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// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者助力企业发展 ]
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// | Copyright (c) 2016~2023 All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace crmeb\services\app;
use app\services\order\StoreOrderTakeServices;
use app\services\pay\PayServices;
use crmeb\exceptions\AdminException;
use crmeb\services\CacheService;
use crmeb\services\easywechat\orderShipping\MiniOrderService;
use crmeb\services\SystemConfigService;
use app\services\pay\PayNotifyServices;
use crmeb\services\easywechat\Application;
use EasyWeChat\Payment\Order;
use think\facade\Event;
use think\facade\Log;
use crmeb\utils\Hook;
use think\Response;
* 微信小程序接口
* Class WechatMinService
* @package service
class MiniProgramService
const MSG_CODE = [
'1' => '未创建直播间',
'1003' => '商品id不存在',
'47001' => '入参格式不符合规范',
'200002' => '入参错误',
'300001' => '禁止创建/更新商品 或 禁止编辑&更新房间',
'300002' => '名称长度不符合规则',
'300006' => '图片上传失败',
'300022' => '此房间号不存在',
'300023' => '房间状态 拦截',
'300024' => '商品不存在',
'300025' => '商品审核未通过',
'300026' => '房间商品数量已经满额',
'300027' => '导入商品失败',
'300028' => '房间名称违规',
'300029' => '主播昵称违规',
'300030' => '主播微信号不合法',
'300031' => '直播间封面图不合规',
'300032' => '直播间分享图违规',
'300033' => '添加商品超过直播间上限',
'300034' => '主播微信昵称长度不符合要求',
'300035' => '主播微信号不存在',
'300036' => '主播微信号未实名认证',
'300037' => '购物直播频道封面图不合规',
'300038' => '未在小程序管理后台配置客服',
'9410000' => '直播间列表为空',
'9410001' => '获取房间失败',
'9410002' => '获取商品失败',
'9410003' => '获取回放失败',
'300003' => '价格输入不合规',
'300004' => '商品名称存在违规违法内容',
'300005' => '商品图片存在违规违法内容',
'300007' => '线上小程序版本不存在该链接',
'300008' => '添加商品失败',
'300009' => '商品审核撤回失败',
'300010' => '商品审核状态不对',
'300011' => '操作非法',
'300012' => '没有提审额度',
'300013' => '提审失败',
'300014' => '审核中,无法删除',
'300017' => '商品未提审',
'300018' => '图片尺寸不符合要求',
'300021' => '商品添加成功,审核失败',
'40001' => 'AppSecret错误或者AppSecret不属于这个小程序请确认AppSecret 的正确性',
'40002' => '请确保grant_type字段值为client_credential',
'40013' => '不合法的AppID请检查AppID的正确性避免异常字符注意大小写',
'40125' => '小程序配置无效,请检查配置',
'41002' => '缺少appid参数',
'41004' => '缺少secret参数',
'43104' => 'appid与openid不匹配',
'48001' => '微信接口暂无权限,请先去获取',
'-1' => '系统错误',
* @var Application
protected static $instance;
* @return array
public static function options()
$wechat = SystemConfigService::more(['wechat_app_appsecret', 'wechat_app_appid', 'site_url', 'routine_appId', 'routine_appsecret', 'routine_token', 'routine_encodingaeskey']);
$payment = SystemConfigService::more(['pay_weixin_mchid', 'pay_weixin_key', 'pay_weixin_client_cert', 'pay_weixin_client_key', 'pay_weixin_open', 'pay_new_weixin_open', 'pay_new_weixin_mchid']);
$config = [];
if (request()->isApp()) {
$appId = isset($wechat['wechat_app_appid']) ? trim($wechat['wechat_app_appid']) : '';
$appsecret = isset($wechat['wechat_app_appsecret']) ? trim($wechat['wechat_app_appsecret']) : '';
} else {
$appId = isset($wechat['routine_appId']) ? trim($wechat['routine_appId']) : '';
$appsecret = isset($wechat['routine_appsecret']) ? trim($wechat['routine_appsecret']) : '';
$config = [
'token' => isset($wechat['routine_token']) ? trim($wechat['routine_token']) : '',
'aes_key' => isset($wechat['routine_encodingaeskey']) ? trim($wechat['routine_encodingaeskey']) : '',
$config['mini_program'] = [
'app_id' => $appId,
'secret' => $appsecret,
'token' => isset($wechat['routine_token']) ? trim($wechat['routine_token']) : '',
'aes_key' => isset($wechat['routine_encodingaeskey']) ? trim($wechat['routine_encodingaeskey']) : ''
$config['payment'] = [
'app_id' => $appId,
'merchant_id' => empty($payment['pay_new_weixin_open']) ? trim($payment['pay_weixin_mchid']) : trim($payment['pay_new_weixin_mchid']),
'key' => trim($payment['pay_weixin_key']),
'cert_path' => substr(public_path(parse_url($payment['pay_weixin_client_cert'])['path']), 0, strlen(public_path(parse_url($payment['pay_weixin_client_cert'])['path'])) - 1),
