2024-06-21 16:15:26 +08:00
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<tn-form :labelWidth="140">
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placeholder="请填写活动标题" />
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<tn-input :disabled="true" :clearable="false" @click="upload_img" />
<view slot="right" @click="upload_img">
<text v-if="formData.activity_image==''">请上传活动主图</text>
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style="width: 100rpx;vertical-align: middle;" mode="widthFix"></image>
<text class="tn-icon-right"></text>
<tn-form-item label="活动类型">
<tn-input :disabled="true" :clearable="false" />
<view slot="right">
<text class="tn-icon-right"></text>
<tn-form-item label="报名开始时间" :labelWidth="200">
<tn-input :disabled="true" :clearable="false" />
<view slot="right" @click="start_sign_time_show = true">
<text>{{ formData.signup_start_time == '' ? '请选择报名开始时间' : formData.signup_start_time }}
<text class="tn-icon-right"></text>
<tn-picker mode="time" @confirm="start_sign_time_do" v-model="start_sign_time_show"
:params="{year: true,month: true,day: true,hour: true,minute: true,second: false}"></tn-picker>
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<tn-input :disabled="true" :clearable="false" />
<view slot="right" @click="end_sign_time_show = true">
<text>{{ formData.signup_end_time == '' ? '请选择报名结束时间' : formData.signup_end_time }}</text>
<text class="tn-icon-right"></text>
<tn-picker mode="time" @confirm="end_sign_time_do" v-model="end_sign_time_show"
:params="{year: true,month: true,day: true,hour: true,minute: true,second: false}"></tn-picker>
<tn-form-item label="活动开始时间" :labelWidth="200">
<tn-input :disabled="true" :clearable="false" />
<view slot="right" @click="start_time_show = true">
<text>{{ formData.activity_start_time == '' ? '请选择活动开始时间' : formData.activity_start_time }}
<text class="tn-icon-right"></text>
<tn-picker mode="time" @confirm="start_time_do" v-model="start_time_show"
:params="{year: true,month: true,day: true,hour: true,minute: true,second: false}"></tn-picker>
<tn-form-item label="活动结束时间" :labelWidth="200">
<tn-input :disabled="true" :clearable="false" />
<view slot="right" @click="end_time_show = true">
<text>{{ formData.activity_end_time == '' ? '请选择活动结束时间' : formData.activity_end_time }}</text>
<text class="tn-icon-right"></text>
<tn-picker mode="time" @confirm="end_time_do" v-model="end_time_show"
:params="{year: true,month: true,day: true,hour: true,minute: true,second: false}"></tn-picker>
<tn-form-item label="活动地址">
<tn-input :disabled="true" :clearable="false" />
<view slot="right" @click="open_mode(0)">
<text>{{ formData.activity_location == '' ? '请输入活动地址' : formData.activity_location }}</text>
<text class="tn-icon-right"></text>
<tn-form-item label="显示报名人数" :labelWidth="200">
<tn-input :disabled="true" :clearable="false" />
<view slot="right" @click="display_show = true">
<text>{{ check_display(formData.if_display_registrants,1) }}</text>
<text class="tn-icon-right"></text>
<tn-select v-model="display_show" mode="single" :list="list" @confirm="display_do"
<tn-form-item label="报名范围" :labelWidth="200">
<tn-input :disabled="true" :clearable="false" />
<view slot="right" @click="display_range_show = true">
<text>{{ check_display(formData.range,2) }}</text>
<text class="tn-icon-right"></text>
<tn-select v-model="display_range_show" mode="single" :list="range_list"
@confirm="display_range_do" :searchShow="true"></tn-select>
<tn-form-item label="报名审核" :labelWidth="200">
<tn-input :disabled="true" :clearable="false" />
<view slot="right" @click="display_if_auditing_show = true">
<text>{{ check_display(formData.if_auditing,3) }}</text>
<text class="tn-icon-right"></text>
<tn-select v-model="display_if_auditing_show" mode="single" :list="if_auditing_list"
