[ "url" => "/", "method" => "post", "config" => [ "query" => [ "Action" => "LangDetect", "Version" => "2020-06-01", ], ], ], "TranslateText" => [ "url" => "/", "method" => "post", "config" => [ "query" => [ "Action" => "TranslateText", "Version" => "2020-06-01", ], ], ], ]; protected function getConfig(string $region) { return [ "host" => "https://open.volcengineapi.com", "config" => [ "timeout" => 5.0, "headers" => [ "Accept" => "application/json" ], "v4_credentials" => [ "region" => "cn-north-1", "service" => "translate", ], ], ]; } public function langDetect(array $textList): array { $req = array('TextList' => $textList); try { $resp = $this->request('LangDetect', ['json' => $req]); } catch (\Throwable $e) { throw $e; } if ($resp->getStatusCode() != 200) { throw new ApiException("failed to detect language: status_code=%d, resp=%s", $resp->getStatusCode(), $resp->getBody()); } return json_decode($resp->getBody()->getContents(), true)["DetectedLanguageList"]; } public function translateText(string $sourceLanguage, string $targetLanguage, array $textList): array { $req = array('SourceLanguage' => $sourceLanguage, 'TargetLanguage' => $targetLanguage, 'TextList' => $textList); try { $resp = $this->request('TranslateText', ['json' => $req]); } catch (\Throwable $e) { throw $e; } if ($resp->getStatusCode() != 200) { throw new ApiException("failed to translate: status_code=%d, resp=%s", $resp->getStatusCode(), $resp->getBody()); } $result = json_decode($resp->getBody()->getContents(), true); if (isset($result["TranslationList"])) { return $result["TranslationList"]; } else { throw new ApiException("failed to translate: " . $result["ResponseMetadata"]['Error']['Message']); } } }