'key_path' => substr(public_path(parse_url($payment['pay_weixin_client_key'])['path']), 0, strlen(public_path(parse_url($payment['pay_weixin_client_key'])['path'])) - 1),
'notify_url' => trim($wechat['site_url']) . '/api/pay/notify/routine'
return $config;
* 初始化
* @param bool $cache
* @return Application
public static function application($cache = false)
(self::$instance === null || $cache === true) && (self::$instance = new Application(self::options()));
return self::$instance;
* 小程序接口
* @return \EasyWeChat\MiniProgram\MiniProgram
public static function miniprogram()
return self::application()->mini_program;
* 获得用户信息 根据code 获取session_key
* @param array|string $openid
* @return $userInfo
public static function getUserInfo($code)
try {
return self::miniprogram()->sns->getSessionKey($code);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw new AdminException($e->getMessage());
* 加密数据解密
* @param $sessionKey
* @param $iv
* @param $encryptData
* @return $userInfo
public static function encryptor($sessionKey, $iv, $encryptData)
return self::miniprogram()->encryptor->decryptData($sessionKey, $iv, $encryptData);
* 上传临时素材接口
* @return \EasyWeChat\Material\Temporary
public static function materialTemporaryService()
return self::miniprogram()->material_temporary;
* 客服消息接口
* @param null $to
* @param null $message
public static function staffService()
return self::miniprogram()->staff;
* 微信小程序二维码生成接口
* @return \EasyWeChat\QRCode\QRCode
public static function qrcodeService()
return self::miniprogram()->qrcode;
* @param $scene
* @param null $page
* @param null $width
* @param null $autoColor
* @param array $lineColor
* @return \Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface
public static function appCodeUnlimitService($scene, $page = null, $width = 430, $autoColor = false, $lineColor = ['r' => 0, 'g' => 0, 'b' => 0])
return self::qrcodeService()->appCodeUnlimit($scene, $page, $width, $autoColor, $lineColor);
* 模板消息接口
* @return \EasyWeChat\Notice\Notice
public static function noticeService()
return self::miniprogram()->notice;
* 订阅模板消息接口
* @return \crmeb\services\subscribe\ProgramSubscribe
public static function SubscribenoticeService()
return self::miniprogram()->now_notice;
* 发送订阅消息
* @param string $touser 接收者(用户)的 openid
* @param string $templateId 所需下发的订阅模板id
* @param array $data 模板内容,格式形如 { "key1": { "value": any }, "key2": { "value": any } }
* @param string $link 击模板卡片后的跳转页面,仅限本小程序内的页面。支持带参数,示例index?foo=bar。该字段不填则模板无跳转。
* @return \EasyWeChat\Support\Collection|null
* @throws \EasyWeChat\Core\Exceptions\HttpException
* @throws \EasyWeChat\Core\Exceptions\InvalidArgumentException
public static function sendSubscribeTemlate(string $touser, string $templateId, array $data, string $link = '')
return self::SubscribenoticeService()->to($touser)->template($templateId)->andData($data)->withUrl($link)->send();
* 添加订阅消息模版
* @param string $tid
* @param array $kidList
* @param string $sceneDesc
* @return mixed
public static function addSubscribeTemplate(string $tid, array $kidList, string $sceneDesc = '')
try {
$res = self::SubscribenoticeService()->addTemplate($tid, $kidList, $sceneDesc);
if (isset($res['errcode']) && $res['errcode'] == 0 && isset($res['priTmplId'])) {
return $res['priTmplId'];
} else {
Log::error('添加订阅消息模版失败:' . $res['errmsg']);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
Log::error('添加订阅消息模版失败:' . $e->getMessage());
return true;
* 删除订阅消息模版
* @param string $tid
* @param array $kidList
* @param string $sceneDesc
* @return mixed
public static function delSubscribeTemplate(string $priTmplId)
try {
$res = self::SubscribenoticeService()->delTemplate($priTmplId);
if (isset($res['errcode']) && $res['errcode'] == 0) {
return true;
} else {
Log::error('删除订阅消息模版失败:' . $res['errmsg']);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
Log::error('删除订阅消息模版失败:' . $e->getMessage());
return true;
* 获取模版标题的关键词列表
* @param string $tid
* @return mixed
public static function getSubscribeTemplateKeyWords(string $tid)
try {
$res = self::SubscribenoticeService()->getPublicTemplateKeywords($tid);
