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// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者助力企业发展 ]
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// | Copyright (c) 2016~2023 All rights reserved.
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// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace app\services\user;
use app\jobs\UserJob;
use app\services\BaseServices;
use app\dao\user\UserDao;
use app\services\other\QrcodeServices;
use app\services\product\product\StoreProductRelationServices;
use app\services\product\product\StoreProductLogServices;
use app\services\message\MessageSystemServices;
use app\services\system\SystemUserLevelServices;
use app\services\wechat\WechatUserServices;
use crmeb\exceptions\AdminException;
use crmeb\exceptions\ApiException;
use crmeb\services\CacheService;
use crmeb\services\FormBuilder as Form;
use crmeb\services\FormBuilder;
use crmeb\services\app\WechatService;
use think\Exception;
use think\facade\Route as Url;
* Class UserServices
* @package app\services\user
* @method array getUserInfoArray(array $where, string $field, string $key) 根据条件查询对应的用户信息以数组形式返回
* @method update($id, array $data, ?string $key = null) 修改数据
* @method get($id, ?array $field = [], ?array $with = []) 获取一条数据
* @method count(array $where) 获取指定条件下的数量
* @method value(array $where, string $field) 获取指定的键值
* @method bcInc($key, string $incField, string $inc, string $keyField = null, int $acc = 2) 高精度加法
* @method bcDec($key, string $incField, string $inc, string $keyField = null, int $acc = 2) 高精度减法
* @method getTrendData($time, $type, $timeType)
* @method incPayCount(int $uid) 用户支付成功个数增加
class UserServices extends BaseServices
* UserServices constructor.
* @param UserDao $dao
public function __construct(UserDao $dao)
$this->dao = $dao;
* 获取用户信息
* @param int $uid
* @param string $field
* @return array|\think\Model|null
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @author 吴汐
* @email
* @date 2023/03/01
public function getUserInfo(int $uid, $field = '*')
if (is_string($field)) $field = explode(',', $field);
return $this->dao->get($uid, $field);
* 获取用户列表
* @param array $where
* @param string $field
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function getUserList(array $where, string $field): array
[$page, $limit] = $this->getPageValue();
$list = $this->dao->getList($where, $field, $page, $limit);
$count = $this->getCount($where);
return compact('list', 'count');
* 列表条数
* @param array $where
* @return int
public function getCount(array $where, bool $is_list = false)
return $this->dao->getCount($where, $is_list);
* 保存用户信息
* @param $user
* @param int $spreadUid
* @param string $userType
* @return User|\think\Model
* @throws Exception
public function setUserInfo($user, int $spreadUid = 0, string $userType = 'wechat')
$data = [
'account' => $user['account'] ?? 'wx' . rand(1, 9999) . time(),
'pwd' => $user['pwd'] ?? md5('123456'),
'nickname' => $user['nickname'] ?? '',
'avatar' => $user['headimgurl'] ?? '',
'phone' => $user['phone'] ?? '',
'add_time' => time(),
'add_ip' => app()->request->ip(),
'last_time' => time(),
'last_ip' => app()->request->ip(),
'user_type' => $userType,
'staff_id' => $user['staff_id'] ?? 0,
'agent_id' => $user['agent_id'] ?? 0,
'division_id' => $user['division_id'] ?? 0,
if ($spreadUid) {
$data['spread_uid'] = $spreadUid;
$data['spread_time'] = time();
$res = $this->dao->save($data);
if (!$res)
throw new AdminException(400684);
event('UserRegisterListener', [$spreadUid, $userType, $user['nickname'], $res->uid, 1]);
event('NoticeListener', [['spreadUid' => $spreadUid, 'user_type' => $userType, 'nickname' => $user['nickname']], 'bind_spread_uid']);
return $res;
* 某些条件用户佣金总和
* @param array $where
* @return mixed
public function getSumBrokerage(array $where)
return $this->dao->getWhereSumField($where, 'brokerage_price');
* 根据条件获取用户指定字段列表
* @param array $where
* @param string $field
* @param string $key
* @return array
public function getColumn(array $where, string $field = '*', string $key = '')
return $this->dao->getColumn($where, $field, $key);
* 获取某个用户的推广下线
public function getSpreadList($uid)
$one_uids = $this->dao->getColumn(['spread_uid' => $uid], 'uid');
$two_uids = $this->dao->getColumn([['spread_uid', 'in', $one_uids], ['spread_uid', '<>', 0]], 'uid');
$uids = array_merge($one_uids, $two_uids);
[$page, $limit] = $this->getPageValue();
$list = $this->dao->getList(['uid' => $uids], 'uid,nickname,real_name,avatar,add_time', $page, $limit);
foreach ($list as $k => $user) {
$list[$k]['type'] = in_array($user['uid'], $one_uids) ? '一级' : '二级';
$list[$k]['add_time'] = date('Y-m-d', $user['add_time']);
$count = count($uids);
return compact('count', 'list');
* @param $uids
* @param bool $field
* @return UserDao|bool|\crmeb\basic\BaseModel|mixed|\think\Collection
public function getUserListByUids($uids, $field = false)
if (!$uids || !is_array($uids)) return false;
return $this->dao->getUserListByUids($uids, $field);
* 获取分销用户
* @param array $where
* @param string $field
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function getAgentUserList(array $where = [], string $field = '*', $is_page = true)
$where_data['status'] = 1;
$where_data['is_promoter'] = 1;
$where_data['spread_open'] = 1;
//人人分销时 去除分销员字段的限制
$store_brokerage_statu = sys_config('store_brokerage_statu');
if ($store_brokerage_statu == 2) unset($where_data['is_promoter']);
if (isset($where['nickname']) && $where['nickname'] !== '') {
$where_data['like'] = $where['nickname'];
if (isset($where['data']) && $where['data']) {
$where_data['time'] = $where['data'];
[$page, $limit] = $this->getPageValue($is_page);
$list = $this->dao->getAgentUserList($where_data, $field, $page, $limit);
$count = $this->dao->count($where_data);
return compact('count', 'list');
* 获取分销员ids
* @param array $where
* @return array
* @throws \ReflectionException
public function getAgentUserIds(array $where)
$where['status'] = 1;
if (sys_config('store_brokerage_statu') != 2) $where['is_promoter'] = 1;
$where['spread_open'] = 1;
if (isset($where['nickname']) && $where['nickname'] !== '') {
$where['like'] = $where['nickname'];
if (isset($where['data']) && $where['data']) {
$where['time'] = $where['data'];
return $this->dao->getAgentUserIds($where);
* 获取推广人列表
* @param array $where
* @param string $field
* @param int $page
* @param int $limit
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function getSairList(array $where, string $field = '*')
$where_data = [];
if (isset($where['uid'])) {
if (isset($where['type'])) {
$type = (int)$where['type'];
$type = in_array($type, [1, 2]) ? $type : 0;
$uids = $this->getUserSpredadUids((int)$where['uid'], $type);
$where_data['uid'] = count($uids) > 0 ? $uids : 0;
if (isset($where['data']) && $where['data']) {
$where_data['time'] = $where['data'];
if (isset($where['nickname']) && $where['nickname']) {
$where_data['like'] = $where['nickname'];
$where_data['status'] = 1;
[$page, $limit] = $this->getPageValue();
$list = $this->dao->getSairList($where_data, '*', $page, $limit);
$count = $this->dao->count($where_data);
return compact('list', 'count');
* 获取推广人统计
* @param array $where
* @param string $field
* @param int $page
* @param int $limit
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function getSairCount(array $where)
$where_data = [];
if (isset($where['uid'])) {
if (isset($where['type'])) {
$uids = $this->getColumn(['spread_uid' => $where['uid']], 'uid');
switch ((int)$where['type']) {
case 1:
$where_data['uid'] = count($uids) > 0 ? $uids : 0;
case 2:
if (count($uids))
$spread_uid_two = $this->dao->getColumn([['spread_uid', 'IN', $uids]], 'uid');
$spread_uid_two = [];
$where_data['uid'] = count($spread_uid_two) > 0 ? $spread_uid_two : 0;
if (count($uids)) {
if ($spread_uid_two = $this->dao->getColumn([['spread_uid', 'IN', $uids]], 'uid')) {
$uids = array_merge($uids, $spread_uid_two);
$uids = array_unique($uids);
$uids = array_merge($uids);
$where_data['uid'] = count($uids) > 0 ? $uids : 0;
if (isset($where['data']) && $where['data']) {
$where_data['time'] = $where['data'];
if (isset($where['nickname']) && $where['nickname']) {
$where_data['like'] = $where['nickname'];
$where_data['status'] = 1;
return $this->dao->count($where_data);
* 写入用户信息
* @param array $data
* @return bool
public function create(array $data)
if (!$this->dao->save($data))
throw new AdminException(100000);
return true;
* 重置密码
* @param $id
* @param string $password
* @return mixed
public function resetPwd(int $uid, string $password)
if (!$this->dao->update($uid, ['pwd' => $password]))
throw new AdminException(400685);
return true;
* 增加推广人数
* @param int $uid
* @param int $num
* @return bool
* @throws Exception
public function incSpreadCount(int $uid, int $num = 1)
if (!$this->dao->incField($uid, 'spread_count', $num))
throw new AdminException(400686);
return true;
* 设置用户登录类型
* @param int $uid
* @param string $type
* @return bool
* @throws Exception
public function setLoginType(int $uid, string $type = 'h5')
if (!$this->dao->update($uid, ['login_type' => $type]))
throw new AdminException(400687);
return true;
* 设置推广员
* @param int $uid
* @param int $is_promoter
* @return bool
* @throws Exception
public function setIsPromoter(int $uid, $is_promoter = 1)
if (!$this->dao->update($uid, ['is_promoter' => $is_promoter]))
throw new AdminException(400688);
return true;
* 设置用户分组
* @param $uids
* @param int $group_id
public function setUserGroup($uids, int $group_id)
return $this->dao->batchUpdate($uids, ['group_id' => $group_id], 'uid');
* 增加用户余额
* @param int $uid
* @param float $old_now_money
* @param float $now_money
* @return bool
* @throws Exception
public function addNowMoney(int $uid, $old_now_money, $now_money)
if (!$this->dao->update($uid, ['now_money' => bcadd($old_now_money, $now_money, 2)]))
throw new AdminException(400689);
return true;
* 减少用户余额
* @param int $uid
* @param float $old_now_money
* @param float $now_money
* @return bool
* @throws Exception
public function cutNowMoney(int $uid, $old_now_money, $now_money)
if ($old_now_money > $now_money) {
