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// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2006~2018 http://thinkphp.cn All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed ( http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 )
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: liu21st <liu21st@gmail.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace think\db;
use PDO;
use think\App;
use think\Cache;
use think\Collection;
use think\Config;
use think\Db;
use think\db\exception\BindParamException;
use think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException;
use think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException;
use think\Exception;
use think\exception\DbException;
use think\exception\PDOException;
use think\Loader;
use think\Model;
use think\model\Relation;
use think\model\relation\OneToOne;
use think\Paginator;
class Query
// 数据库Connection对象实例
protected $connection;
// 数据库Builder对象实例
protected $builder;
// 当前模型类名称
protected $model;
// 当前数据表名称(含前缀)
protected $table = '';
// 当前数据表名称(不含前缀)
protected $name = '';
// 当前数据表主键
protected $pk;
// 当前数据表前缀
protected $prefix = '';
// 查询参数
protected $options = [];
// 参数绑定
protected $bind = [];
// 数据表信息
protected static $info = [];
// 回调事件
private static $event = [];
// 读取主库
protected static $readMaster = [];
* 构造函数
* @access public
* @param Connection $connection 数据库对象实例
* @param Model $model 模型对象
public function __construct(Connection $connection = null, $model = null)
$this->connection = $connection ?: Db::connect([], true);
$this->prefix = $this->connection->getConfig('prefix');
$this->model = $model;
// 设置当前连接的Builder对象
* 利用__call方法实现一些特殊的Model方法
* @access public
* @param string $method 方法名称
* @param array $args 调用参数
* @return mixed
* @throws DbException
* @throws Exception
public function __call($method, $args)
if (strtolower(substr($method, 0, 5)) == 'getby') {
// 根据某个字段获取记录
$field = Loader::parseName(substr($method, 5));
$where[$field] = $args[0];
return $this->where($where)->find();
} elseif (strtolower(substr($method, 0, 10)) == 'getfieldby') {
// 根据某个字段获取记录的某个值
$name = Loader::parseName(substr($method, 10));
$where[$name] = $args[0];
return $this->where($where)->value($args[1]);
} elseif ($this->model && method_exists($this->model, 'scope' . $method)) {
// 动态调用命名范围
$method = 'scope' . $method;
array_unshift($args, $this);
call_user_func_array([$this->model, $method], $args);
return $this;
} else {
throw new Exception('method not exist:' . __CLASS__ . '->' . $method);
* 获取当前的数据库Connection对象
* @access public
* @return Connection
public function getConnection()
return $this->connection;
* 切换当前的数据库连接
* @access public
* @param mixed $config
* @return $this
public function connect($config)
$this->connection = Db::connect($config);
$this->prefix = $this->connection->getConfig('prefix');
return $this;
* 设置当前的数据库Builder对象
* @access protected
* @return void
protected function setBuilder()
$class = $this->connection->getBuilder();
$this->builder = new $class($this->connection, $this);
* 获取当前的模型对象实例
* @access public
* @return Model|null
public function getModel()
return $this->model;
* 设置后续从主库读取数据
* @access public
* @param bool $allTable
* @return void
public function readMaster($allTable = false)
if ($allTable) {
$table = '*';
} else {
$table = isset($this->options['table']) ? $this->options['table'] : $this->getTable();
static::$readMaster[$table] = true;
return $this;
* 获取当前的builder实例对象
* @access public
* @return Builder
public function getBuilder()
return $this->builder;
* 指定默认的数据表名(不含前缀)
* @access public
* @param string $name
* @return $this
public function name($name)
$this->name = $name;
return $this;
* 指定默认数据表名(含前缀)
* @access public
* @param string $table 表名
* @return $this
public function setTable($table)
$this->table = $table;
return $this;
* 得到当前或者指定名称的数据表
* @access public
* @param string $name
* @return string
public function getTable($name = '')
if ($name || empty($this->table)) {
$name = $name ?: $this->name;
$tableName = $this->prefix;
if ($name) {
$tableName .= Loader::parseName($name);
} else {
$tableName = $this->table;
return $tableName;
* 将SQL语句中的__TABLE_NAME__字符串替换成带前缀的表名小写
* @access public
* @param string $sql sql语句
* @return string
public function parseSqlTable($sql)
if (false !== strpos($sql, '__')) {
$prefix = $this->prefix;
$sql = preg_replace_callback("/__([A-Z0-9_-]+)__/sU", function ($match) use ($prefix) {
return $prefix . strtolower($match[1]);
}, $sql);
return $sql;
* 执行查询 返回数据集
* @access public
* @param string $sql sql指令
* @param array $bind 参数绑定
* @param boolean $master 是否在主服务器读操作
* @param bool|string $class 指定返回的数据集对象
* @return mixed
* @throws BindParamException
* @throws PDOException
public function query($sql, $bind = [], $master = false, $class = false)
return $this->connection->query($sql, $bind, $master, $class);
* 执行语句
* @access public
* @param string $sql sql指令
* @param array $bind 参数绑定
* @return int
* @throws BindParamException
* @throws PDOException
public function execute($sql, $bind = [])
return $this->connection->execute($sql, $bind, $this);
* 获取最近插入的ID
* @access public
* @param string $sequence 自增序列名
* @return string
public function getLastInsID($sequence = null)
return $this->connection->getLastInsID($sequence);
* 获取最近一次查询的sql语句
* @access public
* @return string
public function getLastSql()
return $this->connection->getLastSql();
* 执行数据库事务
* @access public
* @param callable $callback 数据操作方法回调
* @return mixed
public function transaction($callback)
return $this->connection->transaction($callback);
* 启动事务
* @access public
* @return void
public function startTrans()
* 用于非自动提交状态下面的查询提交
* @access public
* @return void
* @throws PDOException
public function commit()
* 事务回滚
* @access public
* @return void
* @throws PDOException
public function rollback()
* 批处理执行SQL语句
* 批处理的指令都认为是execute操作
* @access public
* @param array $sql SQL批处理指令
* @return boolean
public function batchQuery($sql = [], $bind = [])
return $this->connection->batchQuery($sql, $bind);
* 获取数据库的配置参数
* @access public
* @param string $name 参数名称
* @return boolean
public function getConfig($name = '')
return $this->connection->getConfig($name);
* 得到分表的的数据表名
* @access public
* @param array $data 操作的数据
* @param string $field 分表依据的字段
* @param array $rule 分表规则
* @return string
public function getPartitionTableName($data, $field, $rule = [])
// 对数据表进行分区
if ($field && isset($data[$field])) {
$value = $data[$field];
$type = $rule['type'];
switch ($type) {
case 'id':
// 按照id范围分表
$step = $rule['expr'];
$seq = floor($value / $step) + 1;
case 'year':
// 按照年份分表
if (!is_numeric($value)) {
$value = strtotime($value);
$seq = date('Y', $value) - $rule['expr'] + 1;
case 'mod':
// 按照id的模数分表
$seq = ($value % $rule['num']) + 1;
case 'md5':
// 按照md5的序列分表
$seq = (ord(substr(md5($value), 0, 1)) % $rule['num']) + 1;
if (function_exists($type)) {
// 支持指定函数哈希
$seq = (ord(substr($type($value), 0, 1)) % $rule['num']) + 1;
} else {
// 按照字段的首字母的值分表
$seq = (ord($value[0]) % $rule['num']) + 1;
return $this->getTable() . '_' . $seq;
} else {
// 当设置的分表字段不在查询条件或者数据中
// 进行联合查询,必须设定 partition['num']
$tableName = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $rule['num']; $i++) {
$tableName[] = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->getTable() . '_' . ($i + 1);
$tableName = '( ' . implode(" UNION ", $tableName) . ') AS ' . $this->name;
return $tableName;
* 得到某个字段的值
* @access public
* @param string $field 字段名
* @param mixed $default 默认值
* @param bool $force 强制转为数字类型
* @return mixed
public function value($field, $default = null, $force = false)
$result = false;
if (empty($this->options['fetch_sql']) && !empty($this->options['cache'])) {