if (isset($res['errcode']) && $res['errcode'] == 0 && isset($res['data'])) {
return $res['data'];
} else {
throw new AdminException($res['errmsg']);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw new AdminException($e);
* 获取订阅消息列表
* @return mixed
public static function getSubscribeTemplateList()
try {
return self::SubscribenoticeService()->getTemplateList();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new AdminException($e->getMessage());
* 支付
* @return \EasyWeChat\Payment\Payment
public static function paymentService()
return self::application()->payment;
* 生成支付订单对象
* @param $openid
* @param $out_trade_no
* @param $total_fee
* @param $attach
* @param $body
* @param string $detail
* @param string $trade_type
* @param array $options
* @return Order
protected static function paymentOrder($openid, $out_trade_no, $total_fee, $attach, $body, $detail = '', $trade_type = 'JSAPI', $options = [])
$total_fee = bcmul($total_fee, 100, 0);
$order = array_merge(compact('openid', 'out_trade_no', 'total_fee', 'attach', 'body', 'detail', 'trade_type'), $options);
if ($order['detail'] == '') unset($order['detail']);
return new Order($order);
* 获得下单ID
* @param $openid
* @param $out_trade_no
* @param $total_fee
* @param $attach
* @param $body
* @param string $detail
* @param string $trade_type
* @param array $options
* @return mixed
public static function paymentPrepare($openid, $out_trade_no, $total_fee, $attach, $body, $detail = '', $trade_type = 'JSAPI', $options = [])
$key = 'pay_' . $out_trade_no;
$result = CacheService::get($key);
if ($result) {
return $result;
} else {
$order = self::paymentOrder($openid, $out_trade_no, $total_fee, $attach, $body, $detail, $trade_type, $options);
$result = self::paymentService()->prepare($order);
if ($result->return_code == 'SUCCESS' && $result->result_code == 'SUCCESS') {
CacheService::set($key, $result->prepay_id, 7000);
return $result->prepay_id;
} else {
if ($result->return_code == 'FAIL') {
exception('微信支付错误返回:' . $result->return_msg);
} else if (isset($result->err_code)) {
exception('微信支付错误返回:' . $result->err_code_des);
} else {
* 获得下单ID
* @param $openid
* @param $out_trade_no
* @param $total_fee
* @param $attach
* @param $body
* @param string $detail
* @param string $trade_type
* @param array $options
* @return mixed
public static function newPaymentPrepare($openid, $out_trade_no, $total_fee, $attach, $body, $detail = '', $options = [])
$key = 'pay_' . $out_trade_no;
$result = CacheService::get($key);
if ($result) {
return $result;
} else {
$order = self::paymentOrder($openid, $out_trade_no, $total_fee, $attach, $body, $detail, $options);
$result = self::application()->minipay->createorder($order);
if ($result->errcode === 0) {
CacheService::set($key, $result->payment_params, 7000);
return $result->payment_params;
} else {
exception('微信支付错误返回:' . '[' . $result->errcode . ']' . $result->errmsg);
* 获得jsSdk支付参数
* @param $openid
* @param $out_trade_no
* @param $total_fee
* @param $attach
* @param $body
* @param string $detail
* @param string $trade_type
* @param array $options
* @return array|string
public static function jsPay($openid, $out_trade_no, $total_fee, $attach, $body, $detail = '', $trade_type = 'JSAPI', $options = [])
return self::paymentService()->configForJSSDKPayment(self::paymentPrepare($openid, $out_trade_no, $total_fee, $attach, $body, $detail, $trade_type, $options));
* 获得jsSdk支付参数
* @param $openid
* @param $out_trade_no
* @param $total_fee
* @param $attach
* @param $body
* @param string $detail
* @param string $trade_type
* @param array $options
* @return array|string
public static function newJsPay($openid, $out_trade_no, $total_fee, $attach, $body, $detail = '', $options = [])
$config = self::newPaymentPrepare($openid, $out_trade_no, $total_fee, $attach, $body, $detail, $options);
$config['timestamp'] = $config['timeStamp'];
return $config;
* 获得App支付参数
* @param $openid
* @param $out_trade_no