$money = ['now_money' => bcsub($old_now_money, $now_money, 2)];
} else {
$money = ['now_money' => 0];
if (!$this->dao->update($uid, $money, 'uid'))
throw new AdminException(400690);
return true;
* 减少用户佣金
* @param int $uid
* @param float $brokerage_price
* @param float $price
* @return bool
* @throws Exception
public function cutBrokeragePrice(int $uid, $brokerage_price, $price)
if (!$this->dao->update($uid, ['brokerage_price' => bcsub($brokerage_price, $price, 2)]))
throw new AdminException(400691);
return true;
* 增加用户积分
* @param int $uid
* @param float $old_integral
* @param float $integral
* @return bool
* @throws Exception
public function addIntegral(int $uid, $old_integral, $integral)
if (!$this->dao->update($uid, ['integral' => bcadd($old_integral, $integral, 2)]))
throw new AdminException(400692);
return true;
* 减少用户积分
* @param int $uid
* @param float $old_integral
* @param float $integral
* @return bool
* @throws Exception
public function cutIntegral(int $uid, $old_integral, $integral)
if (!$this->dao->update($uid, ['integral' => bcsub($old_integral, $integral, 2)]))
throw new AdminException(400693);
return true;
* 增加用户经验
* @param int $uid
* @param float $old_exp
* @param float $exp
* @return bool
* @throws Exception
public function addExp(int $uid, float $old_exp, float $exp)
if (!$this->dao->update($uid, ['exp' => bcadd($old_exp, $exp, 2)]))
throw new AdminException(400694);
return true;
* 减少用户经验
* @param int $uid
* @param float $old_exp
* @param float $exp
* @return bool
* @throws Exception
public function cutExp(int $uid, float $old_exp, float $exp)
if (!$this->dao->update($uid, ['exp' => bcsub($old_exp, $exp, 2)]))
throw new AdminException(400695);
return true;
* 获取用户标签
* @param $uid
* @return \think\Collection
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function getUserLablel(array $uids)
/** @var UserLabelRelationServices $services */
$services = app()->make(UserLabelRelationServices::class);
$userlabels = $services->getUserLabelList($uids);
$data = [];
foreach ($uids as $uid) {
$labels = array_filter($userlabels, function ($item) use ($uid) {
if ($item['uid'] == $uid) {
return true;
$data[$uid] = implode(',', array_column($labels, 'label_name'));
return $data;
* 会员列表
* @param array $where
* @return array
public function index(array $where)
/** @var UserWechatuserServices $userWechatUser */
$userWechatUser = app()->make(UserWechatuserServices::class);
$fields = 'u.*,,w.province,,,w.unionid,w.openid,w.user_type as w_user_type,w.groupid,w.tagid_list,w.subscribe,w.subscribe_time';
[$list, $count] = $userWechatUser->getWhereUserList($where, $fields);
if ($list) {
$uids = array_column($list, 'uid');
$userlabel = $this->getUserLablel($uids);
$userGroup = app()->make(UserGroupServices::class)->getUsersGroupName(array_unique(array_column($list, 'group_id')));
$userExtract = app()->make(UserExtractServices::class)->getUsersSumList($uids);
$levelName = app()->make(SystemUserLevelServices::class)->getUsersLevel(array_unique(array_column($list, 'level')));
$userLevel = app()->make(UserLevelServices::class)->getUsersLevelInfo($uids);
$spread_names = $this->dao->getColumn([['uid', 'in', array_unique(array_column($list, 'spread_uid'))]], 'nickname', 'uid');
foreach ($list as &$item) {
if (empty($item['addres'])) {
if (!empty($item['country']) || !empty($item['province']) || !empty($item['city'])) {
$item['addres'] = $item['country'] . $item['province'] . $item['city'];
$item['status'] = ($item['status'] == 1) ? '正常' : '禁止';
$item['birthday'] = $item['birthday'] ? date('Y-m-d', (int)$item['birthday']) : '';
$item['extract_count_price'] = $userExtract[$item['uid']] ?? 0;//累计提现
$item['spread_uid_nickname'] = $item['spread_uid'] ? ($spread_names[$item['spread_uid']] ?? '') . '/' . $item['spread_uid'] : '无';
if ($item['user_type'] == 'routine') {
$item['user_type'] = '小程序';
} else if ($item['user_type'] == 'wechat') {
$item['user_type'] = '公众号';
} else if ($item['user_type'] == 'h5') {
$item['user_type'] = 'H5';
} else if ($item['user_type'] == 'pc') {
$item['user_type'] = 'PC';
} else if ($item['user_type'] == 'app' || $item['user_type'] == 'apple') {
$item['user_type'] = 'APP';
} else $item['user_type'] = '其他';
if ($item['sex'] == 1) {
$item['sex'] = '男';
} else if ($item['sex'] == 2) {
$item['sex'] = '女';
} else $item['sex'] = '保密';
$item['level'] = $levelName[$item['level']] ?? '无';
$item['group_id'] = $userGroup[$item['group_id']] ?? '无';
$item['vip_name'] = false;
$levelinfo = $userLevel[$item['uid']] ?? null;
if ($levelinfo) {
if ($levelinfo && ($levelinfo['is_forever'] || time() < $levelinfo['valid_time'])) {
$item['vip_name'] = $item['level'] != '无' ? $item['level'] : false;
$item['labels'] = $userlabel[$item['uid']] ?? '';
$item['isMember'] = $item['is_money_level'] > 0 ? 1 : 0;
if (strpos($item['avatar'], '/statics/system_images/') !== false) {
$item['avatar'] = set_file_url($item['avatar']);
return compact('count', 'list');
* 获取修改页面数据
* @param int $id
* @return array
* @throws \FormBuilder\Exception\FormBuilderException
public function edit(int $id)
$user = $this->getUserInfo($id);
if (!$user)
throw new AdminException(100026);
$f = array();
$f[] = Form::input('uid', '用户编号', $user->getData('uid'))->disabled(true);
$f[] = Form::input('real_name', '真实姓名', $user->getData('real_name'));
$f[] = Form::input('phone', '手机号码', $user->getData('phone'));
$f[] = Form::date('birthday', '生日', $user->getData('birthday') ? date('Y-m-d', $user->getData('birthday')) : '');
$f[] = Form::input('card_id', '身份证号', $user->getData('card_id'));
$f[] = Form::input('addres', '用户地址', $user->getData('addres'));
$f[] = Form::textarea('mark', '用户备注', $user->getData('mark'));
$f[] = Form::input('pwd', '登录密码')->type('password')->placeholder('不改密码请留空');
$f[] = Form::input('true_pwd', '确认密码')->type('password')->placeholder('不改密码请留空');
// $grade = app()->make(UserLevelServices::class)->getUerLevelInfoByUid($id, 'grade');
$systemLevelList = app()->make(SystemUserLevelServices::class)->getWhereLevelList([], 'id,name');
$setOptionLevel = function () use ($systemLevelList) {
$menus = [];
foreach ($systemLevelList as $menu) {
$menus[] = ['value' => $menu['id'], 'label' => $menu['name']];
return $menus;
$f[] = Form::select('level', '用户等级', (int)$user->getData('level'))->setOptions(FormBuilder::setOptions($setOptionLevel))->filterable(true);
$systemGroupList = app()->make(UserGroupServices::class)->getGroupList();
$setOptionGroup = function () use ($systemGroupList) {
$menus = [];
foreach ($systemGroupList as $menu) {
$menus[] = ['value' => $menu['id'], 'label' => $menu['group_name']];
return $menus;
$f[] = Form::select('group_id', '用户分组', $user->getData('group_id'))->setOptions(FormBuilder::setOptions($setOptionGroup))->filterable(true);
$systemLabelList = app()->make(UserLabelServices::class)->getLabelList();
$labels = app()->make(UserLabelRelationServices::class)->getUserLabels($user['uid']);
$setOptionLabel = function () use ($systemLabelList) {
$menus = [];
foreach ($systemLabelList as $menu) {
$menus[] = ['value' => $menu['id'], 'label' => $menu['label_name']];
return $menus;
$f[] = Form::select('label_id', '用户标签', $labels)->setOptions(FormBuilder::setOptions($setOptionLabel))->filterable(true)->multiple(true);
$f[] = Form::radio('spread_open', '推广资格', $user->getData('spread_open'))->info('禁用用户的推广资格后,在任何分销模式下该用户都无分销权限')->options([['value' => 1, 'label' => '启用'], ['value' => 0, 'label' => '禁用']]);
//分销模式 人人分销
$storeBrokerageStatus = sys_config('store_brokerage_statu', 1);
if ($storeBrokerageStatus == 1) {
$f[] = Form::radio('is_promoter', '推广员权限', $user->getData('is_promoter'))->info('指定分销模式下,开启或关闭用户的推广权限')->options([['value' => 1, 'label' => '开启'], ['value' => 0, 'label' => '关闭']]);
$f[] = Form::radio('status', '用户状态', $user->getData('status'))->options([['value' => 1, 'label' => '开启'], ['value' => 0, 'label' => '锁定']]);
return create_form('编辑', $f, Url::buildUrl('/user/user/' . $id), 'PUT');
* 添加用户表单
* @param int $id
* @return array
* @throws \FormBuilder\Exception\FormBuilderException
public function saveForm()
$f = array();
$f[] = Form::input('real_name', '真实姓名', '')->placeholder('请输入真实姓名');
$f[] = Form::input('phone', '手机号码', '')->placeholder('请输入手机号码')->required();
$f[] = Form::date('birthday', '生日', '')->placeholder('请选择生日');
$f[] = Form::input('card_id', '身份证号', '')->placeholder('请输入身份证号');
$f[] = Form::input('addres', '用户地址', '')->placeholder('请输入用户地址');
$f[] = Form::textarea('mark', '用户备注', '')->placeholder('请输入用户备注');
$f[] = Form::input('pwd', '登录密码')->type('password')->placeholder('请输入登录密码');
$f[] = Form::input('true_pwd', '确认密码')->type('password')->placeholder('请再次确认密码');
$systemLevelList = app()->make(SystemUserLevelServices::class)->getWhereLevelList([], 'id,name');
$setOptionLevel = function () use ($systemLevelList) {
$menus = [];
foreach ($systemLevelList as $menu) {
$menus[] = ['value' => $menu['id'], 'label' => $menu['name']];
return $menus;
$f[] = Form::select('level', '用户等级', '')->setOptions(FormBuilder::setOptions($setOptionLevel))->filterable(true);
$systemGroupList = app()->make(UserGroupServices::class)->getGroupList();
$setOptionGroup = function () use ($systemGroupList) {
$menus = [];
foreach ($systemGroupList as $menu) {
$menus[] = ['value' => $menu['id'], 'label' => $menu['group_name']];
return $menus;
$f[] = Form::select('group_id', '用户分组', '')->setOptions(FormBuilder::setOptions($setOptionGroup))->filterable(true);
$systemLabelList = app()->make(UserLabelServices::class)->getLabelList();
$setOptionLabel = function () use ($systemLabelList) {
$menus = [];
foreach ($systemLabelList as $menu) {
$menus[] = ['value' => $menu['id'], 'label' => $menu['label_name']];
return $menus;
$f[] = Form::select('label_id', '用户标签', '')->setOptions(FormBuilder::setOptions($setOptionLabel))->filterable(true)->multiple(true);
$f[] = Form::radio('spread_open', '推广资格', 1)->info('禁用用户的推广资格后,在任何分销模式下该用户都无分销权限')->options([['value' => 1, 'label' => '启用'], ['value' => 0, 'label' => '禁用']]);
//分销模式 人人分销
$storeBrokerageStatus = sys_config('store_brokerage_statu', 1);