// 判断查询缓存
$cache = $this->options['cache'];
if (empty($this->options['table'])) {
$this->options['table'] = $this->getTable();
$key = is_string($cache['key']) ? $cache['key'] : md5($this->connection->getConfig('database') . '.' . $field . serialize($this->options) . serialize($this->bind));
$result = Cache::get($key);
if (false === $result) {
if (isset($this->options['field'])) {
$pdo = $this->field($field)->limit(1)->getPdo();
if (is_string($pdo)) {
// 返回SQL语句
return $pdo;
$result = $pdo->fetchColumn();
if ($force) {
$result = (float) $result;
if (isset($cache) && false !== $result) {
// 缓存数据
$this->cacheData($key, $result, $cache);
} else {
// 清空查询条件
$this->options = [];
return false !== $result ? $result : $default;
* 得到某个列的数组
* @access public
* @param string $field 字段名 多个字段用逗号分隔
* @param string $key 索引
* @return array
public function column($field, $key = '')
$result = false;
if (empty($this->options['fetch_sql']) && !empty($this->options['cache'])) {
// 判断查询缓存
$cache = $this->options['cache'];
if (empty($this->options['table'])) {
$this->options['table'] = $this->getTable();
$guid = is_string($cache['key']) ? $cache['key'] : md5($this->connection->getConfig('database') . '.' . $field . serialize($this->options) . serialize($this->bind));
$result = Cache::get($guid);
if (false === $result) {
$result = [];
if (isset($this->options['field'])) {
if (is_null($field)) {
$field = '*';
} elseif ($key && '*' != $field) {
$field = $key . ',' . $field;
$pdo = $this->field($field)->getPdo();
if (is_string($pdo)) {
// 返回SQL语句
return $pdo;
if (1 == $pdo->columnCount()) {
$result = $pdo->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);
} else {
$resultSet = $pdo->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if ($resultSet) {
$fields = array_keys($resultSet[0]);
$count = count($fields);
$key1 = array_shift($fields);
$key2 = $fields ? array_shift($fields) : '';
$key = $key ?: $key1;
if (strpos($key, '.')) {
list($alias, $key) = explode('.', $key);
foreach ($resultSet as $val) {
if ($count > 2) {
$result[$val[$key]] = $val;
} elseif (2 == $count) {
$result[$val[$key]] = $val[$key2];
} elseif (1 == $count) {
$result[$val[$key]] = $val[$key1];
} else {
$result = [];
if (isset($cache) && isset($guid)) {
// 缓存数据
$this->cacheData($guid, $result, $cache);
} else {
// 清空查询条件
$this->options = [];
return $result;
* @access public
* @param string $field 字段名
* @return integer|string
public function count($field = '*')
if (isset($this->options['group'])) {
if (!preg_match('/^[\w\.\*]+$/', $field)) {
throw new Exception('not support data:' . $field);
// 支持GROUP
$options = $this->getOptions();
$subSql = $this->options($options)->field('count(' . $field . ')')->bind($this->bind)->buildSql();
$count = $this->table([$subSql => '_group_count_'])->value('COUNT(*) AS tp_count', 0, true);
} else {
$count = $this->aggregate('COUNT', $field, true);
return is_string($count) ? $count : (int) $count;
* 聚合查询
* @access public
* @param string $aggregate 聚合方法
* @param string $field 字段名
* @param bool $force 强制转为数字类型
* @return mixed
public function aggregate($aggregate, $field, $force = false)
if (0 === stripos($field, 'DISTINCT ')) {
list($distinct, $field) = explode(' ', $field);
if (!preg_match('/^[\w\.\+\-\*]+$/', $field)) {
throw new Exception('not support data:' . $field);
$result = $this->value($aggregate . '(' . (!empty($distinct) ? 'DISTINCT ' : '') . $field . ') AS tp_' . strtolower($aggregate), 0, $force);
return $result;
* SUM查询
* @access public
* @param string $field 字段名
* @return float|int
public function sum($field)
return $this->aggregate('SUM', $field, true);
* MIN查询
* @access public
* @param string $field 字段名
* @param bool $force 强制转为数字类型
* @return mixed
public function min($field, $force = true)
return $this->aggregate('MIN', $field, $force);
* MAX查询
* @access public
* @param string $field 字段名
* @param bool $force 强制转为数字类型
* @return mixed
public function max($field, $force = true)
return $this->aggregate('MAX', $field, $force);
* AVG查询
* @access public
* @param string $field 字段名
* @return float|int
public function avg($field)
return $this->aggregate('AVG', $field, true);
* 设置记录的某个字段值
* 支持使用数据库字段和方法
* @access public
* @param string|array $field 字段名
* @param mixed $value 字段值
* @return integer
public function setField($field, $value = '')
if (is_array($field)) {
$data = $field;
} else {
$data[$field] = $value;
return $this->update($data);
* 字段值(延迟)增长
* @access public
* @param string $field 字段名
* @param integer $step 增长值
* @param integer $lazyTime 延时时间(s)
* @return integer|true
* @throws Exception
public function setInc($field, $step = 1, $lazyTime = 0)
$condition = !empty($this->options['where']) ? $this->options['where'] : [];
if (empty($condition)) {
// 没有条件不做任何更新
throw new Exception('no data to update');
if ($lazyTime > 0) {
// 延迟写入
$guid = md5($this->getTable() . '_' . $field . '_' . serialize($condition) . serialize($this->bind));
$step = $this->lazyWrite('inc', $guid, $step, $lazyTime);
if (false === $step) {
// 清空查询条件
$this->options = [];
return true;
return $this->setField($field, ['inc', $step]);
* 字段值(延迟)减少
* @access public
* @param string $field 字段名
* @param integer $step 减少值
* @param integer $lazyTime 延时时间(s)
* @return integer|true
* @throws Exception
public function setDec($field, $step = 1, $lazyTime = 0)
$condition = !empty($this->options['where']) ? $this->options['where'] : [];
if (empty($condition)) {
// 没有条件不做任何更新
throw new Exception('no data to update');
if ($lazyTime > 0) {
// 延迟写入
$guid = md5($this->getTable() . '_' . $field . '_' . serialize($condition) . serialize($this->bind));
$step = $this->lazyWrite('dec', $guid, $step, $lazyTime);
if (false === $step) {
// 清空查询条件
$this->options = [];
return true;
return $this->setField($field, ['inc', $step]);
return $this->setField($field, ['dec', $step]);
* 延时更新检查 返回false表示需要延时
* 否则返回实际写入的数值
* @access protected
* @param string $type 自增或者自减
* @param string $guid 写入标识
* @param integer $step 写入步进值
* @param integer $lazyTime 延时时间(s)
* @return false|integer
protected function lazyWrite($type, $guid, $step, $lazyTime)
if (!Cache::has($guid . '_time')) {
// 计时开始
Cache::set($guid . '_time', $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 0);
Cache::$type($guid, $step);
} elseif ($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] > Cache::get($guid . '_time') + $lazyTime) {
// 删除缓存
$value = Cache::$type($guid, $step);
Cache::rm($guid . '_time');
return 0 === $value ? false : $value;
} else {
// 更新缓存
Cache::$type($guid, $step);
return false;
* 查询SQL组装 join
* @access public
* @param mixed $join 关联的表名
* @param mixed $condition 条件
* @param string $type JOIN类型
* @return $this
public function join($join, $condition = null, $type = 'INNER')
if (empty($condition)) {
// 如果为组数则循环调用join
foreach ($join as $key => $value) {
if (is_array($value) && 2 <= count($value)) {
$this->join($value[0], $value[1], isset($value[2]) ? $value[2] : $type);
} else {
$table = $this->getJoinTable($join);
$this->options['join'][] = [$table, strtoupper($type), $condition];
return $this;
* 获取Join表名及别名 支持
* ['prefix_table或者子查询'=>'alias'] 'prefix_table alias' 'table alias'
* @access public
* @param array|string $join
* @return array|string
protected function getJoinTable($join, &$alias = null)
// 传入的表名为数组
if (is_array($join)) {
$table = $join;
$alias = array_shift($join);
} else {
$join = trim($join);
if (false !== strpos($join, '(')) {
// 使用子查询
$table = $join;
} else {
$prefix = $this->prefix;
if (strpos($join, ' ')) {
// 使用别名
list($table, $alias) = explode(' ', $join);
} else {
$table = $join;
if (false === strpos($join, '.') && 0 !== strpos($join, '__')) {
$alias = $join;