* @param $total_fee
* @param $attach
* @param $body
* @param string $detail
* @param string $trade_type
* @param array $options
* @return array|string
public static function appPay($openid, $out_trade_no, $total_fee, $attach, $body, $detail = '', $trade_type = Order::APP, $options = [])
return self::paymentService()->configForAppPayment(self::paymentPrepare($openid, $out_trade_no, $total_fee, $attach, $body, $detail, $trade_type, $options));
* 使用商户订单号退款
* @param $orderNo
* @param $refundNo
* @param $totalFee
* @param null $refundFee
* @param null $opUserId
* @param string $refundReason
* @param string $type
* @param string $refundAccount
public static function refund($orderNo, $refundNo, $totalFee, $refundFee = null, $opUserId = null, $refundReason = '', $type = 'out_trade_no', $refundAccount = 'REFUND_SOURCE_UNSETTLED_FUNDS')
$totalFee = floatval($totalFee);
$refundFee = floatval($refundFee);
if ($type == 'out_trade_no') {
return self::paymentService()->refund($orderNo, $refundNo, $totalFee, $refundFee, $opUserId, $type, $refundAccount, $refundReason);
} else {
return self::paymentService()->refundByTransactionId($orderNo, $refundNo, $totalFee, $refundFee, $opUserId, $refundAccount, $refundReason);
* 使用商户订单号退款
* @param $orderNo
* @param $refundNo
* @param $totalFee
* @param null $refundFee
* @param null $opUserId
* @param string $refundReason
* @param string $type
* @param string $refundAccount
public static function miniRefund($orderNo, $totalFee, $refundFee = null, $opt)
$totalFee = floatval($totalFee);
$refundFee = floatval($refundFee);
$order = [
'openid' => $opt['open_id'],
'trade_no' => $opt['order_id'],
'transaction_id' => $opt['trade_no'],
'refund_no' => $opt['refund_no'],
'total_amount' => $totalFee,
'refund_amount' => $refundFee,
return self::application()->minipay->refundorder($order);
/** 根据订单号退款
* @param $orderNo
* @param array $opt
* @return bool
public static function payOrderRefund($orderNo, array $opt)
if (!isset($opt['pay_price'])) throw new AdminException(400730);
if (sys_config('pay_weixin_client_key') == '' || sys_config('pay_weixin_client_cert') == '') throw new AdminException(400739);
$totalFee = floatval(bcmul($opt['pay_price'], 100, 0));
$refundFee = isset($opt['refund_price']) ? floatval(bcmul($opt['refund_price'], 100, 0)) : null;
$refundReason = $opt['desc'] ?? '';
$refundNo = $opt['refund_id'] ?? $orderNo;
$opUserId = $opt['op_user_id'] ?? null;
$type = $opt['type'] ?? 'out_trade_no';
$refundAccount = $opt['refund_account'] ?? 'REFUND_SOURCE_UNSETTLED_FUNDS';
try {
$res = (self::refund($orderNo, $refundNo, $totalFee, $refundFee, $opUserId, $refundReason, $type, $refundAccount));
if ($res->return_code == 'FAIL') throw new AdminException(400731, ['msg' => $res->return_msg]);
if (isset($res->err_code)) throw new AdminException(400731, ['msg' => $res->err_code_des]);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new AdminException($e->getMessage());
return true;
* 微信支付成功回调接口
* @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
* @throws \EasyWeChat\Core\Exceptions\FaultException
public static function handleNotify()
return self::paymentService()->handleNotify(function ($notify, $successful) {
if ($successful && isset($notify->out_trade_no)) {
if (isset($notify->attach) && $notify->attach) {
if (($count = strpos($notify->out_trade_no, '_')) !== false) {
$notify->out_trade_no = substr($notify->out_trade_no, $count + 1);
(new Hook(PayNotifyServices::class, 'wechat'))->listen($notify->attach, $notify->out_trade_no, $notify->transaction_id);
return false;
* 作为客服消息发送
* @param $to
* @param $message
* @return bool
public static function staffTo($to, $message)
$staff = self::staffService();
$staff = is_callable($message) ? $staff->message($message()) : $staff->message($message);
$res = $staff->to($to)->send();
return $res;
* 获取直播列表
* @param int $page
* @param int $limit
* @return array
public static function getLiveInfo(int $page = 1, int $limit = 10)
try {