if ($storeBrokerageStatus == 1) {
$f[] = Form::radio('is_promoter', '推广员权限', 0)->info('指定分销模式下,开启或关闭用户的推广权限')->options([['value' => 1, 'label' => '开启'], ['value' => 0, 'label' => '关闭']]);
$f[] = Form::radio('status', '用户状态', 1)->options([['value' => 1, 'label' => '开启'], ['value' => 0, 'label' => '锁定']]);
return create_form('添加用户', $f, $this->url('/user/user'), 'POST');
* 修改提交处理
* @param int $id
* @param array $data
* @return bool
* @throws Exception
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function updateInfo(int $id, array $data)
$user = $this->getUserInfo($id);
if (!$user) {
throw new AdminException(100026);
$res1 = false;
$res2 = false;
$edit = array();
if ($data['money_status'] && $data['money']) {//余额增加或者减少
/** @var UserMoneyServices $userMoneyServices */
$userMoneyServices = app()->make(UserMoneyServices::class);
if ($data['money_status'] == 1) {//增加
$edit['now_money'] = bcadd($user['now_money'], $data['money'], 2);
$res1 = $userMoneyServices->income('system_add', $user['uid'], $data['money'], $edit['now_money'], $data['adminId'] ?? 0);
$recharge_data = [
'order_id' => '1000000000000',
'uid' => $id,
'price' => $data['money'],
'recharge_type' => 'system',
'paid' => 1,
'add_time' => time(),
'give_price' => 0,
'channel_type' => 'system',
'pay_time' => time(),
/** @var UserRechargeServices $rechargeServices */
$rechargeServices = app()->make(UserRechargeServices::class);
} else if ($data['money_status'] == 2) {//减少
if ($user['now_money'] > $data['money']) {
$edit['now_money'] = bcsub($user['now_money'], $data['money'], 2);
} else {
$edit['now_money'] = 0;
$data['money'] = $user['now_money'];
$res1 = $userMoneyServices->income('system_sub', $user['uid'], $data['money'], $edit['now_money'], $data['adminId'] ?? 0);
event('OutPushListener', ['user_update_push', ['uid' => $id, 'type' => 'money', 'value' => $data['money_status'] == 2 ? -floatval($data['money']) : $data['money']]]);
} else {
$res1 = true;
if ($data['integration_status'] && $data['integration']) {//积分增加或者减少
/** @var UserBillServices $userBill */
$userBill = app()->make(UserBillServices::class);
$integral_data = ['link_id' => $data['adminId'] ?? 0, 'number' => $data['integration']];
if ($data['integration_status'] == 1) {//增加
$edit['integral'] = bcadd($user['integral'], $data['integration'], 2);
$integral_data['balance'] = $edit['integral'];
$integral_data['title'] = '系统增加积分';
$integral_data['mark'] = '系统增加了' . floatval($data['integration']) . '积分';
$res2 = $userBill->incomeIntegral($user['uid'], 'system_add', $integral_data);
} else if ($data['integration_status'] == 2) {//减少
$edit['integral'] = bcsub($user['integral'], $data['integration'], 2);
$integral_data['balance'] = $edit['integral'];
$integral_data['title'] = '系统减少积分';
$integral_data['mark'] = '系统扣除了' . floatval($data['integration']) . '积分';
$res2 = $userBill->expendIntegral($user['uid'], 'system_sub', $integral_data);
event('OutPushListener', ['user_update_push', ['uid' => $id, 'type' => 'point', 'value' => $data['integration_status'] == 2 ? -intval($data['integration']) : $data['integration']]]);
} else {
$res2 = true;
if (!isset($data['is_other']) || !$data['is_other']) {
app()->make(UserLabelRelationServices::class)->setUserLable([$id], $data['label_id']);
if (isset($data['pwd']) && $data['pwd'] && $data['pwd'] != $user['pwd']) {
$edit['pwd'] = $data['pwd'];
if (isset($data['spread_open'])) {
$edit['spread_open'] = $data['spread_open'];
$edit['status'] = $data['status'];
$edit['real_name'] = $data['real_name'];
$edit['card_id'] = $data['card_id'];
$edit['birthday'] = strtotime($data['birthday']);
$edit['mark'] = $data['mark'];
$edit['is_promoter'] = $data['is_promoter'];
$edit['level'] = $data['level'];
$edit['phone'] = $data['phone'];
$edit['addres'] = $data['addres'];
$edit['group_id'] = $data['group_id'];
if ($user['level'] != $data['level']) {
/** @var UserLevelServices $userLevelService */
$userLevelService = app()->make(UserLevelServices::class);
$userLevelService->setUserLevel((int)$user['uid'], (int)$data['level']);
if ($edit) $res3 = $this->dao->update($id, $edit);
else $res3 = true;
if ($res1 && $res2 && $res3)
return true;
else throw new AdminException(100007);
* 编辑其他
* @param $id
* @return mixed
* @throws \FormBuilder\Exception\FormBuilderException
public function editOther($id)
$user = $this->getUserInfo($id);
if (!$user) {
throw new AdminException(100026);
$f = array();
$f[] = Form::radio('money_status', '修改余额', 1)->options([['value' => 1, 'label' => '增加'], ['value' => 2, 'label' => '减少']]);
$f[] = Form::number('money', '余额', 0)->min(0)->max(999999.99);
$f[] = Form::radio('integration_status', '修改积分', 1)->options([['value' => 1, 'label' => '增加'], ['value' => 2, 'label' => '减少']]);
$f[] = Form::number('integration', '积分', 0)->min(0)->precision(0)->max(999999);
return create_form('修改其他', $f, Url::buildUrl('/user/update_other/' . $id), 'PUT');
* 设置会员分组
* @param $id
* @return mixed
public function setGroup($uids)
/** @var UserGroupServices $groupServices */
$groupServices = app()->make(UserGroupServices::class);
$userGroup = $groupServices->getGroupList();
if (count($uids) == 1) {
$user = $this->getUserInfo($uids[0], ['group_id']);
$setOptionUserGroup = function () use ($userGroup) {
$menus = [];
foreach ($userGroup as $menu) {
$menus[] = ['value' => $menu['id'], 'label' => $menu['group_name']];
return $menus;
$field[] = Form::select('group_id', '用户分组', $user->getData('group_id') != 0 ? $user->getData('group_id') : '')->setOptions(FormBuilder::setOptions($setOptionUserGroup))->filterable(true);
} else {
$setOptionUserGroup = function () use ($userGroup) {
$menus = [];
foreach ($userGroup as $menu) {
$menus[] = ['value' => $menu['id'], 'label' => $menu['group_name']];
return $menus;
$field[] = Form::select('group_id', '用户分组')->setOptions(FormBuilder::setOptions($setOptionUserGroup))->filterable(true);
$field[] = Form::hidden('uids', implode(',', $uids));
return create_form('设置用户分组', $field, Url::buildUrl('/user/save_set_group'), 'PUT');
* 保存会员分组
* @param $id
* @return mixed
public function saveSetGroup($uids, int $group_id)
/** @var UserGroupServices $userGroup */
$userGroup = app()->make(UserGroupServices::class);
if (!$userGroup->getGroup($group_id)) {
throw new AdminException(400696);
if (!$this->setUserGroup($uids, $group_id)) {
throw new AdminException(400697);
return true;
* 设置用户标签
* @param $uids
* @return mixed
public function setLabel($uids)
/** @var UserLabelServices $labelServices */
$labelServices = app()->make(UserLabelServices::class);
$userLabel = $labelServices->getLabelList();
if (count($uids) == 1) {
$lids = app()->make(UserLabelRelationServices::class)->getUserLabels($uids[0]);
$setOptionUserLabel = function () use ($userLabel) {
$menus = [];
foreach ($userLabel as $menu) {
$menus[] = ['value' => $menu['id'], 'label' => $menu['label_name']];
return $menus;
$field[] = Form::select('label_id', '用户标签', $lids)->setOptions(FormBuilder::setOptions($setOptionUserLabel))->filterable(true)->multiple(true);
} else {
$setOptionUserLabel = function () use ($userLabel) {
$menus = [];
foreach ($userLabel as $menu) {
$menus[] = ['value' => $menu['id'], 'label' => $menu['label_name']];
return $menus;
$field[] = Form::select('label_id', '用户标签')->setOptions(FormBuilder::setOptions($setOptionUserLabel))->filterable(true)->multiple(true);
$field[] = Form::hidden('uids', implode(',', $uids));
return create_form('设置用户标签', $field, Url::buildUrl('/user/save_set_label'), 'PUT');
* 保存用户标签
* @return mixed
public function saveSetLabel($uids, $lable_id)
foreach ($lable_id as $id) {
if (!app()->make(UserLabelServices::class)->getLable((int)$id)) {
throw new AdminException(400698);
/** @var UserLabelRelationServices $services */
$services = app()->make(UserLabelRelationServices::class);
if (!$services->setUserLable($uids, $lable_id)) {
throw new AdminException(400668);
return true;
* 赠送会员等级
* @param int $uid
* @return mixed
* */
public function giveLevel($id)
if (!$this->getUserInfo($id)) {
throw new AdminException(400214);
$grade = app()->make(UserLevelServices::class)->getUerLevelInfoByUid($id, 'grade');
$systemLevelList = app()->make(SystemUserLevelServices::class)->getWhereLevelList(['grade', '>', $grade ?? 0], 'id,name');
$setOptionlevel = function () use ($systemLevelList) {
$menus = [];
foreach ($systemLevelList as $menu) {
$menus[] = ['value' => $menu['id'], 'label' => $menu['name']];
return $menus;
$field[] = Form::select('level_id', '用户等级')->setOptions(FormBuilder::setOptions($setOptionlevel))->filterable(true);
return create_form('赠送等级', $field, Url::buildUrl('/user/save_give_level/' . $id), 'PUT');
* 执行赠送会员等级
* @param int $id
* @param int $level_id
* @return mixed
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function saveGiveLevel(int $id, int $level_id)
if (!$this->getUserInfo($id)) {
throw new AdminException(400214);
/** @var SystemUserLevelServices $systemLevelServices */
$systemLevelServices = app()->make(SystemUserLevelServices::class);
/** @var UserLevelServices $userLevelServices */
$userLevelServices = app()->make(UserLevelServices::class);
$systemLevel = $systemLevelServices->getLevel($level_id);
if (!$systemLevel) throw new AdminException(400699);
$level = $userLevelServices->getWhereLevel(['uid' => $id, 'level_id' => $level_id], 'valid_time,is_forever');
if ($level && $level['status'] == 1 && $level['is_del'] == 0) {
throw new AdminException(400700);
if (!$userLevelServices->setUserLevel($id, $level_id, $systemLevel)) {
throw new AdminException(400219);
return true;
* 赠送付费会员时长
* @param $id
* @return array
* @throws \FormBuilder\Exception\FormBuilderException
* @author 吴汐
* @email
* @date 2023/03/01
public function giveLevelTime($id)
$userInfo = $this->getUserInfo($id);
if (!$userInfo) {
throw new AdminException(400214);
$timeDiff = $userInfo['is_ever_level'] == 1 ? '永久' : date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $userInfo['overdue_time']);
$dayDiff = $userInfo['overdue_time'] > time() ? intval(($userInfo['overdue_time'] - time()) / 86400) : 0;