if ($prefix && false === strpos($table, '.') && 0 !== strpos($table, $prefix) && 0 !== strpos($table, '__')) {
$table = $this->getTable($table);
if (isset($alias) && $table != $alias) {
$table = [$table => $alias];
return $table;
* 查询SQL组装 union
* @access public
* @param mixed $union
* @param boolean $all
* @return $this
public function union($union, $all = false)
$this->options['union']['type'] = $all ? 'UNION ALL' : 'UNION';
if (is_array($union)) {
$this->options['union'] = array_merge($this->options['union'], $union);
} else {
$this->options['union'][] = $union;
return $this;
* 指定查询字段 支持字段排除和指定数据表
* @access public
* @param mixed $field
* @param boolean $except 是否排除
* @param string $tableName 数据表名
* @param string $prefix 字段前缀
* @param string $alias 别名前缀
* @return $this
public function field($field, $except = false, $tableName = '', $prefix = '', $alias = '')
if (empty($field)) {
return $this;
} elseif ($field instanceof Expression) {
$this->options['field'][] = $field;
return $this;
if (is_string($field)) {
if (preg_match('/[\<\'\"\(]/', $field)) {
return $this->fieldRaw($field);
$field = array_map('trim', explode(',', $field));
if (true === $field) {
// 获取全部字段
$fields = $this->getTableInfo($tableName ?: (isset($this->options['table']) ? $this->options['table'] : ''), 'fields');
$field = $fields ?: ['*'];
} elseif ($except) {
// 字段排除
$fields = $this->getTableInfo($tableName ?: (isset($this->options['table']) ? $this->options['table'] : ''), 'fields');
$field = $fields ? array_diff($fields, $field) : $field;
if ($tableName) {
// 添加统一的前缀
$prefix = $prefix ?: $tableName;
foreach ($field as $key => $val) {
if (is_numeric($key)) {
$val = $prefix . '.' . $val . ($alias ? ' AS ' . $alias . $val : '');
$field[$key] = $val;
if (isset($this->options['field'])) {
$field = array_merge((array) $this->options['field'], $field);
$this->options['field'] = array_unique($field);
return $this;
* 表达式方式指定查询字段
* @access public
* @param string $field 字段名
* @param array $bind 参数绑定
* @return $this
public function fieldRaw($field, array $bind = [])
$this->options['field'][] = $this->raw($field);
if ($bind) {
return $this;
* 设置数据
* @access public
* @param mixed $field 字段名或者数据
* @param mixed $value 字段值
* @return $this
public function data($field, $value = null)
if (is_array($field)) {
$this->options['data'] = isset($this->options['data']) ? array_merge($this->options['data'], $field) : $field;
} else {
$this->options['data'][$field] = $value;
return $this;
* 字段值增长
* @access public
* @param string|array $field 字段名
* @param integer $step 增长值
* @return $this
public function inc($field, $step = 1)
$fields = is_string($field) ? explode(',', $field) : $field;
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$this->data($field, ['inc', $step]);
return $this;
* 字段值减少
* @access public
* @param string|array $field 字段名
* @param integer $step 增长值
* @return $this
public function dec($field, $step = 1)
$fields = is_string($field) ? explode(',', $field) : $field;
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$this->data($field, ['dec', $step]);
return $this;
* 使用表达式设置数据
* @access public
* @param string $field 字段名
* @param string $value 字段值
* @return $this
public function exp($field, $value)
$this->data($field, $this->raw($value));
return $this;
* 使用表达式设置数据
* @access public
* @param mixed $value 表达式
* @return Expression
public function raw($value)
return new Expression($value);
* 指定JOIN查询字段
* @access public
* @param string|array $table 数据表
* @param string|array $field 查询字段
* @param mixed $on JOIN条件
* @param string $type JOIN类型
* @return $this
public function view($join, $field = true, $on = null, $type = 'INNER')
$this->options['view'] = true;
if (is_array($join) && key($join) === 0) {
foreach ($join as $key => $val) {
$this->view($val[0], $val[1], isset($val[2]) ? $val[2] : null, isset($val[3]) ? $val[3] : 'INNER');
} else {
$fields = [];
$table = $this->getJoinTable($join, $alias);
if (true === $field) {
$fields = $alias . '.*';
} else {
if (is_string($field)) {
$field = explode(',', $field);
foreach ($field as $key => $val) {
if (is_numeric($key)) {
$fields[] = $alias . '.' . $val;
$this->options['map'][$val] = $alias . '.' . $val;
} else {
if (preg_match('/[,=\.\'\"\(\s]/', $key)) {
$name = $key;
} else {
$name = $alias . '.' . $key;
$fields[$name] = $val;
$this->options['map'][$val] = $name;
if ($on) {
$this->join($table, $on, $type);
} else {
return $this;
* 设置分表规则
* @access public
* @param array $data 操作的数据
* @param string $field 分表依据的字段
* @param array $rule 分表规则
* @return $this
public function partition($data, $field, $rule = [])
$this->options['table'] = $this->getPartitionTableName($data, $field, $rule);
return $this;
* 指定AND查询条件
* @access public
* @param mixed $field 查询字段
* @param mixed $op 查询表达式
* @param mixed $condition 查询条件
* @return $this
public function where($field, $op = null, $condition = null)
$param = func_get_args();
$this->parseWhereExp('AND', $field, $op, $condition, $param);
return $this;
* 指定OR查询条件
* @access public
* @param mixed $field 查询字段
* @param mixed $op 查询表达式
* @param mixed $condition 查询条件
* @return $this
public function whereOr($field, $op = null, $condition = null)
$param = func_get_args();
$this->parseWhereExp('OR', $field, $op, $condition, $param);
return $this;
* 指定XOR查询条件
* @access public
* @param mixed $field 查询字段
* @param mixed $op 查询表达式
* @param mixed $condition 查询条件
* @return $this
public function whereXor($field, $op = null, $condition = null)
$param = func_get_args();
$this->parseWhereExp('XOR', $field, $op, $condition, $param);
return $this;
* 指定表达式查询条件
* @access public
* @param string $where 查询条件
* @param array $bind 参数绑定
* @param string $logic 查询逻辑 and or xor
* @return $this
public function whereRaw($where, $bind = [], $logic = 'AND')
$this->options['where'][$logic][] = $this->raw($where);
if ($bind) {
return $this;
* 指定表达式查询条件 OR
* @access public
* @param string $where 查询条件
* @param array $bind 参数绑定
* @return $this
public function whereOrRaw($where, $bind = [])
return $this->whereRaw($where, $bind, 'OR');
* 指定Null查询条件
* @access public
* @param mixed $field 查询字段
* @param string $logic 查询逻辑 and or xor
* @return $this
public function whereNull($field, $logic = 'AND')
$this->parseWhereExp($logic, $field, 'null', null, [], true);
return $this;
* 指定NotNull查询条件
* @access public
* @param mixed $field 查询字段
* @param string $logic 查询逻辑 and or xor
* @return $this
public function whereNotNull($field, $logic = 'AND')
$this->parseWhereExp($logic, $field, 'notnull', null, [], true);
return $this;
* 指定Exists查询条件
* @access public
* @param mixed $condition 查询条件
* @param string $logic 查询逻辑 and or xor
* @return $this
public function whereExists($condition, $logic = 'AND')
$this->options['where'][strtoupper($logic)][] = ['exists', $condition];
return $this;
* 指定NotExists查询条件
* @access public
* @param mixed $condition 查询条件
* @param string $logic 查询逻辑 and or xor
* @return $this
public function whereNotExists($condition, $logic = 'AND')
$this->options['where'][strtoupper($logic)][] = ['not exists', $condition];
return $this;
* 指定In查询条件
* @access public
* @param mixed $field 查询字段
* @param mixed $condition 查询条件
* @param string $logic 查询逻辑 and or xor
* @return $this
public function whereIn($field, $condition, $logic = 'AND')
$this->parseWhereExp($logic, $field, 'in', $condition, [], true);
return $this;
* 指定NotIn查询条件
* @access public
* @param mixed $field 查询字段
* @param mixed $condition 查询条件
* @param string $logic 查询逻辑 and or xor
* @return $this
public function whereNotIn($field, $condition, $logic = 'AND')
$this->parseWhereExp($logic, $field, 'not in', $condition, [], true);
return $this;
* 指定Like查询条件
* @access public