$res = self::miniprogram()->wechat_live->getLiveInfo($page, $limit);
if (isset($res['errcode']) && $res['errcode'] == 0 && isset($res['room_info']) && $res['room_info']) {
return $res['room_info'];
} else {
return [];
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
return [];
* 获取直播回放
* @param int $room_id
* @param int $page
* @param int $limit
* @return mixed
public static function getLivePlayback(int $room_id, int $page = 1, int $limit = 10)
try {
$res = self::miniprogram()->wechat_live->getLivePlayback($room_id, $page, $limit);
if (isset($res['errcode']) && $res['errcode'] == 0 && isset($res['live_replay'])) {
return $res['live_replay'];
} else {
throw new AdminException($res['errmsg']);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw new AdminException(self::getValidMessgae($e));
* 创建直播间
* @param array $data
* @return mixed
public static function createLiveRoom(array $data)
try {
$res = self::miniprogram()->wechat_live->createRoom($data);
if (isset($res['errcode']) && $res['errcode'] == 0 && isset($res['roomId'])) {
return $res;
} else {
throw new AdminException($res['errmsg']);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw new AdminException(self::getValidMessgae($e));
* 直播间添加商品
* @param int $roomId
* @param $ids
* @return bool
public static function roomAddGoods(int $roomId, $ids)
try {
$res = self::miniprogram()->wechat_live->roomAddGoods($roomId, $ids);
if (isset($res['errcode']) && $res['errcode'] == 0) {
return true;
} else {
throw new AdminException($res['errmsg']);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw new AdminException(self::getValidMessgae($e));
* 获取商品列表
* @param int $status
* @param int $page
* @param int $limit
* @return mixed
public static function getGoodsList(int $status = 2, int $page = 1, int $limit = 10)
try {
$res = self::miniprogram()->wechat_live->getGoodsList($status, $page, $limit);
if (isset($res['errcode']) && $res['errcode'] == 0 && isset($res['goods'])) {
return $res['goods'];
} else {
throw new AdminException($res['errmsg']);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw new AdminException(self::getValidMessgae($e));
* 获取商品详情
* @param $goods_ids
* @return mixed
public static function getGooodsInfo($goods_ids)
try {
$res = self::miniprogram()->wechat_live->getGooodsInfo($goods_ids);
if (isset($res['errcode']) && $res['errcode'] == 0 && isset($res['goods'])) {
return $res['goods'];
} else {
throw new AdminException($res['errmsg']);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw new AdminException(self::getValidMessgae($e));
* 添加商品
* @param string $coverImgUrl
* @param string $name
* @param int $priceType
* @param string $url
* @param $price
* @param string $price2
* @return mixed
public static function addGoods(string $coverImgUrl, string $name, int $priceType, string $url, $price, $price2 = '')
try {
$res = self::miniprogram()->wechat_live->addGoods($coverImgUrl, $name, $priceType, $url, $price, $price2);
if (isset($res['errcode']) && $res['errcode'] == 0 && isset($res['goodsId'])) {
return $res;
} else {
throw new AdminException($res['errmsg']);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw new AdminException(self::getValidMessgae($e));
* 商品撤回审核
* @param int $goodsId
* @param $auditId
* @return bool
public static function resetauditGoods(int $goodsId, $auditId)
try {
$res = self::miniprogram()->wechat_live->resetauditGoods($goodsId, $auditId);
if (isset($res['errcode']) && $res['errcode'] == 0) {
return true;
} else {
throw new AdminException($res['errmsg']);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw new AdminException(self::getValidMessgae($e));
* 商品重新提交审核
* @param int $goodsId
* @return mixed
public static function auditGoods(int $goodsId)
try {
$res = self::miniprogram()->wechat_live->auditGoods($goodsId);
if (isset($res['errcode']) && $res['errcode'] == 0 && isset($res['auditId'])) {
return $res['auditId'];
} else {