$field[] = Form::input('time_diff', '到期时间', $timeDiff)->readonly(true);
if ($userInfo['is_ever_level'] == 0) {
$field[] = Form::input('day_diff', '剩余天数', $dayDiff)->readonly(true);
$field[] = Form::number('days', '增加时长(天)')->precision(0)->required();
return create_form('赠送付费会员时长', $field, Url::buildUrl('/user/save_give_level_time/' . $id), 'PUT');
* 执行赠送付费会员时长
* @param int $id
* @param int $days
* @return mixed
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function saveGiveLevelTime(int $id, int $days)
$userInfo = $this->getUserInfo($id);
if ($userInfo->is_ever_level == 1) {
return true;
if (!$userInfo) {
throw new AdminException(400214);
if ($days == 0) throw new AdminException(400701);
if ($days < -1) throw new AdminException(400702);
if ($userInfo->is_money_level == 0) {
$userInfo->is_money_level = 3;
if ($days == -1) {
$userInfo->is_ever_level = 1;
$time = 0;
} else {
$userInfo->overdue_time = $time = time() + ($days * 86400);
} else {
if ($days == -1) {
$userInfo->is_ever_level = 1;
$time = 0;
} else {
$userInfo->overdue_time = $time = $userInfo->overdue_time + ($days * 86400);
return true;
* 清除会员等级
* @paran int $uid
* @paran boolean
* */
public function cleanUpLevel($uid)
if (!$this->getUserInfo($uid))
throw new AdminException(400214);
/** @var UserLevelServices $services */
$services = app()->make(UserLevelServices::class);
return $this->transaction(function () use ($uid, $services) {
$res = $services->delUserLevel($uid);
$res1 = $this->dao->update($uid, ['clean_time' => time(), 'level' => 0, 'exp' => 0], 'uid');
if (!$res && !$res1)
throw new AdminException(400186);
return true;
* 用户详细信息
* @param int $uid
* @param array $userIfno
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function getUserDetailed(int $uid, $userIfno = [])
/** @var UserAddressServices $userAddress */
$userAddress = app()->make(UserAddressServices::class);
$field = 'real_name,phone,province,city,district,detail,post_code';
$address = $userAddress->getUserDefaultAddress($uid, $field);
if (!$address) {
$address = $userAddress->getUserAddressList($uid, $field);
$address = $address[0] ?? [];
$userInfo = $this->getUserInfo($uid);
return [
['name' => '默认收货地址', 'value' => $address ? '收货人:' . $address['real_name'] . '邮编:' . $address['post_code'] . ' 收货人电话:' . $address['phone'] . ' 地址:' . $address['province'] . ' ' . $address['city'] . ' ' . $address['district'] . ' ' . $address['detail'] : ''],
['name' => '手机号码', 'value' => $userInfo['phone']],
['name' => '姓名', 'value' => ''],
['name' => '微信昵称', 'value' => $userInfo['nickname']],
['name' => '头像', 'value' => $userInfo['avatar']],
['name' => '邮箱', 'value' => ''],
['name' => '生日', 'value' => ''],
['name' => '积分', 'value' => $userInfo['integral']],
['name' => '上级推广人', 'value' => $userInfo['spread_uid'] ? $this->getUserInfo($userInfo['spread_uid'], ['nickname'])['nickname'] ?? '' : ''],
['name' => '账户余额', 'value' => $userInfo['now_money']],
['name' => '佣金总收入', 'value' => app()->make(UserBillServices::class)->getBrokerageSum($uid)],
['name' => '提现总金额', 'value' => app()->make(UserExtractServices::class)->getUserExtract($uid)],
* 获取用户详情里面的用户消费能力和用户余额积分等
* @param $uid
* @return array[]
public function getHeaderList(int $uid, $userInfo = [])
if (!$userInfo) {
$userInfo = $this->getUserInfo($uid);
return [
'title' => '余额',
'value' => $userInfo['now_money'] ?? 0,
'key' => '元',
'title' => '消费次数',
'value' => $userInfo['pay_count'] ?? 0,
'key' => '笔',
'title' => '最后登录',
'value' => $userInfo['last_time'] ? time_tran($userInfo['last_time']):'未知',
'key' => '元',
'title' => '积分',
'value' => $userInfo['integral'] ?? 0,
'key' => '',
'title' => '本月订单',
'value' => $userInfo['now_money'] ?? 0,
'key' => '笔',
'title' => '注册时间',
'value' => time_tran($userInfo['add_time']),
'key' => '元',
* 获取用户记录里的积分总数和签到总数和余额变动总数
* @param $uid
* @return array
public function getUserBillCountData($uid)
/** @var UserBillServices $userBill */
$userBill = app()->make(UserBillServices::class);
$integral_count = $userBill->getIntegralCount($uid);
$sign_count = $userBill->getSignCount($uid);
$balanceChang_count = $userBill->getBrokerageCount($uid);
return [$integral_count, $sign_count, $balanceChang_count];
* 用户详情
* @param int $uid
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function read(int $uid)
$userInfo = $this->getUserInfo($uid);
if (!$userInfo) {
throw new AdminException(100026);
$userInfo['avatar'] = strpos($userInfo['avatar'], 'http') === false ? (sys_config('site_url') . $userInfo['avatar']) : $userInfo['avatar'];
$userInfo['overdue_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $userInfo['overdue_time']);
$userInfo['birthday'] = $userInfo['birthday'] < 0 ? 0 : $userInfo['birthday'];
if ($userInfo['addres'] == '') {
$defaultAddressInfo = app()->make(UserAddressServices::class)->getUserDefaultAddress($uid);
if ($defaultAddressInfo) {
$userInfo['addres'] = $defaultAddressInfo['province'] . $defaultAddressInfo['city'] . $defaultAddressInfo['district'] . $defaultAddressInfo['detail'];
} else {
$userInfo['addres'] = '';
$userInfo['vip_name'] = app()->make(SystemUserLevelServices::class)->value(['grade' => $userInfo['level']], 'name');
$userInfo['group_name'] = app()->make(UserGroupServices::class)->value(['id' => $userInfo['group_id']], 'group_name');
$userInfo['spread_uid_nickname'] = $this->dao->value(['uid' => $userInfo['spread_uid']], 'nickname') . '' . $userInfo['spread_uid'] . '';
$userInfo['label_list'] = implode(',', array_column(app()->make(UserLabelRelationServices::class)->getUserLabelList([$uid]), 'label_name'));
return [
'uid' => $uid,
'userinfo' => $this->getUserDetailed($uid, $userInfo),
'headerList' => $this->getHeaderList($uid, $userInfo),
'count' => $this->getUserBillCountData($uid),
'ps_info' => $userInfo
* 获取好友
* @param int $id
* @param string $field
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function getFriendList(int $id, string $field = 'uid,nickname,level,add_time,spread_time')
[$page, $limit] = $this->getPageValue();
$list = $this->dao->getList(['spread_uid' => $id], $field, $page, $limit);
/** @var SystemUserLevelServices $systemLevelServices */
$systemLevelServices = app()->make(SystemUserLevelServices::class);
$systemLevelList = $systemLevelServices->getWhereLevelList([], 'id,name');
if ($systemLevelServices) $systemLevelServices = array_combine(array_column($systemLevelList, 'id'), $systemLevelList);
foreach ($list as &$item) {
$item['type'] = $systemLevelServices[$item['level']]['name'] ?? '暂无';
$item['add_time'] = $item['spread_time'] && is_numeric($item['spread_time']) ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $item['spread_time']) : '';
$count = $this->dao->count(['spread_uid' => $id]);
return compact('list', 'count');
* 获取单个用户信息
* @param $id 用户id
* @return mixed
public function oneUserInfo(int $id, string $type)
switch ($type) {
case 'integral':
/** @var UserBillServices $services */
$services = app()->make(UserBillServices::class);
return $services->getIntegralList($id, [], 'title,number,balance,mark,add_time,frozen_time,pm');
case 'sign':
/** @var UserBillServices $services */
$services = app()->make(UserBillServices::class);
return $services->getSignList($id, [], 'title,number,mark,add_time');
case 'balance_change':
/** @var UserMoneyServices $services */
$services = app()->make(UserMoneyServices::class);
return $services->balanceList(['uid' => $id]);
throw new AdminException(100100);
* @param $time
* @param $week
* @return int
public function todayLastVisits($time, $week)
return $this->dao->todayLastVisit($time, $week);
* @param $time
* @param $week
* @return int
public function todayAddVisits($time, $week)
return $this->dao->todayAddVisit($time, $week);
* 增长率
* @param $left
* @param $right
* @return int|string
public function growth($nowValue, $lastValue)
if ($lastValue == 0 && $nowValue == 0) return 0;
if ($lastValue == 0) return bcmul((string)$nowValue, '100', 2);
if ($nowValue == 0) return bcdiv(bcsub($nowValue, $lastValue, 2), $lastValue, 4) * 100;
return bcmul(bcdiv((bcsub($nowValue, $lastValue, 2)), $lastValue, 4), 100, 2);
* 后台首页顶部统计
* @return array
* @author 吴汐
* @email
* @date 2023/04/03
public function homeStatics()
/** @var UserServices $userService */
$userService = app()->make(UserServices::class);
/** @var StoreProductLogServices $productLogServices */
$productLogServices = app()->make(StoreProductLogServices::class);
//TODO 销售额
$today_sales = '33250.00';
$yesterday_sales = '43250.00';
$sales_today_ratio = $this->growth($today_sales, $yesterday_sales);
$total_sales = '129877.99';
$sales = [
'today' => $today_sales,
'yesterday' => $yesterday_sales,
'today_ratio' => $sales_today_ratio,
'total' => $total_sales . '元',
'date' => '今日'
$today_visits = $productLogServices->count(['time' => 'today', 'type' => 'visit']);
$yesterday_visits = $productLogServices->count(['time' => 'yesterday', 'type' => 'visit']);
$visits_today_ratio = $this->growth($today_visits, $yesterday_visits);
$total_visits = $productLogServices->count(['time' => 'month', 'type' => 'visit']);
$visits = [
'today' => $today_visits,
'yesterday' => $yesterday_visits,
'today_ratio' => $visits_today_ratio,
'total' => $total_visits . 'Pv',
'date' => '今日'
//TODO 订单量
$today_order = 234;
$yesterday_order = 125;
$order_today_ratio = $this->growth($today_order, $yesterday_order);
$total_order = 59983;
$order = [
'today' => $today_order,
'yesterday' => $yesterday_order,
'today_ratio' => $order_today_ratio,
'total' => $total_order . '单',
'date' => '今日'
//TODO 用户
$today_user = $userService->todayAddVisits('today', 1);
$yesterday_user = $userService->todayAddVisits('yesterday', 1);
$user_today_ratio = $this->growth($today_user, $yesterday_user);
$total_user = $userService->count(['time' => 'month']);
$user = [
'today' => $today_user,
'yesterday' => $yesterday_user,
'today_ratio' => $user_today_ratio,
'total' => $total_user . '人',
'date' => '今日'
$info = array_values(compact('sales', 'visits', 'order', 'user'));
$info[0]['title'] = '销售额';
$info[1]['title'] = '用户访问量';
$info[2]['title'] = '订单量';
$info[3]['title'] = '新增用户';