* @param mixed $field 查询字段
* @param mixed $condition 查询条件
* @param string $logic 查询逻辑 and or xor
* @return $this
public function whereLike($field, $condition, $logic = 'AND')
$this->parseWhereExp($logic, $field, 'like', $condition, [], true);
return $this;
* 指定NotLike查询条件
* @access public
* @param mixed $field 查询字段
* @param mixed $condition 查询条件
* @param string $logic 查询逻辑 and or xor
* @return $this
public function whereNotLike($field, $condition, $logic = 'AND')
$this->parseWhereExp($logic, $field, 'not like', $condition, [], true);
return $this;
* 指定Between查询条件
* @access public
* @param mixed $field 查询字段
* @param mixed $condition 查询条件
* @param string $logic 查询逻辑 and or xor
* @return $this
public function whereBetween($field, $condition, $logic = 'AND')
$this->parseWhereExp($logic, $field, 'between', $condition, [], true);
return $this;
* 指定NotBetween查询条件
* @access public
* @param mixed $field 查询字段
* @param mixed $condition 查询条件
* @param string $logic 查询逻辑 and or xor
* @return $this
public function whereNotBetween($field, $condition, $logic = 'AND')
$this->parseWhereExp($logic, $field, 'not between', $condition, [], true);
return $this;
* 指定Exp查询条件
* @access public
* @param mixed $field 查询字段
* @param mixed $condition 查询条件
* @param string $logic 查询逻辑 and or xor
* @return $this
public function whereExp($field, $condition, $logic = 'AND')
$this->parseWhereExp($logic, $field, 'exp', $this->raw($condition), [], true);
return $this;
* 设置软删除字段及条件
* @access public
* @param false|string $field 查询字段
* @param mixed $condition 查询条件
* @return $this
public function useSoftDelete($field, $condition = null)
if ($field) {
$this->options['soft_delete'] = [$field, $condition ?: ['null', '']];
return $this;
* 分析查询表达式
* @access public
* @param string $logic 查询逻辑 and or xor
* @param string|array|\Closure $field 查询字段
* @param mixed $op 查询表达式
* @param mixed $condition 查询条件
* @param array $param 查询参数
* @param bool $strict 严格模式
* @return void
protected function parseWhereExp($logic, $field, $op, $condition, $param = [], $strict = false)
$logic = strtoupper($logic);
if ($field instanceof \Closure) {
$this->options['where'][$logic][] = is_string($op) ? [$op, $field] : $field;
if (is_string($field) && !empty($this->options['via']) && !strpos($field, '.')) {
$field = $this->options['via'] . '.' . $field;
if ($field instanceof Expression) {
return $this->whereRaw($field, is_array($op) ? $op : []);
} elseif ($strict) {
// 使用严格模式查询
$where[$field] = [$op, $condition];
// 记录一个字段多次查询条件
$this->options['multi'][$logic][$field][] = $where[$field];
} elseif (is_string($field) && preg_match('/[,=\>\<\'\"\(\s]/', $field)) {
$where[] = ['exp', $this->raw($field)];
if (is_array($op)) {
// 参数绑定
} elseif (is_null($op) && is_null($condition)) {
if (is_array($field)) {
// 数组批量查询
$where = $field;
foreach ($where as $k => $val) {
$this->options['multi'][$logic][$k][] = $val;
} elseif ($field && is_string($field)) {
// 字符串查询
$where[$field] = ['null', ''];
$this->options['multi'][$logic][$field][] = $where[$field];
} elseif (is_array($op)) {
$where[$field] = $param;
} elseif (in_array(strtolower($op), ['null', 'notnull', 'not null'])) {
// null查询
$where[$field] = [$op, ''];
$this->options['multi'][$logic][$field][] = $where[$field];
} elseif (is_null($condition)) {
// 字段相等查询
$where[$field] = ['eq', $op];
$this->options['multi'][$logic][$field][] = $where[$field];
} else {
if ('exp' == strtolower($op)) {
$where[$field] = ['exp', $this->raw($condition)];
// 参数绑定
if (isset($param[2]) && is_array($param[2])) {
} else {
$where[$field] = [$op, $condition];
// 记录一个字段多次查询条件
$this->options['multi'][$logic][$field][] = $where[$field];
if (!empty($where)) {
if (!isset($this->options['where'][$logic])) {
$this->options['where'][$logic] = [];
if (is_string($field) && $this->checkMultiField($field, $logic)) {
$where[$field] = $this->options['multi'][$logic][$field];
} elseif (is_array($field)) {
foreach ($field as $key => $val) {
if ($this->checkMultiField($key, $logic)) {
$where[$key] = $this->options['multi'][$logic][$key];
$this->options['where'][$logic] = array_merge($this->options['where'][$logic], $where);
* 检查是否存在一个字段多次查询条件
* @access public
* @param string $field 查询字段
* @param string $logic 查询逻辑 and or xor
* @return bool
private function checkMultiField($field, $logic)
return isset($this->options['multi'][$logic][$field]) && count($this->options['multi'][$logic][$field]) > 1;
* 去除某个查询条件
* @access public
* @param string $field 查询字段
* @param string $logic 查询逻辑 and or xor
* @return $this
public function removeWhereField($field, $logic = 'AND')
$logic = strtoupper($logic);
if (isset($this->options['where'][$logic][$field])) {
return $this;
* 去除查询参数
* @access public
* @param string|bool $option 参数名 true 表示去除所有参数
* @return $this
public function removeOption($option = true)
if (true === $option) {
$this->options = [];
} elseif (is_string($option) && isset($this->options[$option])) {
return $this;
* 指定查询数量
* @access public
* @param mixed $offset 起始位置
* @param mixed $length 查询数量
* @return $this
public function limit($offset, $length = null)
if (is_null($length) && strpos($offset, ',')) {
list($offset, $length) = explode(',', $offset);
$this->options['limit'] = intval($offset) . ($length ? ',' . intval($length) : '');
return $this;
* 指定分页
* @access public
* @param mixed $page 页数
* @param mixed $listRows 每页数量
* @return $this
public function page($page, $listRows = null)
if (is_null($listRows) && strpos($page, ',')) {
list($page, $listRows) = explode(',', $page);
$this->options['page'] = [intval($page), intval($listRows)];
return $this;
* 分页查询
* @param int|array $listRows 每页数量 数组表示配置参数
* @param int|bool $simple 是否简洁模式或者总记录数
* @param array $config 配置参数
* page:当前页,
* path:url路径,
* query:url额外参数,
* fragment:url锚点,
* var_page:分页变量,
* list_rows:每页数量
* type:分页类名
* @return \think\Paginator
* @throws DbException
public function paginate($listRows = null, $simple = false, $config = [])
if (is_int($simple)) {
$total = $simple;
$simple = false;
if (is_array($listRows)) {
$config = array_merge(Config::get('paginate'), $listRows);
$listRows = $config['list_rows'];
} else {
$config = array_merge(Config::get('paginate'), $config);
$listRows = $listRows ?: $config['list_rows'];
/** @var Paginator $class */
$class = false !== strpos($config['type'], '\\') ? $config['type'] : '\\think\\paginator\\driver\\' . ucwords($config['type']);
$page = isset($config['page']) ? (int) $config['page'] : call_user_func([
], $config['var_page']);
$page = $page < 1 ? 1 : $page;
$config['path'] = isset($config['path']) ? $config['path'] : call_user_func([$class, 'getCurrentPath']);
if (!isset($total) && !$simple) {
$options = $this->getOptions();
unset($this->options['order'], $this->options['limit'], $this->options['page'], $this->options['field']);
$bind = $this->bind;
$total = $this->count();
$results = $this->options($options)->bind($bind)->page($page, $listRows)->select();
} elseif ($simple) {
$results = $this->limit(($page - 1) * $listRows, $listRows + 1)->select();
$total = null;
} else {
$results = $this->page($page, $listRows)->select();
return $class::make($results, $listRows, $page, $total, $simple, $config);
* 指定当前操作的数据表
* @access public
* @param mixed $table 表名
* @return $this
public function table($table)
if (is_string($table)) {
if (strpos($table, ')')) {
// 子查询
} elseif (strpos($table, ',')) {
$tables = explode(',', $table);
$table = [];
foreach ($tables as $item) {
list($item, $alias) = explode(' ', trim($item));
if ($alias) {
$this->alias([$item => $alias]);
$table[$item] = $alias;
} else {
$table[] = $item;
} elseif (strpos($table, ' ')) {
list($table, $alias) = explode(' ', $table);
