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// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者助力企业发展 ]
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// | Copyright (c) 2016~2023 All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
declare (strict_types=1);
namespace app\services\user;
use app\dao\user\UserExtractDao;
use app\services\BaseServices;
use app\services\order\StoreOrderCreateServices;
use app\services\system\admin\SystemAdminServices;
use app\services\wechat\WechatUserServices;
use crmeb\exceptions\AdminException;
use crmeb\exceptions\ApiException;
use crmeb\services\FormBuilder as Form;
use crmeb\services\app\WechatService;
use crmeb\services\pay\Pay;
use crmeb\services\wechat\Payment;
use crmeb\services\workerman\ChannelService;
use EasyWeChat\Payment\Order;
use think\exception\ValidateException;
use think\facade\Route as Url;
* Class UserExtractServices
* @package app\services\user
class UserExtractServices extends BaseServices
* UserExtractServices constructor.
* @param UserExtractDao $dao
public function __construct(UserExtractDao $dao)
$this->dao = $dao;
* 获取一条提现记录
* @param int $id
* @param array $field
* @return array|\think\Model|null
public function getExtract(int $id, array $field = [])
return $this->dao->get($id, $field);
* 获取某个用户提现总数
* @param int $uid
* @return float
public function getUserExtract(int $uid)
return $this->dao->getWhereSum(['uid' => $uid, 'status' => 1]);
* 获取某些用户的提现总数列表
* @param array $uids
public function getUsersSumList(array $uids)
return $this->dao->getWhereSumList(['uid' => $uids, 'status' => 1]);
public function getCount(array $where = [])
return $this->dao->getCount($where);
* 获取提现列表
* @param array $where
* @param string $field
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function getUserExtractList(array $where, string $field = '*')
[$page, $limit] = $this->getPageValue();
$list = $this->dao->getExtractList($where, $field, $page, $limit);
foreach ($list as &$item) {
$item['nickname'] = $item['user']['nickname'] ?? '';
$count = $this->dao->count($where);
return compact('list', 'count');
* 获取提现总数
* @param array $where
public function getExtractSum(array $where)
return $this->dao->getExtractMoneyByWhere($where, 'extract_price');
* 拒绝提现申请
* @param $id
* @param $fail_msg
* @return bool
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public function changeFail(int $id, $userExtract, $message)
$fail_time = time();
$extract_number = $userExtract['extract_price'];
$mark = '提现失败,退回佣金' . $extract_number . '元';
$uid = $userExtract['uid'];
$status = -1;
/** @var UserServices $userServices */
$userServices = app()->make(UserServices::class);
$user = $userServices->getUserInfo($uid);
$this->transaction(function () use ($user, $uid, $id, $extract_number, $message, $userServices, $status, $fail_time) {
/** @var UserBrokerageServices $userBrokerageServices */
$userBrokerageServices = app()->make(UserBrokerageServices::class);
$now_brokerage = bcadd((string)$user['brokerage_price'], (string)$extract_number, 2);
$userBrokerageServices->income('extract_fail', $uid, $extract_number, $now_brokerage, $id);
if (!$userServices->update($uid, ['brokerage_price' => bcadd((string)$user['brokerage_price'], (string)$extract_number, 2)], 'uid'))
throw new AdminException(400657);
if (!$this->dao->update($id, ['fail_time' => $fail_time, 'fail_msg' => $message, 'status' => $status])) {
throw new AdminException(100007);
event('NoticeListener', [['uid' => $uid, 'userType' => strtolower($user['user_type']), 'extract_number' => $extract_number, 'nickname' => $user['nickname'], 'message' => $message], 'user_balance_change']);
return true;
* 通过提现申请
* @param int $id
* @param $userExtract
* @return bool
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function changeSuccess(int $id, $userExtract)