$info[0]['total_name'] = '本月销售额';
$info[1]['total_name'] = '本月访问量';
$info[2]['total_name'] = '本月订单量';
$info[3]['total_name'] = '本月新增用户';
return $info;
* 订单图表
* @param $cycle
* @return array
public function orderCharts($cycle)
$datalist = [];
switch ($cycle) {
case 'thirtyday':
$datebefor = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-30 day'));
$dateafter = date('Y-m-d 23:59:59');
$pre_datebefor = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-60 day'));
$pre_dateafter = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-30 day'));
for ($i = -29; $i <= 0; $i++) {
$datalist[date('m-d', strtotime($i . ' day'))] = date('m-d', strtotime($i . ' day'));
$order_list = $this->dao->orderAddTimeList($datebefor, $dateafter, '30');
if (empty($order_list)) return ['yAxis' => [], 'legend' => [], 'xAxis' => [], 'serise' => [], 'pre_cycle' => [], 'cycle' => []];
foreach ($order_list as $k => &$v) {
$order_list[$v['day']] = $v;
$cycle_list = [];
foreach ($datalist as $dk => $dd) {
if (!empty($order_list[$dd])) {
$cycle_list[$dd] = $order_list[$dd];
} else {
$cycle_list[$dd] = ['count' => 0, 'day' => $dd, 'price' => ''];
$chartdata = [];
$data = [];//临时
$chartdata['yAxis']['maxnum'] = 0;//最大值数量
$chartdata['yAxis']['maxprice'] = 0;//最大值金额
foreach ($cycle_list as $k => $v) {
$data['day'][] = $v['day'];
$data['count'][] = $v['count'];
$data['price'][] = round($v['price'], 2);
if ($chartdata['yAxis']['maxnum'] < $v['count'])
$chartdata['yAxis']['maxnum'] = $v['count'];//日最大订单数
if ($chartdata['yAxis']['maxprice'] < $v['price'])
$chartdata['yAxis']['maxprice'] = $v['price'];//日最大金额
$chartdata['legend'] = ['订单金额', '订单数'];//分类
$chartdata['xAxis'] = $data['day'];//X轴值
$series1 = ['normal' => ['color' => [
'x' => 0, 'y' => 0, 'x2' => 0, 'y2' => 1,
'colorStops' => [
'offset' => 0,
'color' => '#69cdff'
'offset' => 0.5,
'color' => '#3eb3f7'
'offset' => 1,
'color' => '#1495eb'
$series2 = ['normal' => ['color' => [
'x' => 0, 'y' => 0, 'x2' => 0, 'y2' => 1,
'colorStops' => [
'offset' => 0,
'color' => '#6fdeab'
'offset' => 0.5,
'color' => '#44d693'
'offset' => 1,
'color' => '#2cc981'
$chartdata['series'][] = ['name' => $chartdata['legend'][0], 'type' => 'bar', 'itemStyle' => $series1, 'data' => $data['price']];//分类1值
$chartdata['series'][] = ['name' => $chartdata['legend'][1], 'type' => 'line', 'itemStyle' => $series2, 'data' => $data['count'], 'yAxisIndex' => 1];//分类2值
$pre_total = $this->dao->preTotalFind($pre_datebefor, $pre_dateafter);
if ($pre_total) {
$chartdata['pre_cycle']['count'] = [
'data' => $pre_total['count'] ?: 0
$chartdata['pre_cycle']['price'] = [
'data' => $pre_total['price'] ?: 0
$total = $this->dao->preTotalFind($datebefor, $dateafter);
if ($total) {
$cha_count = intval($pre_total['count']) - intval($total['count']);
$pre_total['count'] = $pre_total['count'] == 0 ? 1 : $pre_total['count'];
$chartdata['cycle']['count'] = [
'data' => $total['count'] ?: 0,
'percent' => round((abs($cha_count) / intval($pre_total['count']) * 100), 2),
'is_plus' => $cha_count > 0 ? -1 : ($cha_count == 0 ? 0 : 1)
$cha_price = round($pre_total['price'], 2) - round($total['price'], 2);
$pre_total['price'] = $pre_total['price'] == 0 ? 1 : $pre_total['price'];
$chartdata['cycle']['price'] = [
'data' => $total['price'] ?: 0,
'percent' => round(abs($cha_price) / $pre_total['price'] * 100, 2),
'is_plus' => $cha_price > 0 ? -1 : ($cha_price == 0 ? 0 : 1)
return $chartdata;
case 'week':
$weekarray = array(['周日'], ['周一'], ['周二'], ['周三'], ['周四'], ['周五'], ['周六']);
$datebefor = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 week Monday'));
$dateafter = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 week Sunday'));
// $order_list = $this->dao->orderAddTimeList($datebefor, $dateafter, 'week');
$new_order_list = [];
// foreach ($order_list as $k => $v) {
// $new_order_list[$v['day']] = $v;
// }
$now_datebefor = date('Y-m-d', (time() - ((date('w') == 0 ? 7 : date('w')) - 1) * 24 * 3600));
$now_dateafter = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("+1 day"));
$now_order_list = $this->dao->orderAddTimeList($now_datebefor, $now_dateafter, 'week');
//数据查询重新处理 key 变为当前值
$new_now_order_list = [];
foreach ($now_order_list as $k => $v) {
$new_now_order_list[$v['day']] = $v;
foreach ($weekarray as $dk => $dd) {
if (!empty($new_order_list[$dk])) {
$weekarray[$dk]['pre'] = $new_order_list[$dk];
} else {
$weekarray[$dk]['pre'] = ['count' => 0, 'day' => $weekarray[$dk][0], 'price' => '0'];
if (!empty($new_now_order_list[$dk])) {
$weekarray[$dk]['now'] = $new_now_order_list[$dk];
} else {
$weekarray[$dk]['now'] = ['count' => 0, 'day' => $weekarray[$dk][0], 'price' => '0'];
$chartdata = [];
$data = [];//临时
$chartdata['yAxis']['maxnum'] = 0;//最大值数量
$chartdata['yAxis']['maxprice'] = 0;//最大值金额
foreach ($weekarray as $k => $v) {
$data['day'][] = $v[0];
$data['pre']['count'][] = $v['pre']['count'];
$data['pre']['price'][] = round($v['pre']['price'], 2);
$data['now']['count'][] = $v['now']['count'];
$data['now']['price'][] = round($v['now']['price'], 2);
if ($chartdata['yAxis']['maxnum'] < $v['pre']['count'] || $chartdata['yAxis']['maxnum'] < $v['now']['count']) {
$chartdata['yAxis']['maxnum'] = $v['pre']['count'] > $v['now']['count'] ? $v['pre']['count'] : $v['now']['count'];//日最大订单数
if ($chartdata['yAxis']['maxprice'] < $v['pre']['price'] || $chartdata['yAxis']['maxprice'] < $v['now']['price']) {
$chartdata['yAxis']['maxprice'] = $v['pre']['price'] > $v['now']['price'] ? $v['pre']['price'] : $v['now']['price'];//日最大金额
$chartdata['legend'] = ['上周金额', '本周金额', '上周订单数', '本周订单数'];//分类
$chartdata['xAxis'] = $data['day'];//X轴值
$series1 = ['normal' => ['color' => [
'x' => 0, 'y' => 0, 'x2' => 0, 'y2' => 1,
'colorStops' => [
'offset' => 0,
'color' => '#69cdff'
'offset' => 0.5,
'color' => '#3eb3f7'
'offset' => 1,
'color' => '#1495eb'
$series2 = ['normal' => ['color' => [
'x' => 0, 'y' => 0, 'x2' => 0, 'y2' => 1,
'colorStops' => [
'offset' => 0,
'color' => '#6fdeab'
'offset' => 0.5,
'color' => '#44d693'
'offset' => 1,
'color' => '#2cc981'
$series3 = ['normal' => ['color' => [
'x' => 0, 'y' => 0, 'x2' => 0, 'y2' => 1,
'colorStops' => [
'offset' => 0,
'color' => '#69cdff'
'offset' => 0.5,
'color' => '#3eb3f7'
'offset' => 1,
'color' => '#1495eb'
$series4 = ['normal' => ['color' => [
'x' => 0, 'y' => 0, 'x2' => 0, 'y2' => 1,
'colorStops' => [
'offset' => 0,
'color' => '#6fdeab'
'offset' => 0.5,
'color' => '#44d693'
'offset' => 1,
'color' => '#2cc981'
$chartdata['series'][] = ['name' => $chartdata['legend'][0], 'type' => 'bar', 'itemStyle' => $series1, 'data' => $data['pre']['price']];//分类1值
$chartdata['series'][] = ['name' => $chartdata['legend'][1], 'type' => 'bar', 'itemStyle' => $series2, 'data' => $data['now']['price']];//分类1值
$chartdata['series'][] = ['name' => $chartdata['legend'][2], 'type' => 'line', 'itemStyle' => $series3, 'data' => $data['pre']['count'], 'yAxisIndex' => 1];//分类2值
$chartdata['series'][] = ['name' => $chartdata['legend'][3], 'type' => 'line', 'itemStyle' => $series4, 'data' => $data['now']['count'], 'yAxisIndex' => 1];//分类2值
$pre_total = $this->dao->preTotalFind($datebefor, $dateafter);
if ($pre_total) {
$chartdata['pre_cycle']['count'] = [
'data' => $pre_total['count'] ?: 0
$chartdata['pre_cycle']['price'] = [
'data' => $pre_total['price'] ?: 0
$total = $this->dao->preTotalFind($now_datebefor, $now_dateafter);
if ($total) {
$cha_count = intval($pre_total['count']) - intval($total['count']);
$pre_total['count'] = $pre_total['count'] == 0 ? 1 : $pre_total['count'];
$chartdata['cycle']['count'] = [
'data' => $total['count'] ?: 0,
'percent' => round((abs($cha_count) / intval($pre_total['count']) * 100), 2),
'is_plus' => $cha_count > 0 ? -1 : ($cha_count == 0 ? 0 : 1)
$cha_price = round($pre_total['price'], 2) - round($total['price'], 2);
$pre_total['price'] = $pre_total['price'] == 0 ? 1 : $pre_total['price'];
$chartdata['cycle']['price'] = [
'data' => $total['price'] ?: 0,
'percent' => round(abs($cha_price) / $pre_total['price'] * 100, 2),
'is_plus' => $cha_price > 0 ? -1 : ($cha_price == 0 ? 0 : 1)
return $chartdata;
case 'month':
$weekarray = array('01' => ['1'], '02' => ['2'], '03' => ['3'], '04' => ['4'], '05' => ['5'], '06' => ['6'], '07' => ['7'], '08' => ['8'], '09' => ['9'], '10' => ['10'], '11' => ['11'], '12' => ['12'], '13' => ['13'], '14' => ['14'], '15' => ['15'], '16' => ['16'], '17' => ['17'], '18' => ['18'], '19' => ['19'], '20' => ['20'], '21' => ['21'], '22' => ['22'], '23' => ['23'], '24' => ['24'], '25' => ['25'], '26' => ['26'], '27' => ['27'], '28' => ['28'], '29' => ['29'], '30' => ['30'], '31' => ['31']);
$datebefor = date('Y-m-01', strtotime('-1 month'));
$dateafter = date('Y-m-d', strtotime(date('Y-m-01')));
$order_list = $this->dao->orderAddTimeList($datebefor, $dateafter, "month");
$new_order_list = [];
foreach ($order_list as $k => $v) {
$new_order_list[$v['day']] = $v;
$now_datebefor = date('Y-m-01');
$now_dateafter = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("+1 day"));
$now_order_list = $this->dao->orderAddTimeList($now_datebefor, $now_dateafter, "month");
//数据查询重新处理 key 变为当前值
$new_now_order_list = [];
foreach ($now_order_list as $k => $v) {
$new_now_order_list[$v['day']] = $v;
foreach ($weekarray as $dk => $dd) {
if (!empty($new_order_list[$dk])) {
$weekarray[$dk]['pre'] = $new_order_list[$dk];
} else {
$weekarray[$dk]['pre'] = ['count' => 0, 'day' => $weekarray[$dk][0], 'price' => '0'];
if (!empty($new_now_order_list[$dk])) {
$weekarray[$dk]['now'] = $new_now_order_list[$dk];
} else {
$weekarray[$dk]['now'] = ['count' => 0, 'day' => $weekarray[$dk][0], 'price' => '0'];
$chartdata = [];
$data = [];//临时
$chartdata['yAxis']['maxnum'] = 0;//最大值数量
$chartdata['yAxis']['maxprice'] = 0;//最大值金额
foreach ($weekarray as $k => $v) {
$data['day'][] = $v[0];
$data['pre']['count'][] = $v['pre']['count'];
$data['pre']['price'][] = round($v['pre']['price'], 2);
$data['now']['count'][] = $v['now']['count'];
$data['now']['price'][] = round($v['now']['price'], 2);
if ($chartdata['yAxis']['maxnum'] < $v['pre']['count'] || $chartdata['yAxis']['maxnum'] < $v['now']['count']) {