throw new AdminException($res['errmsg']);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw new AdminException(self::getValidMessgae($e));
* 删除商品
* @param int $goodsId
* @return bool
public static function deleteGoods(int $goodsId)
try {
$res = self::miniprogram()->wechat_live->deleteGoods($goodsId);
if (isset($res['errcode']) && $res['errcode'] == 0) {
return true;
} else {
throw new AdminException($res['errmsg']);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw new AdminException(self::getValidMessgae($e));
* 更新商品
* @param int $goodsId
* @param string $coverImgUrl
* @param string $name
* @param int $priceType
* @param string $url
* @param $price
* @param string $price2
* @return bool
public static function updateGoods(int $goodsId, string $coverImgUrl, string $name, int $priceType, string $url, $price, $price2 = '')
try {
$res = self::miniprogram()->wechat_live->updateGoods($goodsId, $coverImgUrl, $name, $priceType, $url, $price, $price2);
if (isset($res['errcode']) && $res['errcode'] == 0) {
return true;
} else {
throw new AdminException($res['errmsg']);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw new AdminException(self::getValidMessgae($e));
* 更新商品
* @param int $goodsId
* @param string $coverImgUrl
* @param string $name
* @param int $priceType
* @param string $url
* @param $price
* @param string $price2
* @return bool
public static function getRoleList($role = 2, int $page = 0, int $limit = 30, $keyword = '')
try {
$res = self::miniprogram()->wechat_live->getRoleList($role, $page, $limit, $keyword);
if (isset($res['errcode']) && $res['errcode'] == 0 && isset($res['list'])) {
return $res['list'];
} else {
throw new AdminException($res['errmsg']);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw new AdminException(self::getValidMessgae($e));
public static function getValidMessgae(\Throwable $e)
$message = '';
if (!isset(self::MSG_CODE[$e->getCode()]) && strstr($e->getMessage(), 'Request AccessToken fail') !== false) {
$message = str_replace('Request AccessToken fail. response:', '', $e->getMessage());
$message = json_decode($message, true) ?: [];
$errcode = $message['errcode'] ?? false;
if ($errcode) {
$message = self::MSG_CODE[$errcode] ?? $message;
return $message ?: self::MSG_CODE[$e->getCode()] ?? $e->getMessage();
* @return Response
* @throws \EasyWeChat\Server\BadRequestException
public static function serve(): Response
$wechat = self::application(true);
$server = $wechat->server;
$response = $server->serve();
return response($response->getContent());
private static function hook($server)
$server->setMessageHandler(function ($message) {
switch ($message->MsgType) {
case 'event':
switch (strtolower($message->Event)) {
case 'funds_order_pay': // 小程序支付管理的
if (($count = strpos($message['order_info']['trade_no'], '_')) !== false) {
$trade_no = substr($message['order_info']['trade_no'], $count + 1);
} else {
$trade_no = $message['order_info']['trade_no'];
$prefix = substr($trade_no, 0, 2);
switch ($prefix) {
case 'cp':
$data['attach'] = 'Product';
case 'hy':
$data['attach'] = 'Member';
case 'cz':
$data['attach'] = 'UserRecharge';
$data['out_trade_no'] = $message['order_info']['trade_no'];
$data['transaction_id'] = $message['order_info']['transaction_id'];
$data['opneid'] = $message['FromUserName'];
if (Event::until('NotifyListener', [$data, PayServices::WEIXIN_PAY])) {
$response = 'success';
} else {
$response = 'faild';
Log::error(['data' => $data, 'res' => $response, 'message' => $message]);
case 'trade_manage_remind_access_api': // 小程序完成账期授权时 小程序产生第一笔交易时 已产生交易但从未发货的小程序,每天一次
case 'trade_manage_remind_shipping': // 曾经发过货的小程序订单超过48小时未发货时
case 'trade_manage_order_settlement': // 订单完成发货时 订单结算时
if (isset($message['estimated_settlement_time'])) { //订单完成发货时
MiniOrderService::notifyConfirmByTradeNo($message['merchant_trade_no'], time());
if (isset($message['confirm_receive_method'])) { // 订单结算时
/** @var StoreOrderTakeServices $StoreOrderTakeServices */
$storeOrderTakeServices = app()->make(StoreOrderTakeServices::class);