$extractNumber = bcsub($userExtract['extract_price'], $userExtract['extract_fee'], 2);
/** @var WechatUserServices $wechatServices */
$wechatServices = app()->make(WechatUserServices::class);
/** @var UserServices $userServices */
$userServices = app()->make(UserServices::class);
$userType = $userServices->value(['uid' => $userExtract['uid']], 'user_type');
$nickname = $userServices->value(['uid' => $userExtract['uid']], 'nickname');
$phone = $userServices->value(['uid' => $userExtract['uid']], 'phone');
switch ($userExtract['extract_type']) {
case 'bank':
$order_id = $userExtract['bank_code'];
case 'weixin':
$order_id = $userExtract['wechat'];
case 'alipay':
$order_id = $userExtract['alipay_code'];
$order_id = '';
$insertData = ['order_id' => $order_id, 'nickname' => $nickname, 'phone' => $phone];
if ($userExtract['extract_type'] == 'weixin' && sys_config('brokerage_type', 0)) {
$openid = $wechatServices->uidToOpenid($userExtract['uid'], 'wechat');
$type = Order::JSAPI;
if (!$openid) {
$openid = $wechatServices->uidToOpenid($userExtract['uid'], 'routine');
$type = 'mini';
if (!$openid) {
$openid = $wechatServices->uidToOpenid((int)$userExtract['uid'], 'app');
$type = Order::APP;
if (!$openid) {
throw new ValidateException('该用户暂不支持企业付款到零钱,请手动转账');
/** @var StoreOrderCreateServices $services */
$services = app()->make(StoreOrderCreateServices::class);
$insertData['order_id'] = $services->getNewOrderId();
if (sys_config('pay_wechat_type')) {
$pay = new Pay('v3_wechat_pay');
$res = $pay->merchantPay($openid, $insertData['order_id'], $extractNumber, [
'type' => $type,
'batch_name' => '提现佣金到零钱',
'batch_remark' => '您于' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '提现.' . $extractNumber . '元'
} else {
// 微信提现
$res = WechatService::merchantPay($openid, $insertData['order_id'], $extractNumber, '提现佣金到零钱');
if (!$res) {
throw new ApiException(400658);
// 更新 提现申请记录 wechat_order_id
$this->dao->update($id, ['wechat_order_id' => $insertData['order_id']]);
/** @var UserServices $userService */
$userService = app()->make(UserServices::class);
$user = $userService->getUserInfo($userExtract['uid']);
$insertData['nickname'] = $user['nickname'];
$insertData['phone'] = $user['phone'];
/** @var CapitalFlowServices $capitalFlowServices */
$capitalFlowServices = app()->make(CapitalFlowServices::class);
'order_id' => $insertData['order_id'],
'uid' => $userExtract['uid'],
'price' => bcmul('-1', $extractNumber, 2),
'pay_type' => $userExtract['extract_type'],
'nickname' => $insertData['nickname'],
'phone' => $insertData['phone']
], 'extract');
if (!$this->dao->update($id, ['status' => 1])) {
throw new AdminException(100007);
event('NoticeListener', [['uid' => $userExtract['uid'], 'userType' => strtolower($userType), 'extractNumber' => $extractNumber, 'nickname' => $nickname], 'user_extract']);
return true;
* 显示资源列表
* @param array $where
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function index(array $where)
$list = $this->getUserExtractList($where);
/** @var UserServices $userServices */
$userServices = app()->make(UserServices::class);
$where['status'] = 0;
$extract_statistics['price'] = $this->getExtractSum($where);
$where['status'] = 1;
$extract_statistics['priced'] = $this->getExtractSum($where);
/** @var UserBrokerageServices $userBrokerageServices */
$userBrokerageServices = app()->make(UserBrokerageServices::class);
$where['pm'] = 1;
$brokerage_count = $userBrokerageServices->getUsersBokerageSum($where);
$extract_statistics['brokerage_count'] = bcadd((string)$brokerage_count, (string)$extract_statistics['price'], 2);
$extract_statistics['brokerage_not'] = $extract_statistics['brokerage_count'] > $extract_statistics['priced'] ? bcsub((string)$brokerage_count, (string)$extract_statistics['priced'], 2) : 0.00;
return compact('extract_statistics', 'list');
* 显示编辑资源表单页.