@confirm="display_if_auditing_do" :searchShow="true"></tn-select>
<tn-form-item label="报名人数">
<tn-input v-model="formData.number" :clearable="false" :customStyle="{width: '500rpx'}"
placeholder="请填写报名人数(0为不限制)" />
<tn-form-item label="签到" :labelWidth="200">
<tn-input :disabled="true" :clearable="false" />
<view slot="right" @click="display_if_sign_show = true">
<text>{{ check_display(formData.if_sign,4) }}</text>
<text class="tn-icon-right"></text>
<tn-select v-model="display_if_sign_show" mode="single" :list="if_sign_list"
@confirm="display_if_sign_do" :searchShow="true"></tn-select>
<view style="background-color: #FFF;border-radius: 15rpx;padding: 20rpx;margin-top: 25rpx;">
<tn-input v-model="activity_content" :disabled="true" placeholder="请输入活动内容" type="textarea"
:maxLength="-1" :height="300" @click="editText= true" :clearable="false" />
<view style="margin: 0 auto;margin-top: 40rpx;text-align: center;">
<tn-button @click="submitDo" backgroundColor="#3F8BF2" height="90rpx" width="90%" shape="round"
<tn-modal v-model="addMod" :custom="true">
<view class="custom-modal-content">
<view style="text-align: center;font-size: 34rpx;">活动地址</view>
<view class="text">
<tn-form ref="form" :labelWidth="180">
<tn-form-item label="活动地址" prop="content">
<tn-input type="text" placeholder="填写活动地址" v-model="formData.activity_location" />
<view style="text-align: center;margin-top: 30rpx;">
<tn-button backgroundColor="#E6E6E6" fontColor="#ffffff" @click="addMod = false">取消</tn-button>
<tn-button backgroundColor="tn-bg-blue" fontColor="tn-color-white" style="margin-left: 30rpx"
@click="addMod = false">确定
<tn-popup v-model="editText" mode="right" width="100%">
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style=";text-shadow: 1rpx 0 0 #FFF, 0 1rpx 0 #FFF, -1rpx 0 0 #FFF , 0 -1rpx 0 #FFF;">
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<view :style="{paddingTop: vuex_custom_bar_height+'px'}"></view>
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<scroll-view scroll-y class="home" style="height: 1200rpx;">
<view class="editor-box">
<sp-editor placeholder="活动内容" :toolbarConfig="{
excludeKeys: ['direction', 'date', 'listCheck','link','export'],
iconSize: '18px',
}" @input="inputOver" @init="initEditor" @upinImage="upinImage"></sp-editor>
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<view style="text-align: center;margin: 30rpx 0rpx;font-size: 32rpx;font-weight: 600;">请保存签到二维码</view>
<view style="text-align: center;width: 250rpx;margin:0rpx auto;">
<l-painter ref="painter" css="background: #fff;width: 250rpx;text-align: center;">
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<tn-button @click="insQrcode" shape="round" width="80%" backgroundColor="#3F8BF2"
import {
} from "@/util/api";
import store from "@/store";
export default {
data() {
return {
qrcode_show: false,
qrcode_url: '',
editorIns: null,
editText: false,
addMod: false,
end_time_show: false,
start_time_show: false,
start_sign_time_show: false,
end_sign_time_show: false,
display_if_auditing_show: false,
display_range_show: false,
display_show: false,
display_if_sign_show: false,
formData: {
activity_name: '',
activity_image: '',
activity_content: '',
activity_start_time: '',
activity_end_time: '',
signup_start_time: '',
signup_end_time: '',
activity_location: '',
activity_type: 1,
if_display_registrants: 1,
range: 3,
if_auditing: 1,
number: '',
if_sign: 1,
activity_content: '',
apiImgUrl: this.$store.state.imgUrl,
apiUpUrl: this.$store.state.apiUrl,
list: [{
value: 1,
label: '显示'
}, {
value: 2,
label: '不显示'
range_list: [{
value: 1,
label: '会员'
}, {
value: 3,
label: '不限制'
if_auditing_list: [{
value: 1,
label: '否'
}, {
value: 2,
label: '是'
if_sign_list: [{
value: 1,
label: '否'
}, {
value: 2,
label: '是'
addID: 0,
methods: {
submitDo() {
var user_info = uni.getStorageSync('userInfo');