$table = [$table => $alias];
} else {
$tables = $table;
$table = [];
foreach ($tables as $key => $val) {
if (is_numeric($key)) {
$table[] = $val;
} else {
$this->alias([$key => $val]);
$table[$key] = $val;
$this->options['table'] = $table;
return $this;
* USING支持 用于多表删除
* @access public
* @param mixed $using
* @return $this
public function using($using)
$this->options['using'] = $using;
return $this;
* 指定排序 order('id','desc') 或者 order(['id'=>'desc','create_time'=>'desc'])
* @access public
* @param string|array $field 排序字段
* @param string $order 排序
* @return $this
public function order($field, $order = null)
if (empty($field)) {
return $this;
} elseif ($field instanceof Expression) {
$this->options['order'][] = $field;
return $this;
if (is_string($field)) {
if (!empty($this->options['via'])) {
$field = $this->options['via'] . '.' . $field;
if (strpos($field, ',')) {
$field = array_map('trim', explode(',', $field));
} else {
$field = empty($order) ? $field : [$field => $order];
} elseif (!empty($this->options['via'])) {
foreach ($field as $key => $val) {
if (is_numeric($key)) {
$field[$key] = $this->options['via'] . '.' . $val;
} else {
$field[$this->options['via'] . '.' . $key] = $val;
if (!isset($this->options['order'])) {
$this->options['order'] = [];
if (is_array($field)) {
$this->options['order'] = array_merge($this->options['order'], $field);
} else {
$this->options['order'][] = $field;
return $this;
* 表达式方式指定Field排序
* @access public
* @param string $field 排序字段
* @param array $bind 参数绑定
* @return $this
public function orderRaw($field, array $bind = [])
$this->options['order'][] = $this->raw($field);
if ($bind) {
return $this;
* 查询缓存
* @access public
* @param mixed $key 缓存key
* @param integer|\DateTime $expire 缓存有效期
* @param string $tag 缓存标签
* @return $this
public function cache($key = true, $expire = null, $tag = null)
// 增加快捷调用方式 cache(10) 等同于 cache(true, 10)
if ($key instanceof \DateTime || (is_numeric($key) && is_null($expire))) {
$expire = $key;
$key = true;
if (false !== $key) {
$this->options['cache'] = ['key' => $key, 'expire' => $expire, 'tag' => $tag];
return $this;
* 指定group查询
* @access public
* @param string $group GROUP
* @return $this
public function group($group)
$this->options['group'] = $group;
return $this;
* 指定having查询
* @access public
* @param string $having having
* @return $this
public function having($having)
$this->options['having'] = $having;
return $this;
* 指定查询lock
* @access public
* @param bool|string $lock 是否lock
* @return $this
public function lock($lock = false)
$this->options['lock'] = $lock;
$this->options['master'] = true;
return $this;
* 指定distinct查询
* @access public
* @param string $distinct 是否唯一
* @return $this
public function distinct($distinct)
$this->options['distinct'] = $distinct;
return $this;
* 指定数据表别名
* @access public
* @param mixed $alias 数据表别名
* @return $this
public function alias($alias)
if (is_array($alias)) {
foreach ($alias as $key => $val) {
if (false !== strpos($key, '__')) {
$table = $this->parseSqlTable($key);
} else {
$table = $key;
$this->options['alias'][$table] = $val;
} else {
if (isset($this->options['table'])) {
$table = is_array($this->options['table']) ? key($this->options['table']) : $this->options['table'];
if (false !== strpos($table, '__')) {
$table = $this->parseSqlTable($table);
} else {
$table = $this->getTable();
$this->options['alias'][$table] = $alias;
return $this;
* 指定强制索引
* @access public
* @param string $force 索引名称
* @return $this
public function force($force)
$this->options['force'] = $force;
return $this;
* 查询注释
* @access public
* @param string $comment 注释
* @return $this
public function comment($comment)
$this->options['comment'] = $comment;
return $this;
* 获取执行的SQL语句
* @access public
* @param boolean $fetch 是否返回sql
* @return $this
public function fetchSql($fetch = true)
$this->options['fetch_sql'] = $fetch;
return $this;
* 不主动获取数据集
* @access public
* @param bool $pdo 是否返回 PDOStatement 对象
* @return $this
public function fetchPdo($pdo = true)
$this->options['fetch_pdo'] = $pdo;
return $this;
* 设置从主服务器读取数据
* @access public
* @return $this
public function master()
$this->options['master'] = true;
return $this;
* 设置是否严格检查字段名
* @access public
* @param bool $strict 是否严格检查字段
* @return $this
public function strict($strict = true)
$this->options['strict'] = $strict;
return $this;
* 设置查询数据不存在是否抛出异常
* @access public
* @param bool $fail 数据不存在是否抛出异常
* @return $this
public function failException($fail = true)
$this->options['fail'] = $fail;
return $this;
* 设置自增序列名
* @access public
* @param string $sequence 自增序列名
* @return $this
public function sequence($sequence = null)
$this->options['sequence'] = $sequence;
return $this;
* 指定数据表主键
* @access public
* @param string $pk 主键
* @return $this
public function pk($pk)
$this->pk = $pk;
return $this;
* 查询日期或者时间
* @access public
* @param string $field 日期字段名
* @param string|array $op 比较运算符或者表达式
* @param string|array $range 比较范围
* @return $this
public function whereTime($field, $op, $range = null)
if (is_null($range)) {
if (is_array($op)) {
$range = $op;
} else {
// 使用日期表达式
switch (strtolower($op)) {
case 'today':
case 'd':
$range = ['today', 'tomorrow'];
case 'week':
case 'w':
$range = ['this week 00:00:00', 'next week 00:00:00'];
case 'month':
case 'm':
$range = ['first Day of this month 00:00:00', 'first Day of next month 00:00:00'];
case 'year':
case 'y':
$range = ['this year 1/1', 'next year 1/1'];
case 'yesterday':
$range = ['yesterday', 'today'];
case 'last week':
$range = ['last week 00:00:00', 'this week 00:00:00'];
case 'last month':
$range = ['first Day of last month 00:00:00', 'first Day of this month 00:00:00'];
case 'last year':
$range = ['last year 1/1', 'this year 1/1'];
$range = $op;
$op = is_array($range) ? 'between' : '>';
$this->where($field, strtolower($op) . ' time', $range);
return $this;
* 获取数据表信息
* @access public
* @param mixed $tableName 数据表名 留空自动获取
* @param string $fetch 获取信息类型 包括 fields type bind pk
* @return mixed
public function getTableInfo($tableName = '', $fetch = '')
if (!$tableName) {
$tableName = $this->getTable();
if (is_array($tableName)) {
$tableName = key($tableName) ?: current($tableName);
if (strpos($tableName, ',')) {
// 多表不获取字段信息
return false;
} else {
$tableName = $this->parseSqlTable($tableName);
// 修正子查询作为表名的问题
if (strpos($tableName, ')')) {
return [];
list($guid) = explode(' ', $tableName);
$db = $this->getConfig('database');
if (!isset(self::$info[$db . '.' . $guid])) {
if (!strpos($guid, '.')) {
$schema = $db . '.' . $guid;
} else {
$schema = $guid;
// 读取缓存
if (!App::$debug && is_file(RUNTIME_PATH . 'schema/' . $schema . '.php')) {
$info = include RUNTIME_PATH . 'schema/' . $schema . '.php';
} else {
$info = $this->connection->getFields($guid);
$fields = array_keys($info);
$bind = $type = [];
foreach ($info as $key => $val) {
// 记录字段类型
$type[$key] = $val['type'];
$bind[$key] = $this->getFieldBindType($val['type']);
if (!empty($val['primary'])) {
$pk[] = $key;
if (isset($pk)) {
// 设置主键
$pk = count($pk) > 1 ? $pk : $pk[0];
} else {
$pk = null;
self::$info[$db . '.' . $guid] = ['fields' => $fields, 'type' => $type, 'bind' => $bind, 'pk' => $pk];
return $fetch ? self::$info[$db . '.' . $guid][$fetch] : self::$info[$db . '.' . $guid];
* 获取当前数据表的主键
* @access public
* @param string|array $options 数据表名或者查询参数
* @return string|array
public function getPk($options = '')
if (!empty($this->pk)) {
$pk = $this->pk;
} else {
$pk = $this->getTableInfo(is_array($options) && isset($options['table']) ? $options['table'] : $options, 'pk');
return $pk;
// 获取当前数据表字段信息
public function getTableFields($table = '')
return $this->getTableInfo($table ?: $this->getOptions('table'), 'fields');