$chartdata['yAxis']['maxnum'] = $v['pre']['count'] > $v['now']['count'] ? $v['pre']['count'] : $v['now']['count'];//日最大订单数
if ($chartdata['yAxis']['maxprice'] < $v['pre']['price'] || $chartdata['yAxis']['maxprice'] < $v['now']['price']) {
$chartdata['yAxis']['maxprice'] = $v['pre']['price'] > $v['now']['price'] ? $v['pre']['price'] : $v['now']['price'];//日最大金额
$chartdata['legend'] = ['上月金额', '本月金额', '上月订单数', '本月订单数'];//分类
$chartdata['xAxis'] = $data['day'];//X轴值
$series1 = ['normal' => ['color' => [
'x' => 0, 'y' => 0, 'x2' => 0, 'y2' => 1,
'colorStops' => [
'offset' => 0,
'color' => '#69cdff'
'offset' => 0.5,
'color' => '#3eb3f7'
'offset' => 1,
'color' => '#1495eb'
$series2 = ['normal' => ['color' => [
'x' => 0, 'y' => 0, 'x2' => 0, 'y2' => 1,
'colorStops' => [
'offset' => 0,
'color' => '#6fdeab'
'offset' => 0.5,
'color' => '#44d693'
'offset' => 1,
'color' => '#2cc981'
$series3 = ['normal' => ['color' => [
'x' => 0, 'y' => 0, 'x2' => 0, 'y2' => 1,
'colorStops' => [
'offset' => 0,
'color' => '#69cdff'
'offset' => 0.5,
'color' => '#3eb3f7'
'offset' => 1,
'color' => '#1495eb'
$series4 = ['normal' => ['color' => [
'x' => 0, 'y' => 0, 'x2' => 0, 'y2' => 1,
'colorStops' => [
'offset' => 0,
'color' => '#6fdeab'
'offset' => 0.5,
'color' => '#44d693'
'offset' => 1,
'color' => '#2cc981'
$chartdata['series'][] = ['name' => $chartdata['legend'][0], 'type' => 'bar', 'itemStyle' => $series1, 'data' => $data['pre']['price']];//分类1值
$chartdata['series'][] = ['name' => $chartdata['legend'][1], 'type' => 'bar', 'itemStyle' => $series2, 'data' => $data['now']['price']];//分类1值
$chartdata['series'][] = ['name' => $chartdata['legend'][2], 'type' => 'line', 'itemStyle' => $series3, 'data' => $data['pre']['count'], 'yAxisIndex' => 1];//分类2值
$chartdata['series'][] = ['name' => $chartdata['legend'][3], 'type' => 'line', 'itemStyle' => $series4, 'data' => $data['now']['count'], 'yAxisIndex' => 1];//分类2值
$pre_total = $this->dao->preTotalFind($datebefor, $dateafter);
if ($pre_total) {
$chartdata['pre_cycle']['count'] = [
'data' => $pre_total['count'] ?: 0
$chartdata['pre_cycle']['price'] = [
'data' => $pre_total['price'] ?: 0
$total = $this->dao->preTotalFind($now_datebefor, $now_dateafter);
if ($total) {
$cha_count = intval($pre_total['count']) - intval($total['count']);
$pre_total['count'] = $pre_total['count'] == 0 ? 1 : $pre_total['count'];
$chartdata['cycle']['count'] = [
'data' => $total['count'] ?: 0,
'percent' => round((abs($cha_count) / intval($pre_total['count']) * 100), 2),
'is_plus' => $cha_count > 0 ? -1 : ($cha_count == 0 ? 0 : 1)
$cha_price = round($pre_total['price'], 2) - round($total['price'], 2);
$pre_total['price'] = $pre_total['price'] == 0 ? 1 : $pre_total['price'];
$chartdata['cycle']['price'] = [
'data' => $total['price'] ?: 0,
'percent' => round(abs($cha_price) / $pre_total['price'] * 100, 2),
'is_plus' => $cha_price > 0 ? -1 : ($cha_price == 0 ? 0 : 1)
return $chartdata;
case 'year':
$weekarray = array('01' => ['一月'], '02' => ['二月'], '03' => ['三月'], '04' => ['四月'], '05' => ['五月'], '06' => ['六月'], '07' => ['七月'], '08' => ['八月'], '09' => ['九月'], '10' => ['十月'], '11' => ['十一月'], '12' => ['十二月']);
$datebefor = date('Y-01-01', strtotime('-1 year'));
$dateafter = date('Y-12-31', strtotime('-1 year'));
$order_list = $this->dao->orderAddTimeList($datebefor, $dateafter, 'year');
$new_order_list = [];
foreach ($order_list as $k => $v) {
$new_order_list[$v['day']] = $v;
$now_datebefor = date('Y-01-01');
$now_dateafter = date('Y-12-31 23:59:59');
$now_order_list = $this->dao->orderAddTimeList($now_datebefor, $now_dateafter, 'year');
//数据查询重新处理 key 变为当前值
$new_now_order_list = [];
foreach ($now_order_list as $k => $v) {
$new_now_order_list[$v['day']] = $v;
foreach ($weekarray as $dk => $dd) {
if (!empty($new_order_list[$dk])) {
$weekarray[$dk]['pre'] = $new_order_list[$dk];
} else {
$weekarray[$dk]['pre'] = ['count' => 0, 'day' => $weekarray[$dk][0], 'price' => '0'];
if (!empty($new_now_order_list[$dk])) {
$weekarray[$dk]['now'] = $new_now_order_list[$dk];
} else {
$weekarray[$dk]['now'] = ['count' => 0, 'day' => $weekarray[$dk][0], 'price' => '0'];
$chartdata = [];
$data = [];//临时
$chartdata['yAxis']['maxnum'] = 0;//最大值数量
$chartdata['yAxis']['maxprice'] = 0;//最大值金额
foreach ($weekarray as $k => $v) {
$data['day'][] = $v[0];
$data['pre']['count'][] = $v['pre']['count'];
$data['pre']['price'][] = round($v['pre']['price'], 2);
$data['now']['count'][] = $v['now']['count'];
$data['now']['price'][] = round($v['now']['price'], 2);
if ($chartdata['yAxis']['maxnum'] < $v['pre']['count'] || $chartdata['yAxis']['maxnum'] < $v['now']['count']) {
$chartdata['yAxis']['maxnum'] = $v['pre']['count'] > $v['now']['count'] ? $v['pre']['count'] : $v['now']['count'];//日最大订单数
if ($chartdata['yAxis']['maxprice'] < $v['pre']['price'] || $chartdata['yAxis']['maxprice'] < $v['now']['price']) {
$chartdata['yAxis']['maxprice'] = $v['pre']['price'] > $v['now']['price'] ? $v['pre']['price'] : $v['now']['price'];//日最大金额
$chartdata['legend'] = ['去年金额', '今年金额', '去年订单数', '今年订单数'];//分类
$chartdata['xAxis'] = $data['day'];//X轴值
$series1 = ['normal' => ['color' => [
'x' => 0, 'y' => 0, 'x2' => 0, 'y2' => 1,
'colorStops' => [
'offset' => 0,
'color' => '#69cdff'
'offset' => 0.5,
'color' => '#3eb3f7'
'offset' => 1,
'color' => '#1495eb'
$series2 = ['normal' => ['color' => [
'x' => 0, 'y' => 0, 'x2' => 0, 'y2' => 1,
'colorStops' => [
'offset' => 0,
'color' => '#6fdeab'
'offset' => 0.5,
'color' => '#44d693'
'offset' => 1,
'color' => '#2cc981'
$series3 = ['normal' => ['color' => [
'x' => 0, 'y' => 0, 'x2' => 0, 'y2' => 1,
'colorStops' => [
'offset' => 0,
'color' => '#69cdff'
'offset' => 0.5,
'color' => '#3eb3f7'
'offset' => 1,
'color' => '#1495eb'
$series4 = ['normal' => ['color' => [
'x' => 0, 'y' => 0, 'x2' => 0, 'y2' => 1,
'colorStops' => [
'offset' => 0,
'color' => '#6fdeab'
'offset' => 0.5,
'color' => '#44d693'
'offset' => 1,
'color' => '#2cc981'
$chartdata['series'][] = ['name' => $chartdata['legend'][0], 'type' => 'bar', 'itemStyle' => $series1, 'data' => $data['pre']['price']];//分类1值
$chartdata['series'][] = ['name' => $chartdata['legend'][1], 'type' => 'bar', 'itemStyle' => $series2, 'data' => $data['now']['price']];//分类1值
$chartdata['series'][] = ['name' => $chartdata['legend'][2], 'type' => 'line', 'itemStyle' => $series3, 'data' => $data['pre']['count'], 'yAxisIndex' => 1];//分类2值
$chartdata['series'][] = ['name' => $chartdata['legend'][3], 'type' => 'line', 'itemStyle' => $series4, 'data' => $data['now']['count'], 'yAxisIndex' => 1];//分类2值
$pre_total = $this->dao->preTotalFind($datebefor, $dateafter);
if ($pre_total) {
$chartdata['pre_cycle']['count'] = [
'data' => $pre_total['count'] ?: 0
$chartdata['pre_cycle']['price'] = [
'data' => $pre_total['price'] ?: 0
$total = $this->dao->preTotalFind($now_datebefor, $now_dateafter);
if ($total) {
$cha_count = intval($pre_total['count']) - intval($total['count']);
$pre_total['count'] = $pre_total['count'] == 0 ? 1 : $pre_total['count'];
$chartdata['cycle']['count'] = [
'data' => $total['count'] ?: 0,
'percent' => round((abs($cha_count) / intval($pre_total['count']) * 100), 2),
'is_plus' => $cha_count > 0 ? -1 : ($cha_count == 0 ? 0 : 1)
$cha_price = round($pre_total['price'], 2) - round($total['price'], 2);
$pre_total['price'] = $pre_total['price'] == 0 ? 1 : $pre_total['price'];
$chartdata['cycle']['price'] = [
'data' => $total['price'] ?: 0,
'percent' => round(abs($cha_price) / $pre_total['price'] * 100, 2),
'is_plus' => $cha_price > 0 ? -1 : ($cha_price == 0 ? 0 : 1)
return $chartdata;
* 用户图表
public function userChart()
$starday = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-30 day'));
$yesterday = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 day'));
$user_list = $this->dao->userList($starday, $yesterday);
$chartdata = [];
$data = [];
$chartdata['legend'] = ['用户数'];//分类
$chartdata['yAxis']['maxnum'] = 0;//最大值数量
$chartdata['xAxis'] = [date('m-d')];//X轴值
$chartdata['series'] = [0];//分类1值
if (!empty($user_list)) {
foreach ($user_list as $k => $v) {
$data['day'][] = $v['day'];
$data['count'][] = $v['count'];
if ($chartdata['yAxis']['maxnum'] < $v['count'])
$chartdata['yAxis']['maxnum'] = $v['count'];
$chartdata['xAxis'] = $data['day'];//X轴值
$chartdata['series'] = $data['count'];//分类1值
$chartdata['bing_xdata'] = ['未消费用户', '消费一次用户', '留存客户', '回流客户'];
$color = ['#5cadff', '#b37feb', '#19be6b', '#ff9900'];
$pay[0] = $this->dao->count(['pay_count' => 0]);
$pay[1] = $this->dao->count(['pay_count' => 1]);
$pay[2] = $this->dao->userCount(1);
$pay[3] = $this->dao->userCount(2);
foreach ($pay as $key => $item) {
$bing_data[] = ['name' => $chartdata['bing_xdata'][$key], 'value' => $pay[$key], 'itemStyle' => ['color' => $color[$key]]];
$chartdata['bing_data'] = $bing_data;
return $chartdata;
/************ 前端api services *****************/
* 用户信息
* @param $info
* @return mixed
public function userInfo($info)
/** @var UserBillServices $userBill */
$userBill = app()->make(UserBillServices::class);
$uid = (int)$info['uid'];
$broken_time = intval(sys_config('extract_time'));
$search_time = time() - 86400 * $broken_time;
$search_time = '1970/01/01' . ' - ' . date('Y/m/d H:i:s', $search_time);
//返佣 +
$brokerage_commission = (string)$userBill->getUsersBokerageSum(['uid' => $uid, 'pm' => 1], $search_time);
//退款退的佣金 -
$refund_commission = (string)$userBill->getUsersBokerageSum(['uid' => $uid, 'pm' => 0], $search_time);
$info['broken_commission'] = bcsub($brokerage_commission, $refund_commission, 2);
if ($info['broken_commission'] < 0)
$info['broken_commission'] = 0;
$info['commissionCount'] = bcsub($info['brokerage_price'], $info['broken_commission'], 2);
if ($info['commissionCount'] < 0)
$info['commissionCount'] = 0;
return $info;
* 个人中心
* @param array $user
public function personalHome(array $user, $tokenData)
$userInfo = $user;
$uid = (int)$user['uid'];
/** @var UserBillServices $userBill */
$userBill = app()->make(UserBillServices::class);
/** @var UserExtractServices $userExtract */
$userExtract = app()->make(UserExtractServices::class);