if (user_info.association_id == 0 || user_info.if_member == 2 || user_info.if_xianshi != 1) {
title: '暂无权限!',
icon: 'none',
duration: 2000
association_id: user_info.association_id,
.then(res => {
if (res.code == 1) {
this.addID = res.data;
title: '发布成功!',
icon: 'none',
duration: 2000
if (this.formData.if_sign == 2) {
this.qrcode_url = store.state.apiUrl + '?id=' + res.data + '&association_id=' +
setTimeout(() => {
this.qrcode_show = true;
}, 500)
} else {
setTimeout(() => {
2024-06-26 14:17:06 +08:00
url: '/pages/packageB/event/event_info?id=' + res.data
2024-06-21 16:15:26 +08:00
}, 1000)
} else {
title: '提示',
content: res.msg
.catch(error => {
title: error,
icon: 'none',
duration: 2000
inputOver(e) {
// 可以在此处获取到编辑器已编辑的内容
this.formData.activity_content = e.html;
editTextRes() {
// 使用正则表达式找到所有的<img>标签,并替换为[图片]
let replacedContent = this.formData.activity_content.replace(/<img[^>]*>/g, '[图片]');
// 继续使用正则表达式移除所有剩余的HTML标签,但不包括刚刚替换的[图片]
let textWithImagesOnly = replacedContent.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, '');
this.activity_content = textWithImagesOnly;
this.editText = false;
initEditor(editor) {
this.editorIns = editor; // 保存编辑器实例
upinImage(tempFiles, editorCtx) {
var that = this;
url: that.apiUpUrl + '/common/upload', //仅为示例,非真实的接口地址
filePath: tempFiles[0].tempFilePath,
name: 'file',
success: (uploadFileRes) => {
var data = JSON.parse(uploadFileRes.data);
src: data.data.fullurl,
width: "80%", // 默认不建议铺满宽度100%,预留一点空隙以便用户编辑
success: function() {},
upload_img() {
var user_info = uni.getStorageSync('userInfo');
var that = this;
count: 1, //默认9
mediaType: ['image'],
sizeType: ['original', 'compressed'], //可以指定是原图还是压缩图,默认二者都有
sourceType: ['album'], //从相册选择
success: function(res) {
var url = res.tempFiles[0].tempFilePath;
url: that.apiUpUrl + '/common/upload', //仅为示例,非真实的接口地址
filePath: url,
name: 'file',
formData: {
association_id: user_info.association_id,
success: (uploadFileRes) => {
var data = JSON.parse(uploadFileRes.data);
that.formData.activity_image = data.data.url;
insQrcode() {
var that = this;
// 在nvue里是jpeg
fileType: "png",
quality: 1,
pathType: 'url',
success: (res) => {
// 非H5 保存到相册
// H5 提示用户长按图另存
filePath: res.tempFilePath,
success: function() {
title: '保存成功!',
icon: 'none',
duration: 2000
setTimeout(() => {
2024-06-26 14:17:06 +08:00
url: '/pages/packageB/event/event_info?id=' + that
2024-06-21 16:15:26 +08:00
}, 500)
fail: function(err) {
console.log(err, '失败')
check_display(d, type) {
if (type == 1) {
const info = this.list.find(item => item.value === d);
return info.label;
if (type == 2) {
const info = this.range_list.find(item => item.value === d);
return info.label;
if (type == 3) {
const info = this.if_auditing_list.find(item => item.value === d);
return info.label;
if (type == 4) {
const info = this.if_sign_list.find(item => item.value === d);
return info.label;
display_do(d) {
var info = d[0];
this.formData.if_display_registrants = info.value;
display_range_do(d) {
var info = d[0];
this.formData.range = info.value;
display_if_auditing_do(d) {
var info = d[0];
this.formData.if_auditing = info.value;
display_if_sign_do(d) {
var info = d[0];
this.formData.if_sign = info.value;
open_mode(d) {
this.addMod = true;
end_time_do(d) {
this.formData.activity_end_time = d.year + '-' + d.month + '-' + d.day + ' ' + d.hour + ':' + d.minute;
start_time_do(d) {
this.formData.activity_start_time = d.year + '-' + d.month + '-' + d.day + ' ' + d.hour + ':' + d.minute;
start_sign_time_do(d) {
this.formData.signup_start_time = d.year + '-' + d.month + '-' + d.day + ' ' + d.hour + ':' + d.minute;
end_sign_time_do(d) {
this.formData.signup_end_time = d.year + '-' + d.month + '-' + d.day + ' ' + d.hour + ':' + d.minute;
goBack() {
if (getCurrentPages().length > 1) {
} else {
url: '/pages/index/index'
.no-img {
width: 0;
height: 0;
2024-06-26 14:17:06 +08:00