
icon: 'none',
duration: 2000
// 跳转
tn(e) {
url: e,
goBack() {
if (getCurrentPages().length > 1) {
} else {
url: '/pages/index/index'
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/* 底部悬浮按钮 start*/
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min-height: 100rpx;
height: calc(120rpx + env(safe-area-inset-bottom) / 2);
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.tn-footerfixed {
position: fixed;
width: 100%;
bottom: calc(30rpx + env(safe-area-inset-bottom));
z-index: 1024;
box-shadow: 0 1rpx 6rpx rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
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/* 底部悬浮按钮 end*/
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/* 标签内容 start*/
.tn-tag-content {
&__item {
display: inline-block;
line-height: 45rpx;
padding: 10rpx 30rpx;
margin: 20rpx 20rpx 5rpx 0rpx;
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&--prefix {
padding-right: 10rpx;
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/* 标签内容 end*/
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