// 获取当前数据表字段类型
public function getFieldsType($table = '')
return $this->getTableInfo($table ?: $this->getOptions('table'), 'type');
// 获取当前数据表绑定信息
public function getFieldsBind($table = '')
$types = $this->getFieldsType($table);
$bind = [];
if ($types) {
foreach ($types as $key => $type) {
$bind[$key] = $this->getFieldBindType($type);
return $bind;
* 获取字段绑定类型
* @access public
* @param string $type 字段类型
* @return integer
protected function getFieldBindType($type)
if (0 === strpos($type, 'set') || 0 === strpos($type, 'enum')) {
$bind = PDO::PARAM_STR;
} elseif (preg_match('/(int|double|float|decimal|real|numeric|serial|bit)/is', $type)) {
$bind = PDO::PARAM_INT;
} elseif (preg_match('/bool/is', $type)) {
$bind = PDO::PARAM_BOOL;
} else {
$bind = PDO::PARAM_STR;
return $bind;
* 参数绑定
* @access public
* @param mixed $key 参数名
* @param mixed $value 绑定变量值
* @param integer $type 绑定类型
* @return $this
public function bind($key, $value = false, $type = PDO::PARAM_STR)
if (is_array($key)) {
$this->bind = array_merge($this->bind, $key);
} else {
$this->bind[$key] = [$value, $type];
return $this;
* 检测参数是否已经绑定
* @access public
* @param string $key 参数名
* @return bool
public function isBind($key)
return isset($this->bind[$key]);
* 查询参数赋值
* @access protected
* @param array $options 表达式参数
* @return $this
protected function options(array $options)
$this->options = $options;
return $this;
* 获取当前的查询参数
* @access public
* @param string $name 参数名
* @return mixed
public function getOptions($name = '')
if ('' === $name) {
return $this->options;
} else {
return isset($this->options[$name]) ? $this->options[$name] : null;
* 设置关联查询JOIN预查询
* @access public
* @param string|array $with 关联方法名称
* @return $this
public function with($with)
if (empty($with)) {
return $this;
if (is_string($with)) {
$with = explode(',', $with);
$first = true;
/** @var Model $class */
$class = $this->model;
foreach ($with as $key => $relation) {
$subRelation = '';
$closure = false;
if ($relation instanceof \Closure) {
// 支持闭包查询过滤关联条件
$closure = $relation;
$relation = $key;
$with[$key] = $key;
} elseif (is_array($relation)) {
$subRelation = $relation;
$relation = $key;
} elseif (is_string($relation) && strpos($relation, '.')) {
$with[$key] = $relation;
list($relation, $subRelation) = explode('.', $relation, 2);
/** @var Relation $model */
$relation = Loader::parseName($relation, 1, false);
$model = $class->$relation();
if ($model instanceof OneToOne && 0 == $model->getEagerlyType()) {
$model->eagerly($this, $relation, $subRelation, $closure, $first);
$first = false;
} elseif ($closure) {
$with[$key] = $closure;
if (isset($this->options['with'])) {
$this->options['with'] = array_merge($this->options['with'], $with);
} else {
$this->options['with'] = $with;
return $this;
* 关联统计
* @access public
* @param string|array $relation 关联方法名
* @param bool $subQuery 是否使用子查询
* @return $this
public function withCount($relation, $subQuery = true)
if (!$subQuery) {
$this->options['with_count'] = $relation;
} else {
$relations = is_string($relation) ? explode(',', $relation) : $relation;
if (!isset($this->options['field'])) {
foreach ($relations as $key => $relation) {
$closure = $name = null;
if ($relation instanceof \Closure) {
$closure = $relation;
$relation = $key;
} elseif (!is_int($key)) {
$name = $relation;
$relation = $key;
$relation = Loader::parseName($relation, 1, false);
$count = '(' . $this->model->$relation()->getRelationCountQuery($closure, $name) . ')';
if (empty($name)) {
$name = Loader::parseName($relation) . '_count';
$this->field([$count => $name]);
return $this;
* 关联预加载中 获取关联指定字段值
* example:
* Model::with(['relation' => function($query){
* $query->withField("id,name");
* }])
* @param string | array $field 指定获取的字段
* @return $this
public function withField($field)
$this->options['with_field'] = $field;
return $this;
* 设置当前字段添加的表别名
* @access public
* @param string $via
* @return $this
public function via($via = '')
$this->options['via'] = $via;
return $this;
* 设置关联查询
* @access public
* @param string|array $relation 关联名称
* @return $this
public function relation($relation)
if (empty($relation)) {
return $this;
if (is_string($relation)) {
$relation = explode(',', $relation);
if (isset($this->options['relation'])) {
$this->options['relation'] = array_merge($this->options['relation'], $relation);
} else {
$this->options['relation'] = $relation;
return $this;
* 把主键值转换为查询条件 支持复合主键
* @access public
* @param array|string $data 主键数据
* @param mixed $options 表达式参数
* @return void
* @throws Exception
protected function parsePkWhere($data, &$options)
$pk = $this->getPk($options);
// 获取当前数据表
$table = is_array($options['table']) ? key($options['table']) : $options['table'];
if (!empty($options['alias'][$table])) {
$alias = $options['alias'][$table];
if (is_string($pk)) {
$key = isset($alias) ? $alias . '.' . $pk : $pk;
// 根据主键查询
if (is_array($data)) {
$where[$key] = isset($data[$pk]) ? $data[$pk] : ['in', $data];
} else {
$where[$key] = strpos($data, ',') ? ['IN', $data] : $data;
} elseif (is_array($pk) && is_array($data) && !empty($data)) {
// 根据复合主键查询
foreach ($pk as $key) {
if (isset($data[$key])) {
$attr = isset($alias) ? $alias . '.' . $key : $key;
$where[$attr] = $data[$key];
} else {
throw new Exception('miss complex primary data');
if (!empty($where)) {
if (isset($options['where']['AND'])) {
$options['where']['AND'] = array_merge($options['where']['AND'], $where);
} else {
$options['where']['AND'] = $where;
* 插入记录
* @access public
* @param mixed $data 数据
* @param boolean $replace 是否replace
* @param boolean $getLastInsID 返回自增主键
* @param string $sequence 自增序列名
* @return integer|string
public function insert(array $data = [], $replace = false, $getLastInsID = false, $sequence = null)
// 分析查询表达式
$options = $this->parseExpress();
$data = array_merge($options['data'], $data);
// 生成SQL语句
$sql = $this->builder->insert($data, $options, $replace);
// 获取参数绑定
$bind = $this->getBind();
if ($options['fetch_sql']) {
// 获取实际执行的SQL语句
return $this->connection->getRealSql($sql, $bind);
// 执行操作
$result = 0 === $sql ? 0 : $this->execute($sql, $bind, $this);
if ($result) {
$sequence = $sequence ?: (isset($options['sequence']) ? $options['sequence'] : null);
$lastInsId = $this->getLastInsID($sequence);
if ($lastInsId) {
$pk = $this->getPk($options);
if (is_string($pk)) {
$data[$pk] = $lastInsId;
$options['data'] = $data;
$this->trigger('after_insert', $options);
if ($getLastInsID) {
return $lastInsId;
return $result;
* 插入记录并获取自增ID
* @access public
* @param mixed $data 数据
* @param boolean $replace 是否replace
* @param string $sequence 自增序列名
* @return integer|string
public function insertGetId(array $data, $replace = false, $sequence = null)
return $this->insert($data, $replace, true, $sequence);
* 批量插入记录
* @access public
* @param mixed $dataSet 数据集
* @param boolean $replace 是否replace
* @param integer $limit 每次写入数据限制
* @return integer|string
public function insertAll(array $dataSet, $replace = false, $limit = null)
// 分析查询表达式
$options = $this->parseExpress();
if (!is_array(reset($dataSet))) {
return false;
// 生成SQL语句
if (is_null($limit)) {
$sql = $this->builder->insertAll($dataSet, $options, $replace);
} else {
$array = array_chunk($dataSet, $limit, true);
foreach ($array as $item) {
$sql[] = $this->builder->insertAll($item, $options, $replace);
// 获取参数绑定
$bind = $this->getBind();
if ($options['fetch_sql']) {
// 获取实际执行的SQL语句
return $this->connection->getRealSql($sql, $bind);
} elseif (is_array($sql)) {
// 执行操作
return $this->batchQuery($sql, $bind, $this);
} else {
// 执行操作
return $this->execute($sql, $bind, $this);
* 通过Select方式插入记录
* @access public
* @param string $fields 要插入的数据表字段名