* @param int $id
* @return \think\Response
public function edit(int $id)
$UserExtract = $this->getExtract($id);
if (!$UserExtract) {
throw new AdminException(100026);
$f = array();
$f[] = Form::input('real_name', '姓名', $UserExtract['real_name']);
$f[] = Form::number('extract_price', '提现金额', (float)$UserExtract['extract_price'])->precision(2)->disabled(true);
if ($UserExtract['extract_type'] == 'alipay') {
$f[] = Form::input('alipay_code', '支付宝账号', $UserExtract['alipay_code']);
} else if ($UserExtract['extract_type'] == 'weixin') {
$f[] = Form::input('wechat', '微信号', $UserExtract['wechat']);
} else if ($UserExtract['extract_type'] == 'balance') {
} else {
$f[] = Form::input('bank_code', '银行卡号', $UserExtract['bank_code']);
$f[] = Form::input('bank_address', '开户行', $UserExtract['bank_address']);
$f[] = Form::input('mark', '备注', $UserExtract['mark'])->type('textarea');
return create_form('编辑', $f, Url::buildUrl('/finance/extract/' . $id), 'PUT');
public function update(int $id, array $data)
if (!$this->dao->update($id, $data))
throw new AdminException(100007);
return true;
* 拒绝
* @param $id
* @return mixed
public function refuse(int $id, string $message)
$extract = $this->getExtract($id);
if (!$extract) {
throw new AdminException(100026);
if ($extract->status == 1) {
throw new AdminException(400659);
if ($extract->status == -1) {
throw new AdminException(400660);
$res = $this->changeFail($id, $extract, $message);
if ($res) {
return true;
} else {
throw new AdminException(100005);
* 通过
* @param int $id
* @return mixed
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function adopt(int $id)
$extract = $this->getExtract($id);
if (!$extract) {
throw new AdminException(100026);
if ($extract->status == 1) {
throw new AdminException(400659);
if ($extract->status == -1) {
throw new AdminException(400660);
if ($this->changeSuccess($id, $extract)) {
return true;
} else {
throw new AdminException(100005);
* @return int
public function userExtractCount()
return $this->dao->count(['status' => 0]);
* 银行卡提现
* @param int $uid
* @return mixed
public function bank(int $uid)
/** @var UserServices $userService */
$userService = app()->make(UserServices::class);
$user = $userService->getUserInfo($uid, 'brokerage_price,uid');
if (!$user) {
throw new ApiException(100026);
/** @var UserBrokerageServices $services */
$services = app()->make(UserBrokerageServices::class);
$data['broken_commission'] = $services->getUserFrozenPrice($uid);
if ($data['broken_commission'] < 0)
$data['broken_commission'] = '0';
$data['brokerage_price'] = $user['brokerage_price'];
$data['commissionCount'] = bcsub((string)$data['brokerage_price'], (string)$data['broken_commission'], 2);
$extractBank = sys_config('user_extract_bank') ?? []; //提现银行
$extractBank = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $extractBank);//防止不兼容
$data['extractBank'] = explode("\n", is_array($extractBank) ? ($extractBank[0] ?? $extractBank) : $extractBank);
$data['minPrice'] = sys_config('user_extract_min_price');//提现最低金额
$data['brokerageType'] = sys_config('brokerage_type', 0);//到账方式
$data['withdrawal_fee'] = sys_config('withdrawal_fee', 0);//提现手续费
return $data;
* 提现申请
* @param int $uid
* @param array $data
public function cash(int $uid, array $data)
/** @var UserServices $userService */
$userService = app()->make(UserServices::class);
$user = $userService->getUserInfo($uid);
if (!$user) {
throw new ApiException(100026);
if ($data['extract_type'] == 'weixin' && !sys_config('brokerage_type', 0) && !$data['weixin']) {
throw new ApiException(400110);
if ($data['extract_type'] == 'weixin' && bccomp($data['money'], '1', 2) < 0) {
throw new ApiException(410112);
/** @var WechatUserServices $wechatServices */
$wechatServices = app()->make(WechatUserServices::class);
$openid = $wechatServices->uidToOpenid($uid, 'wechat');
if (!$openid) $openid = $wechatServices->uidToOpenid($uid, 'routine');
if ($data['extract_type'] == 'weixin' && sys_config('brokerage_type', 0) && !$openid) {