/** @var UserLevelServices $userLevel */
$userLevel = app()->make(UserLevelServices::class);
/** @var WechatUserServices $wechatUser */
$wechatUser = app()->make(WechatUserServices::class);
/** @var UserInvoiceServices $userInvoice */
$userInvoice = app()->make(UserInvoiceServices::class);
/** @var StoreProductRelationServices $collect */
$collect = app()->make(StoreProductRelationServices::class);
/** @var MessageSystemServices $messageSystemServices */
$messageSystemServices = app()->make(MessageSystemServices::class);
/** @var UserBrokerageServices $frozenPrices */
$frozenPrices = app()->make(UserBrokerageServices::class);
$user['broken_commission'] = $frozenPrices->getUserFrozenPrice($uid);
if ($user['broken_commission'] < 0)
$user['broken_commission'] = 0;
$user['commissionCount'] = bcsub((string)$user['brokerage_price'], (string)$user['broken_commission'], 2);
if ($user['commissionCount'] < 0)
$user['commissionCount'] = 0;
if (!sys_config('member_func_status'))
$user['vip'] = false;
else {
$userLevel = $userLevel->getUerLevelInfoByUid($user['uid']);
$user['vip'] = (bool)$userLevel;
if ($user['vip']) {
$user['vip_id'] = $userLevel['id'] ?? 0;
$user['vip_icon'] = set_file_url($userLevel['icon']) ?? '';
$user['vip_name'] = $userLevel['name'] ?? '';
$user['yesterDay'] = $frozenPrices->getUsersBokerageSum(['uid' => $uid, 'pm' => 1], 'yesterday');
$user['recharge_switch'] = (int)sys_config('recharge_switch');//充值开关
$user['adminid'] = 1;
if ($user['phone'] && $user['user_type'] != 'h5') {
$user['switchUserInfo'][] = $userInfo;
$h5UserInfo = $this->dao->getOne(['account' => $user['phone'], 'user_type' => 'h5']);
if ($h5UserInfo) {
$user['switchUserInfo'][] = $h5UserInfo;
} else if ($user['phone'] && $user['user_type'] == 'h5') {
$wechatUserInfo = $this->getOne([['phone', '=', $user['phone']], ['user_type', '<>', 'h5']]);
if ($wechatUserInfo) {
$user['switchUserInfo'][] = $wechatUserInfo;
$user['switchUserInfo'][] = $userInfo;
} else if (!$user['phone']) {
$user['switchUserInfo'][] = $userInfo;
$user['broken_day'] = (int)sys_config('extract_time');//佣金冻结时间
$user['balance_func_status'] = (int)sys_config('balance_func_status', 0);
$invoice_func = $userInvoice->invoiceFuncStatus();
$user['invioce_func'] = $invoice_func['invoice_func'];
$user['special_invoice'] = $invoice_func['special_invoice'];
$user['collectCount'] = $collect->count(['uid' => $uid]);
$user['spread_status'] = $this->checkUserPromoter($user['uid']);
$user['pay_vip_status'] = $user['is_ever_level'] || ($user['is_money_level'] && $user['overdue_time'] > time());
$user['member_style'] = '';
if ($user['is_ever_level']) {
$user['vip_status'] = 1;//永久会员
} else {
if (!$user['is_money_level'] && $user['overdue_time'] && $user['overdue_time'] < time()) {
$user['vip_status'] = -1;//开通过已过期
} else if (!$user['overdue_time'] && !$user['is_money_level']) {
$user['vip_status'] = 2;//没有开通过
} else if ($user['is_money_level'] && $user['overdue_time'] && $user['overdue_time'] > time()) {
$user['vip_status'] = 3;//开通了,没有到期
$user['svip_open'] = (bool)sys_config('member_card_status');
$message = $messageSystemServices->count(['uid' => $uid, 'look' => 0, 'is_del' => 0]);
$user['extract_type'] = sys_config('extract_type');
$user['integral'] = intval($user['integral']);
$user['is_agent_level'] = 0;
$user['division_open'] = (int)sys_config('division_status', 0);
$user['agent_apply_open'] = (int)sys_config('agent_apply_open', 0);
$user['is_default_avatar'] = $user['avatar'] == sys_config('h5_avatar') ? 1 : 0;
$user['avatar'] = strpos($user['avatar'], '/statics/system_images/') !== false ? set_file_url($user['avatar']) : $user['avatar'];
return $user;
* 用户资金统计
* @param int $uid
public function balance(int $uid)
$userInfo = $this->getUserInfo($uid);
if (!$userInfo) {
throw new AdminException(400214);
/** @var UserBillServices $userBill */
$userBill = app()->make(UserBillServices::class);
$user['now_money'] = $userInfo['now_money'];//当前总资金
$user['recharge'] = $userBill->getRechargeSum($uid);//累计充值
$user['orderStatusSum'] = 100;//累计消费
return $user;
* 用户修改信息
* @param Request $request
* @return mixed
public function eidtNickname(int $uid, array $data)
if (!$this->dao->count(['uid' => $uid])) {
throw new ApiException(400214);
if (!$this->dao->update($uid, $data, 'uid')) {
throw new ApiException(100007);
return true;
* 获取推广人排行
* @param $data 查询条件
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public function getRankList(array $data)
$startTime = strtotime('this week Monday');
$endTime = time();
switch ($data['type']) {
case 'week':
$startTime = strtotime('this week Monday');
case 'month':
$startTime = strtotime('last month');
[$page, $limit] = $this->getPageValue();
$field = 't0.uid,t0.spread_uid,count(t1.spread_uid) AS count,t0.add_time,t0.nickname,t0.avatar';
return $this->dao->getAgentRankList([$startTime, $endTime], $field, $page, $limit);
* 静默绑定推广人
* @param int $uid
* @param int $spreadUid
* @param $code
* @return bool
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function spread(int $uid, int $spreadUid, $code)
$userInfo = $this->dao->getOne(['uid' => $uid], 'uid,spread_uid,spread_time,add_time,last_time');
if (!$userInfo) {
throw new ApiException(100026);
if ($code && !$spreadUid) {
/** @var QrcodeServices $qrCode */
$qrCode = app()->make(QrcodeServices::class);
if ($info = $qrCode->getOne(['id' => $code, 'status' => 1])) {
$spreadUid = $info['third_id'];
if ($spreadUid == 0) return '不绑定';
$userSpreadUid = $this->dao->value(['uid' => $spreadUid], 'spread_uid');
if ($spreadUid && $uid && $spreadUid != $uid) {
/** @var UserFriendsServices $serviceFriend */
$serviceFriend = app()->make(UserFriendsServices::class);
'uid' => $uid,
'friends_uid' => $spreadUid,
$check = false;
if (sys_config('brokerage_bindind') == 1) {
if (sys_config('store_brokerage_binding_status') == 1) {
if (!$userInfo['spread_uid']) {
$check = true;
} elseif (sys_config('store_brokerage_binding_status') == 2 && (($userInfo['spread_time'] + (sys_config('store_brokerage_binding_time') * 86400)) < time())) {
$check = true;
} elseif (sys_config('store_brokerage_binding_status') == 3) {
$check = true;
} elseif (sys_config('brokerage_bindind') == 2) {
if ($userInfo['add_time'] == $userInfo['last_time'] && $userInfo['spread_uid'] == 0) {
$check = true;
if ($userInfo['uid'] == $spreadUid || $userInfo['uid'] == $userSpreadUid) $check = false;
if ($check) {
$spreadInfo = $this->dao->get($spreadUid, ['division_id', 'agent_id', 'staff_id']);
$data = [];
$data['spread_uid'] = $spreadUid;
$data['spread_time'] = time();
$data['division_id'] = $spreadInfo['division_id'];
$data['agent_id'] = $spreadInfo['agent_id'];
$data['staff_id'] = $spreadInfo['staff_id'];
if (!$this->dao->update($uid, $data, 'uid')) {
throw new ApiException(410288);
return '绑定上级成功上级uid为' . $spreadUid;
} else {
return '不绑定';
* 添加访问记录
* @param Request $request
* @return mixed
public function setVisit(array $data)
$userInfo = $this->getUserInfo($data['uid'], 'uid,user_type');
if (!$userInfo) {
throw new ApiException(100026);
$data['channel_type'] = $userInfo['user_type'];
$data['add_time'] = time();
/** @var WechatUserServices $wechatUserServices */
$wechatUserServices = app()->make(WechatUserServices::class);
$wechatUser = $wechatUserServices->get(['uid' => $userInfo['uid'], 'user_type' => $userInfo['user_type']]);
if (!$wechatUser) {
$wechatUser = $wechatUserServices->get(['uid' => $userInfo['uid']]);
if ($wechatUser) {
$data['province'] = $wechatUser['province'];
/** @var UserVisitServices $userVisit */
$userVisit = app()->make(UserVisitServices::class);
if ($userVisit->save($data)) {
return true;
} else {
throw new ApiException(100015);
* 获取活动状态
* @return mixed
public function activity()
return '';
* 获取用户下级推广人
* @param int $uid 当前用户
* @param int $grade 等级 0 一级 1 二级
* @param string $orderBy 排序
* @param string $keyword
* @return array|bool
public function getUserSpreadGrade(int $uid = 0, $grade = 0, $orderBy = '', $keyword = '')
$user = $this->getUserInfo($uid);
if (!$user) {
throw new AdminException(400214);
$spread_one_ids = $this->getUserSpredadUids($uid, 1);
$spread_two_ids = $this->getUserSpredadUids($uid, 2);
$data = [
'total' => count($spread_one_ids),
'totalLevel' => count($spread_two_ids),
'list' => []
if (sys_config('brokerage_level', 2) == 1) {
$data['count'] = $data['total'];
} else {
$data['count'] = $data['total'] + $data['totalLevel'];
/** @var UserStoreOrderServices $userStoreOrder */
$userStoreOrder = app()->make(UserStoreOrderServices::class);
$list = [];
if ($grade == 0) {
if ($spread_one_ids) $list = $userStoreOrder->getUserSpreadCountList($spread_one_ids, $orderBy, $keyword);
} else {
if ($spread_two_ids) $list = $userStoreOrder->getUserSpreadCountList($spread_two_ids, $orderBy, $keyword);
foreach ($list as &$item) {
if (isset($item['spread_time']) && $item['spread_time']) {
$item['time'] = date('Y/m/d', $item['spread_time']);
$data['list'] = $list;
$data['brokerage_level'] = (int)sys_config('brokerage_level', 2);
return $data;
* 获取推广人uids
* @param int $uid
* @param bool $one
* @return array
public function getUserSpredadUids(int $uid, int $type = 0)
$uids = $this->dao->getColumn(['spread_uid' => $uid, 'is_del' => 0], 'uid');
if ($type === 1) {
return $uids;
if ($uids) {
$uidsTwo = $this->dao->getColumn([['spread_uid', 'in', $uids], ['is_del', '=', 0]], 'uid');
if ($type === 2) {
return $uidsTwo;
if ($uidsTwo) {
$uids = array_merge($uids, $uidsTwo);
return $uids;
* 检测用户是否是推广员
* @param int $uid
* @param $user
* @return bool
public function checkUserPromoter(int $uid, $user = [])
if (!$user) {
$user = $this->getUserInfo($uid, 'spread_open,is_promoter');
if (!$user) {
return false;
if (!sys_config('brokerage_func_status')) {
return false;
if (isset($user['spread_open']) && !$user['spread_open']) {
return false;
return false;
* 同步微信粉丝用户(后台接口)
* @return bool
public function syncWechatUsers()
$appid = sys_config('wechat_appid');
$appSecret = sys_config('wechat_appsecret');
if (!$appid || !$appSecret) {
throw new AdminException(400236);
$key = md5('sync_wechat_users');