* @param string $table 要插入的数据表名
* @return integer|string
* @throws PDOException
public function selectInsert($fields, $table)
// 分析查询表达式
$options = $this->parseExpress();
// 生成SQL语句
$table = $this->parseSqlTable($table);
$sql = $this->builder->selectInsert($fields, $table, $options);
// 获取参数绑定
$bind = $this->getBind();
if ($options['fetch_sql']) {
// 获取实际执行的SQL语句
return $this->connection->getRealSql($sql, $bind);
} else {
// 执行操作
return $this->execute($sql, $bind, $this);
* 更新记录
* @access public
* @param mixed $data 数据
* @return integer|string
* @throws Exception
* @throws PDOException
public function update(array $data = [])
$options = $this->parseExpress();
$data = array_merge($options['data'], $data);
$pk = $this->getPk($options);
if (isset($options['cache']) && is_string($options['cache']['key'])) {
$key = $options['cache']['key'];
if (empty($options['where'])) {
// 如果存在主键数据 则自动作为更新条件
if (is_string($pk) && isset($data[$pk])) {
$where[$pk] = $data[$pk];
if (!isset($key)) {
$key = 'think:' . $options['table'] . '|' . $data[$pk];
} elseif (is_array($pk)) {
// 增加复合主键支持
foreach ($pk as $field) {
if (isset($data[$field])) {
$where[$field] = $data[$field];
} else {
// 如果缺少复合主键数据则不执行
throw new Exception('miss complex primary data');
if (!isset($where)) {
// 如果没有任何更新条件则不执行
throw new Exception('miss update condition');
} else {
$options['where']['AND'] = $where;
} elseif (!isset($key) && is_string($pk) && isset($options['where']['AND'][$pk])) {
$key = $this->getCacheKey($options['where']['AND'][$pk], $options, $this->bind);
$sql = $this->builder->update($data, $options);
// 获取参数绑定
$bind = $this->getBind();
if ($options['fetch_sql']) {
// 获取实际执行的SQL语句
return $this->connection->getRealSql($sql, $bind);
} else {
// 检测缓存
if (isset($key) && Cache::get($key)) {
// 删除缓存
} elseif (!empty($options['cache']['tag'])) {
// 执行操作
$result = '' == $sql ? 0 : $this->execute($sql, $bind, $this);
if ($result) {
if (is_string($pk) && isset($where[$pk])) {
$data[$pk] = $where[$pk];
} elseif (is_string($pk) && isset($key) && strpos($key, '|')) {
list($a, $val) = explode('|', $key);
$data[$pk] = $val;
$options['data'] = $data;
$this->trigger('after_update', $options);
return $result;
* 执行查询但只返回PDOStatement对象
* @access public
* @return \PDOStatement|string
public function getPdo()
// 分析查询表达式
$options = $this->parseExpress();
// 生成查询SQL
$sql = $this->builder->select($options);
// 获取参数绑定
$bind = $this->getBind();
if ($options['fetch_sql']) {
// 获取实际执行的SQL语句
return $this->connection->getRealSql($sql, $bind);
// 执行查询操作
return $this->query($sql, $bind, $options['master'], true);
* 查找记录
* @access public
* @param array|string|Query|\Closure $data
* @return Collection|false|\PDOStatement|string
* @throws DbException
* @throws ModelNotFoundException
* @throws DataNotFoundException
public function select($data = null)
if ($data instanceof Query) {
return $data->select();
} elseif ($data instanceof \Closure) {
call_user_func_array($data, [ & $this]);
$data = null;
// 分析查询表达式
$options = $this->parseExpress();
if (false === $data) {
// 用于子查询 不查询只返回SQL
$options['fetch_sql'] = true;
} elseif (!is_null($data)) {
// 主键条件分析
$this->parsePkWhere($data, $options);
$resultSet = false;
if (empty($options['fetch_sql']) && !empty($options['cache'])) {
// 判断查询缓存
$cache = $options['cache'];
$key = is_string($cache['key']) ? $cache['key'] : md5($this->connection->getConfig('database') . '.' . serialize($options) . serialize($this->bind));
$resultSet = Cache::get($key);
if (false === $resultSet) {
// 生成查询SQL
$sql = $this->builder->select($options);
// 获取参数绑定
$bind = $this->getBind();
if ($options['fetch_sql']) {
// 获取实际执行的SQL语句
return $this->connection->getRealSql($sql, $bind);
$options['data'] = $data;
if ($resultSet = $this->trigger('before_select', $options)) {
} else {
// 执行查询操作
$resultSet = $this->query($sql, $bind, $options['master'], $options['fetch_pdo']);
if ($resultSet instanceof \PDOStatement) {
// 返回PDOStatement对象
return $resultSet;
if (isset($cache) && false !== $resultSet) {
// 缓存数据集
$this->cacheData($key, $resultSet, $cache);
// 数据列表读取后的处理
if (!empty($this->model)) {
// 生成模型对象
if (count($resultSet) > 0) {
foreach ($resultSet as $key => $result) {
/** @var Model $model */
$model = $this->model->newInstance($result);
// 关联查询
if (!empty($options['relation'])) {
// 关联统计
if (!empty($options['with_count'])) {
$model->relationCount($model, $options['with_count']);
$resultSet[$key] = $model;
if (!empty($options['with'])) {
// 预载入
$model->eagerlyResultSet($resultSet, $options['with']);
// 模型数据集转换
$resultSet = $model->toCollection($resultSet);
} else {
$resultSet = $this->model->toCollection($resultSet);
} elseif ('collection' == $this->connection->getConfig('resultset_type')) {
// 返回Collection对象
$resultSet = new Collection($resultSet);
// 返回结果处理
if (!empty($options['fail']) && count($resultSet) == 0) {
return $resultSet;
* 缓存数据
* @access public
* @param string $key 缓存标识
* @param mixed $data 缓存数据
* @param array $config 缓存参数
protected function cacheData($key, $data, $config = [])
if (isset($config['tag'])) {
Cache::tag($config['tag'])->set($key, $data, $config['expire']);
} else {
Cache::set($key, $data, $config['expire']);
* 生成缓存标识
* @access public
* @param mixed $value 缓存数据
* @param array $options 缓存参数
* @param array $bind 绑定参数
* @return string
protected function getCacheKey($value, $options, $bind = [])
if (is_scalar($value)) {
$data = $value;
} elseif (is_array($value) && is_string($value[0]) && 'eq' == strtolower($value[0])) {
$data = $value[1];
$prefix = $this->connection->getConfig('database') . '.';
if (isset($data)) {
return 'think:' . $prefix . (is_array($options['table']) ? key($options['table']) : $options['table']) . '|' . $data;
try {
return md5($prefix . serialize($options) . serialize($bind));
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new Exception('closure not support cache(true)');
* 查找单条记录
* @access public
* @param array|string|Query|\Closure $data
* @return array|false|\PDOStatement|string|Model
* @throws DbException
* @throws ModelNotFoundException
* @throws DataNotFoundException
public function find($data = null)
if ($data instanceof Query) {
return $data->find();
} elseif ($data instanceof \Closure) {
call_user_func_array($data, [ & $this]);
$data = null;
// 分析查询表达式
$options = $this->parseExpress();
$pk = $this->getPk($options);
if (!is_null($data)) {
// AR模式分析主键条件
$this->parsePkWhere($data, $options);
} elseif (!empty($options['cache']) && true === $options['cache']['key'] && is_string($pk) && isset($options['where']['AND'][$pk])) {
$key = $this->getCacheKey($options['where']['AND'][$pk], $options, $this->bind);
$options['limit'] = 1;
$result = false;
if (empty($options['fetch_sql']) && !empty($options['cache'])) {
// 判断查询缓存
$cache = $options['cache'];
if (true === $cache['key'] && !is_null($data) && !is_array($data)) {
$key = 'think:' . $this->connection->getConfig('database') . '.' . (is_array($options['table']) ? key($options['table']) : $options['table']) . '|' . $data;
} elseif (is_string($cache['key'])) {
$key = $cache['key'];
} elseif (!isset($key)) {
$key = md5($this->connection->getConfig('database') . '.' . serialize($options) . serialize($this->bind));
$result = Cache::get($key);
if (false === $result) {
// 生成查询SQL
$sql = $this->builder->select($options);
// 获取参数绑定
$bind = $this->getBind();
if ($options['fetch_sql']) {
// 获取实际执行的SQL语句
return $this->connection->getRealSql($sql, $bind);
if (is_string($pk)) {
if (!is_array($data)) {
if (isset($key) && strpos($key, '|')) {
list($a, $val) = explode('|', $key);
$item[$pk] = $val;
} else {
$item[$pk] = $data;
$data = $item;
$options['data'] = $data;
// 事件回调