throw new ApiException(410024);
/** @var UserBrokerageServices $services */
$services = app()->make(UserBrokerageServices::class);
$data['broken_commission'] = $services->getUserFrozenPrice($uid);
if ($data['broken_commission'] < 0)
$data['broken_commission'] = 0;
$data['brokerage_price'] = $user['brokerage_price'];
$commissionCount = bcsub((string)$data['brokerage_price'], (string)$data['broken_commission'], 2);
if ($data['money'] > $commissionCount) {
throw new ApiException(400661);
$extractPrice = $user['brokerage_price'];
$userExtractMinPrice = sys_config('user_extract_min_price');
if ($data['money'] < $userExtractMinPrice) {
throw new ApiException(400662, ['money' => $userExtractMinPrice]);
if ($extractPrice < 0) {
throw new ApiException(400663, ['money' => $data['money']]);
if ($data['money'] > $extractPrice) {
throw new ApiException(400663, ['money' => $data['money']]);
if ($data['money'] <= 0) {
throw new ApiException(400664);
$data['extract_price'] = bcmul($data['money'], '1', 2);
$insertData = [
'uid' => $user['uid'],
'extract_type' => $data['extract_type'],
'extract_price' => $data['extract_price'],
'extract_fee' => bcmul((string)$data['extract_price'], bcdiv((string)sys_config('withdrawal_fee', '0'), '100', 4), 2),
'add_time' => time(),
'balance' => $user['brokerage_price'],
'status' => 0
if (isset($data['name']) && strlen(trim($data['name']))) $insertData['real_name'] = $data['name'];
else $insertData['real_name'] = $user['nickname'];
if (isset($data['cardnum'])) $insertData['bank_code'] = $data['cardnum'];
else $insertData['bank_code'] = '';
if (isset($data['bankname'])) $insertData['bank_address'] = $data['bankname'];
else $insertData['bank_address'] = '';
if (isset($data['weixin'])) $insertData['wechat'] = $data['weixin'];
else $insertData['wechat'] = $user['nickname'];
$mark = '';
$feeMark = sys_config('withdrawal_fee', 0) == 0 ? '' : ',手续费' . $insertData['extract_fee'] . '元';
if ($data['extract_type'] == 'alipay') {
$insertData['alipay_code'] = $data['alipay_code'];
$insertData['qrcode_url'] = $data['qrcode_url'];
$mark = '使用支付宝提现' . $insertData['extract_price'] . '元' . $feeMark;
} else if ($data['extract_type'] == 'bank') {
$mark = '使用银联卡' . $insertData['bank_code'] . '提现' . $insertData['extract_price'] . '元' . $feeMark;
} else if ($data['extract_type'] == 'weixin') {
$insertData['qrcode_url'] = $data['qrcode_url'];
$mark = '使用微信提现' . $insertData['extract_price'] . '元' . $feeMark;
if (sys_config('brokerage_type', 0) && $openid) {
if ($data['extract_price'] < 1) {
throw new ApiException(400665);
$res1 = $this->transaction(function () use ($insertData, $data, $uid, $userService, $user, $mark) {
if (!$res1 = $this->dao->save($insertData)) {
throw new ApiException(410121);
$balance = bcsub((string)$user['brokerage_price'], $data['extract_price'], 2) ?? 0;
if (!$userService->update($uid, ['brokerage_price' => $balance], 'uid')) {
throw new ApiException(410121);
/** @var UserBrokerageServices $userBrokerageServices */
$userBrokerageServices = app()->make(UserBrokerageServices::class);
$userBrokerageServices->income('extract', $uid, ['mark' => $mark, 'number' => $data['extract_price']], $balance, $res1['id']);
return $res1;
try {
ChannelService::instance()->send('WITHDRAW', ['id' => $res1->id]);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
/** @var SystemAdminServices $systemAdmin */
$systemAdmin = app()->make(SystemAdminServices::class);
event('NoticeListener', [['nickname' => $user['nickname'], 'money' => $data['extract_price']], 'kefu_send_extract_application']);
return true;
* @param array $where
* @param string $SumField
* @param string $selectType
* @param string $group
* @return float|mixed
public function getOutMoneyByWhere(array $where, string $SumField, string $selectType, string $group = "")
switch ($selectType) {
case "sum" :
return $this->dao->getWhereSumField($where, $SumField);
case "group" :
return $this->dao->getGroupField($where, $SumField, $group);