if (CacheService::get($key)) {
return true;
$next_openid = null;
do {
$result = WechatService::getUsersList($next_openid);
$userOpenids = $result['data'];
$opemidArr = array_chunk($userOpenids, 100);
foreach ($opemidArr as $openids) {
$next_openid = $result['next_openid'];
} while ($next_openid != null);
CacheService::set($key, 1, 3600 * 24);
return true;
* 导入微信粉丝用户
* @param array $openids
* @return bool
public function importUser(array $noBeOpenids)
if (!$noBeOpenids) {
return true;
$dataAll = $data = [];
$time = time();
foreach ($noBeOpenids as $openid) {
try {
$info = WechatService::getUserInfo($openid);
$info = is_object($info) ? $info->toArray() : $info;
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
$info = [];
if (!$info) continue;
$data['nickname'] = $info['nickname'] ?? '';
$data['headimgurl'] = $info['headimgurl'] ?? '';
$userInfoData = $this->setUserInfo($data);
if (!$userInfoData) {
throw new AdminException(400703);
$data['uid'] = $userInfoData['uid'];
$data['subscribe'] = $info['subscribe'] ?? 1;
$data['unionid'] = $info['unionid'] ?? '';
$data['openid'] = $info['openid'] ?? '';
$data['sex'] = $info['sex'] ?? 0;
$data['language'] = $info['language'] ?? '';
$data['city'] = $info['city'] ?? '';
$data['province'] = $info['province'] ?? '';
$data['country'] = $info['country'] ?? '';
$data['subscribe_time'] = $info['subscribe_time'] ?? '';
$data['groupid'] = $info['groupid'] ?? 0;
$data['remark'] = $info['remark'] ?? '';
$data['tagid_list'] = isset($info['tagid_list']) && $info['tagid_list'] ? implode(',', $info['tagid_list']) : '';
$data['add_time'] = $time;
$data['is_complete'] = 1;
$dataAll[] = $data;
if ($dataAll) {
/** @var WechatUserServices $wechatUser */
$wechatUser = app()->make(WechatUserServices::class);
if (!$wechatUser->saveAll($dataAll)) {
throw new AdminException(400703);
return true;
/** 修改会员的时间及是否会员状态
* @param int $vip_day 会员天数
* @param array $user_id 用户id
* @param int $is_money_level 会员来源途径
* @param bool $member_type 会员卡类型
* @return mixed
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function setMemberOverdueTime($vip_day, int $user_id, int $is_money_level, $member_type = false)
if ($vip_day == 0) throw new ApiException(410289);
$user_info = $this->getUserInfo($user_id, 'is_money_level,overdue_time');
if (!$user_info) throw new ApiException(410032);
if (!$member_type) $member_type = "month";
if ($member_type == 'ever') {
$overdue_time = 0;
$is_ever_level = 1;
} else {
if ($user_info['is_money_level'] == 0) {
$overdue_time = bcadd(bcmul($vip_day, 86400, 0), time(), 0);
} else {
$overdue_time = bcadd(bcmul($vip_day, 86400, 0), $user_info['overdue_time'], 0);
$is_ever_level = 0;
$setData['overdue_time'] = $overdue_time;
$setData['is_ever_level'] = $is_ever_level;
$setData['is_money_level'] = $is_money_level ?: 0;
// if ($user_info['level'] == 0) $setData['level'] = 1;
return $this->dao->update(['uid' => $user_id], $setData);
* 会员过期改变状态,变为普通会员
* @param $uid
* @param $userInfo
* @return bool
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function offMemberLevel($uid, $userInfo = [])
if (!$uid) return false;
if (!$userInfo) {
$userInfo = $this->dao->get($uid, ['is_ever_level', 'is_money_level', 'overdue_time']);
if (!$userInfo) return false;
if ($userInfo['is_ever_level'] == 0 && $userInfo['is_money_level'] > 0 && $userInfo['overdue_time'] < time()) {
$this->dao->update(['uid' => $uid], ['is_money_level' => 0/*, 'overdue_time' => 0*/]);
return false;
return $userInfo;
* @param array $where
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function getUserInfoList(array $where, $field = "*")
return $this->dao->getUserInfoList($where, $field);
* 增加推广用户佣金
* @param int $uid
* @param int $spread_uid
* @param array $userInfo
* @param array $spread_user
* @return bool|mixed
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function addBrokeragePrice(int $uid, int $spread_uid, array $userInfo = [], array $spread_user = [])
if (!$uid || !$spread_uid) {
return false;
//商城分销功能是否开启 0关闭1开启
if (!sys_config('brokerage_func_status')) return true;
if (!sys_config('brokerage_user_status')) return true;
$brokerage_price = sys_config('uni_brokerage_price', 0);
$day_brokerage_price_upper = sys_config('day_brokerage_price_upper', 0);
if (!floatval($brokerage_price) || !floatval($day_brokerage_price_upper)) {
return true;
if (!$userInfo) {
$userInfo = $this->getUserInfo($uid);
if (!$userInfo) {
return false;
if ($userInfo['phone'] != '' && $this->dao->getCount(['phone' => $userInfo['phone'], 'is_del' => 1])) {
return false;
$wechatUserServices = app()->make(WechatUserServices::class);
$openidArray = $wechatUserServices->getColumn(['uid' => $uid], 'openid', 'id');
if ($wechatUserServices->getCount([['openid', 'in', $openidArray], ['is_del', '=', 1]])) {
return false;
if (!$spread_user) {
$spread_user = $this->dao->getOne(['uid' => $spread_uid, 'status' => 1]);
if (!$spread_user) {
return false;
if (!$this->checkUserPromoter($spread_uid, $spread_user)) {
return false;
/** @var UserBrokerageServices $userBrokerageServices */
$userBrokerageServices = app()->make(UserBrokerageServices::class);
// -1不限制
if ($day_brokerage_price_upper != -1) {
if ($day_brokerage_price_upper <= 0) {
return true;
} else {
$spread_day_brokerage = $userBrokerageServices->getUserBrokerageSum($spread_uid, ['brokerage_user'], 'today');
if (($spread_day_brokerage + $brokerage_price) > $day_brokerage_price_upper) {
return true;
$spreadPrice = $spread_user['brokerage_price'];
// 上级推广员返佣之后的金额
$balance = bcadd($spreadPrice, $brokerage_price, 2);
return $this->transaction(function () use ($uid, $spread_uid, $brokerage_price, $userInfo, $balance, $userBrokerageServices) {
// 添加返佣记录
$res1 = $userBrokerageServices->income('get_user_brokerage', $spread_uid, [
'nickname' => $userInfo['nickname'],
'number' => floatval($brokerage_price)
], $balance, $uid);
// 添加用户余额
$res2 = $this->dao->bcInc($spread_uid, 'brokerage_price', $brokerage_price, 'uid');
return $res1 && $res2;
* 获取上级uid
* @param int $uid
* @param array $userInfo
* @param bool $is_spread
* @return int|mixed
public function getSpreadUid(int $uid, $userInfo = [], $is_spread = true)
if (!$uid) {
return 0;
//商城分销功能是否开启 0关闭1开启
if (!sys_config('brokerage_func_status')) return -1;
if (!$userInfo) {
$userInfo = $this->getUserInfo($uid);
if (!$userInfo) {
return 0;
if ($is_spread) {
$is_self_brokerage = sys_config('is_self_brokerage', 0);
if ($is_self_brokerage && $is_spread) {
return $uid;
$store_brokergae_binding_status = sys_config('store_brokerage_binding_status', 1);
if ($store_brokergae_binding_status == 1 || $store_brokergae_binding_status == 3) {
return $userInfo['spread_uid'];
$store_brokerage_binding_time = sys_config('store_brokerage_binding_time', 30);
if ($store_brokergae_binding_status == 2 && ($userInfo['spread_time'] + $store_brokerage_binding_time * 24 * 3600) > time()) {
return $userInfo['spread_uid'];
return -1;
* 获取事业部/代理/员工列表
* @param array $where
* @param string $field
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function getDivisionList(array $where = [], string $field = '*')
[$page, $limit] = $this->getPageValue();
$list = $this->dao->getList($where, $field, $page, $limit);
$count = $this->dao->count($where);
return compact('list', 'count');
* 添加编辑用户信息时候的信息
* @param $uid
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function getUserSaveInfo($uid)
/** @var UserLabelServices $userLabelServices */
$userLabelServices = app()->make(UserLabelServices::class);
/** @var UserLabelRelationServices $userLabelRelationServices */
$userLabelRelationServices = app()->make(UserLabelRelationServices::class);
/** @var UserLabelCateServices $userLabelCateServices */
$userLabelCateServices = app()->make(UserLabelCateServices::class);
/** @var UserGroupServices $userGroupServices */
$userGroupServices = app()->make(UserGroupServices::class);
/** @var SystemUserLevelServices $systemUserLevelServices */
$systemUserLevelServices = app()->make(SystemUserLevelServices::class);
$userInfo = $this->dao->get($uid);
if ($userInfo) {
$label_ids = $userLabelRelationServices->getUserLabels($uid);
$userInfo['label_id'] = !empty($label_ids) ? $userLabelServices->getLabelList(['ids' => $label_ids], ['id', 'label_name']) : [];
$userInfo['birthday'] = date('Y-m-d', (int)$userInfo['birthday']);
$levelInfo = $systemUserLevelServices->getWhereLevelList([], 'id,name');
$groupInfo = $userGroupServices->getGroupList();
$labelInfo = $userLabelCateServices->getUserLabel($uid);
return compact('userInfo', 'levelInfo', 'groupInfo', 'labelInfo');
* 新用户注册奖励
* @param int $id
* @return bool
* @throws Exception
* @date 2022/09/28
* @author yyw
public function rewardNewUser(int $id)
$user = $this->getUserInfo($id);
if (!$user) {
throw new AdminException(100026);
$res1 = false;
$res2 = false;
$reward_money = sys_config('reward_money');
$reward_integral = sys_config('reward_integral');
$edit = array();
if ($reward_money > 0) {//余额增加
/** @var UserMoneyServices $userMoneyServices */
$userMoneyServices = app()->make(UserMoneyServices::class);
$edit['now_money'] = bcadd($user['now_money'], $reward_money, 2);
$res1 = $userMoneyServices->income('register_system_add', $user['uid'], $reward_money, $edit['now_money'], 1);
} else {
$res1 = true;
if ($reward_integral > 0) {//积分增加
/** @var UserBillServices $userBill */
$userBill = app()->make(UserBillServices::class);
$integral_data = ['link_id' => 1, 'number' => $reward_integral];
$edit['integral'] = bcadd($user['integral'], $reward_integral, 2);
$integral_data['balance'] = $edit['integral'];
$integral_data['title'] = '新用户注册增加积分';
$integral_data['mark'] = '新用户注册增加了' . floatval($reward_integral) . '积分';
$res2 = $userBill->incomeIntegral($user['uid'], 'system_add', $integral_data);
} else {
$res2 = true;
if ($edit) $res3 = $this->dao->update($id, $edit);
else $res3 = true;
if ($res1 && $res2 && $res3)
return true;
else throw new AdminException(100007);
* 推送用户信息
* @param $data
* @param $pushUrl
* @return bool
public function userUpdate($data, $pushUrl)
return out_push($pushUrl, $data, '更新用户信息');