if ($result = $this->trigger('before_find', $options)) {
} else {
// 执行查询
$resultSet = $this->query($sql, $bind, $options['master'], $options['fetch_pdo']);
if ($resultSet instanceof \PDOStatement) {
// 返回PDOStatement对象
return $resultSet;
$result = isset($resultSet[0]) ? $resultSet[0] : null;
if (isset($cache) && $result) {
// 缓存数据
$this->cacheData($key, $result, $cache);
// 数据处理
if (!empty($result)) {
if (!empty($this->model)) {
// 返回模型对象
$result = $this->model->newInstance($result);
$result->isUpdate(true, isset($options['where']['AND']) ? $options['where']['AND'] : null);
// 关联查询
if (!empty($options['relation'])) {
// 预载入查询
if (!empty($options['with'])) {
$result->eagerlyResult($result, $options['with']);
// 关联统计
if (!empty($options['with_count'])) {
$result->relationCount($result, $options['with_count']);
} elseif (!empty($options['fail'])) {
return $result;
* 查询失败 抛出异常
* @access public
* @param array $options 查询参数
* @throws ModelNotFoundException
* @throws DataNotFoundException
protected function throwNotFound($options = [])
if (!empty($this->model)) {
$class = get_class($this->model);
throw new ModelNotFoundException('model data Not Found:' . $class, $class, $options);
} else {
$table = is_array($options['table']) ? key($options['table']) : $options['table'];
throw new DataNotFoundException('table data not Found:' . $table, $table, $options);
* 查找多条记录 如果不存在则抛出异常
* @access public
* @param array|string|Query|\Closure $data
* @return array|\PDOStatement|string|Model
* @throws DbException
* @throws ModelNotFoundException
* @throws DataNotFoundException
public function selectOrFail($data = null)
return $this->failException(true)->select($data);
* 查找单条记录 如果不存在则抛出异常
* @access public
* @param array|string|Query|\Closure $data
* @return array|\PDOStatement|string|Model
* @throws DbException
* @throws ModelNotFoundException
* @throws DataNotFoundException
public function findOrFail($data = null)
return $this->failException(true)->find($data);
* 分批数据返回处理
* @access public
* @param integer $count 每次处理的数据数量
* @param callable $callback 处理回调方法
* @param string $column 分批处理的字段名
* @param string $order 排序规则
* @return boolean
* @throws \LogicException
public function chunk($count, $callback, $column = null, $order = 'asc')
$options = $this->getOptions();
if (empty($options['table'])) {
$options['table'] = $this->getTable();
$column = $column ?: $this->getPk($options);
if (isset($options['order'])) {
if (App::$debug) {
throw new \LogicException('chunk not support call order');
$bind = $this->bind;
if (is_array($column)) {
$times = 1;
$query = $this->options($options)->page($times, $count);
} else {
if (strpos($column, '.')) {
list($alias, $key) = explode('.', $column);
} else {
$key = $column;
$query = $this->options($options)->limit($count);
$resultSet = $query->order($column, $order)->select();
while (count($resultSet) > 0) {
if ($resultSet instanceof Collection) {
$resultSet = $resultSet->all();
if (false === call_user_func($callback, $resultSet)) {
return false;
if (is_array($column)) {
$query = $this->options($options)->page($times, $count);
} else {
$end = end($resultSet);
$lastId = is_array($end) ? $end[$key] : $end->getData($key);
$query = $this->options($options)
->where($column, 'asc' == strtolower($order) ? '>' : '<', $lastId);
$resultSet = $query->bind($bind)->order($column, $order)->select();
return true;
* 获取绑定的参数 并清空
* @access public
* @return array
public function getBind()
$bind = $this->bind;
$this->bind = [];
return $bind;
* 创建子查询SQL
* @access public
* @param bool $sub
* @return string
* @throws DbException
public function buildSql($sub = true)
return $sub ? '( ' . $this->select(false) . ' )' : $this->select(false);
* 删除记录
* @access public
* @param mixed $data 表达式 true 表示强制删除
* @return int
* @throws Exception
* @throws PDOException
public function delete($data = null)
// 分析查询表达式
$options = $this->parseExpress();
$pk = $this->getPk($options);
if (isset($options['cache']) && is_string($options['cache']['key'])) {
$key = $options['cache']['key'];
if (!is_null($data) && true !== $data) {
if (!isset($key) && !is_array($data)) {
// 缓存标识
$key = 'think:' . $options['table'] . '|' . $data;
// AR模式分析主键条件
$this->parsePkWhere($data, $options);
} elseif (!isset($key) && is_string($pk) && isset($options['where']['AND'][$pk])) {
$key = $this->getCacheKey($options['where']['AND'][$pk], $options, $this->bind);
if (true !== $data && empty($options['where'])) {
// 如果条件为空 不进行删除操作 除非设置 1=1
throw new Exception('delete without condition');
// 生成删除SQL语句
$sql = $this->builder->delete($options);
// 获取参数绑定
$bind = $this->getBind();
if ($options['fetch_sql']) {
// 获取实际执行的SQL语句
return $this->connection->getRealSql($sql, $bind);
// 检测缓存
if (isset($key) && Cache::get($key)) {
// 删除缓存
} elseif (!empty($options['cache']['tag'])) {
// 执行操作
$result = $this->execute($sql, $bind, $this);
if ($result) {
if (!is_array($data) && is_string($pk) && isset($key) && strpos($key, '|')) {
list($a, $val) = explode('|', $key);
$item[$pk] = $val;
$data = $item;
$options['data'] = $data;
$this->trigger('after_delete', $options);
return $result;
* 分析表达式(可用于查询或者写入操作)
* @access protected
* @return array
protected function parseExpress()
$options = $this->options;
// 获取数据表
if (empty($options['table'])) {
$options['table'] = $this->getTable();
if (!isset($options['where'])) {
$options['where'] = [];
} elseif (isset($options['view'])) {
// 视图查询条件处理
foreach (['AND', 'OR'] as $logic) {
if (isset($options['where'][$logic])) {
foreach ($options['where'][$logic] as $key => $val) {
if (array_key_exists($key, $options['map'])) {
$options['where'][$logic][$options['map'][$key]] = $val;
if (isset($options['order'])) {
// 视图查询排序处理
if (is_string($options['order'])) {
$options['order'] = explode(',', $options['order']);
foreach ($options['order'] as $key => $val) {
if (is_numeric($key)) {
if (strpos($val, ' ')) {
list($field, $sort) = explode(' ', $val);
if (array_key_exists($field, $options['map'])) {
$options['order'][$options['map'][$field]] = $sort;
} elseif (array_key_exists($val, $options['map'])) {
$options['order'][$options['map'][$val]] = 'asc';
} elseif (array_key_exists($key, $options['map'])) {
$options['order'][$options['map'][$key]] = $val;
if (!isset($options['field'])) {
$options['field'] = '*';
if (!isset($options['data'])) {
$options['data'] = [];
if (!isset($options['strict'])) {
$options['strict'] = $this->getConfig('fields_strict');
foreach (['master', 'lock', 'fetch_pdo', 'fetch_sql', 'distinct'] as $name) {
if (!isset($options[$name])) {
$options[$name] = false;
if (isset(static::$readMaster['*']) || (is_string($options['table']) && isset(static::$readMaster[$options['table']]))) {
$options['master'] = true;
foreach (['join', 'union', 'group', 'having', 'limit', 'order', 'force', 'comment'] as $name) {
if (!isset($options[$name])) {
$options[$name] = '';
if (isset($options['page'])) {
// 根据页数计算limit
list($page, $listRows) = $options['page'];
$page = $page > 0 ? $page : 1;
$listRows = $listRows > 0 ? $listRows : (is_numeric($options['limit']) ? $options['limit'] : 20);
$offset = $listRows * ($page - 1);
$options['limit'] = $offset . ',' . $listRows;
$this->options = [];
return $options;
* 注册回调方法
* @access public
* @param string $event 事件名
* @param callable $callback 回调方法
* @return void
public static function event($event, $callback)
self::$event[$event] = $callback;
* 触发事件
* @access protected
* @param string $event 事件名
* @param mixed $params 额外参数
* @return bool
protected function trigger($event, $params = [])
$result = false;
if (isset(self::$event[$event])) {
$callback = self::$event[$event];
$result = call_user_func_array($callback, [$params, $this]);
return $result;