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* @author zhixin wen <>
* @version: v1.0.1
* Modificated 16.08.16 by Aleksej Tokarev (Loecha)
* - Sorting Problem solved
* - Recalculated Size of fixed Columns
(function ($) {
'use strict';
$.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, {
fixedColumns: false,
fixedNumber: 1
var BootstrapTable = $.fn.bootstrapTable.Constructor,
_initHeader = BootstrapTable.prototype.initHeader,
_initBody = BootstrapTable.prototype.initBody,
_resetView = BootstrapTable.prototype.resetView,
_getCaret = BootstrapTable.prototype.getCaret; // Add: Aleksej
BootstrapTable.prototype.initFixedColumns = function () {
this.$fixedHeader = $([
'<div class="fixed-table-header-columns">',
this.timeoutHeaderColumns_ = 0;
this.$fixedHeader.find('table').attr('class', this.$el.attr('class'));
this.$fixedHeaderColumns = this.$fixedHeader.find('thead');
this.$fixedBody = $([
'<div class="fixed-table-body-columns">',
this.timeoutBodyColumns_ = 0;
this.$fixedBody.find('table').attr('class', this.$el.attr('class'));
this.$fixedBodyColumns = this.$fixedBody.find('tbody');
BootstrapTable.prototype.initHeader = function () {
_initHeader.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments));
if (!this.options.fixedColumns) {
var that = this, $trs = this.$header.find('tr').clone(true); //Fix: Aleksej "clone()" mit "clone(true)" ersetzt
$trs.each(function () {
// This causes layout problems:
//$(this).find('th:gt(' + (that.options.fixedNumber -1) + ')').remove(); // Fix: Aleksej "-1" hinnzugef黦t. Denn immer eine Spalte Mehr geblieben ist
$(this).find('th:gt(' + (that.options.fixedNumber-1) + ')').remove();
BootstrapTable.prototype.initBody = function () {
_initBody.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments));
if (!this.options.fixedColumns) {
var that = this,
rowspan = 0;
this.$body.find('> tr[data-index]').each(function () {
var $tr = $(this).clone(),
$tds = $tr.find('td');
var dataIndex = $tr.attr("data-index");
$tr = $("<tr></tr>");
$tr.attr("data-index", dataIndex);
var end = that.options.fixedNumber;
if (rowspan > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < end; i++) {
if ($tds.eq(0).attr('rowspan')){
rowspan = $tds.eq(0).attr('rowspan') - 1;
BootstrapTable.prototype.resetView = function () {
_resetView.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments));
if (!this.options.fixedColumns) {
this.timeoutHeaderColumns_ = setTimeout($.proxy(this.fitHeaderColumns, this), this.$':hidden') ? 100 : 0);
this.timeoutBodyColumns_ = setTimeout($.proxy(this.fitBodyColumns, this), this.$':hidden') ? 100 : 0);
BootstrapTable.prototype.fitHeaderColumns = function () {
var that = this,
visibleFields = this.getVisibleFields(),
headerWidth = 0;
this.$body.find('tr:first-child:not(.no-records-found) > *').each(function (i) {
var $this = $(this),
index = i;
if (i >= that.options.fixedNumber) {
return false;
if (that.options.detailView && !that.options.cardView) {
index = i - 1;
var $th = that.$fixedHeader.find('th[data-field="' + visibleFields[index] + '"]');
headerWidth += $this.outerWidth();
$'fix-pos', index);
this.$fixedHeader.width(headerWidth + 1).show();
// fix click event
this.$fixedHeader.delegate("tr th", 'click', function() {
$(this).parents(".fixed-table-container").find(".fixed-table-body table thead tr th:eq("+$(this).data("fix-pos")+") .sortable").click();
* Add: Aleksej
* Hook f黵 getCaret. Aktualisieren Header bei Fixed-Columns wenn diese sortiert wurden
* @method getCaret
* @for BootstrapTable
BootstrapTable.prototype.getCaret = function () {
var result = _getCaret.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.options.fixedColumns && this.$fixedHeaderColumns instanceof jQuery) {
var that = this, $th;
$.each(this.$fixedHeaderColumns.find('th'), function (i, th) {
$th = $(th);
$th.find('.sortable').removeClass('desc asc').addClass($'field') === that.options.sortName ? that.options.sortOrder : 'both');
return result;
* Add: Aleksej, zum berechnen von Scrollbar-Gr鲞e
* @method calcScrollBarSize
* @return Number
BootstrapTable.prototype.calcScrollBarSize = function () {
// Es ist egal, ob H鰄e oder Breite
var tmpWidth = 100,
$container = $('<div>').css({
width : tmpWidth,
overflow : 'scroll',
visibility : 'hidden'}
widthWithScroll = $('<div>').css({
width: '100%'
return tmpWidth - widthWithScroll;
BootstrapTable.prototype.fitBodyColumns = function () {
var that = this,
borderHeight = (parseInt(this.$el.css('border-bottom-width')) + parseInt(this.$el.css('border-top-width'))), // Add. Aleksej
top = this.$fixedHeader.outerHeight() + borderHeight, // Fix. Aleksej "-2" mit "+ borderHeight" ersetzt
// the fixed height should reduce the scorll-x height
height = this.$tableBody.height() - this.calcScrollBarSize(); // Fix. Aleksej "-14" mit "- this.calcScrollBarSize()" ersetzt
if (!this.$body.find('> tr[data-index]').length) {
if (!this.options.height) {
top = this.$fixedHeader.height();
height = height - top;
width: this.$fixedHeader.width(),
height: height,
top: top
this.$body.find('> tr').each(function (i) {
that.$fixedBody.find('tr:eq(' + i + ')').height($(this).height() - 1);
// events
this.$tableBody.on('scroll', function () {
that.$fixedBody.find('table').css('top', -$(this).scrollTop());
this.$body.find('> tr[data-index]').off('hover').hover(function () {
var index = $(this).data('index');
that.$fixedBody.find('tr[data-index="' + index + '"]').addClass('hover');
}, function () {
var index = $(this).data('index');
that.$fixedBody.find('tr[data-index="' + index + '"]').removeClass('hover');
this.$fixedBody.find('tr[data-index]').off('hover').hover(function () {
var index = $(this).data('index');
that.$body.find('tr[data-index="' + index + '"]').addClass('hover');
}, function () {
var index = $(this).data('index');
that.$body.find('> tr[data-index="' + index + '"]').removeClass('hover');
// fix td width bug
var $first_tr = that.$body.find('tr:eq(0)');
that.$fixedBody.find('tr:eq(0)').find("td").each(function(index) {
// //v2.1.8 修复配置fixcolumns时出现左边固定栏的高度与原表格不一致的问题
// setTimeout(function(){
// $('.bootstrap-table th,.bootstrap-table td').css('height','50px');
// //alert($(".fixed-table-body #table").css('height'));
// $('.fixed-table-body-columns').css('height',$(".fixed-table-body table tbody").css('height')); //用于修正1.2.0.20201008_beta之前fixed column的table高度
// $('.fixed-columns').css('height',$(".fixed-table-body table").css('height')); //用于修正1.2.0.20201008_beta之后fixed column的table高度
// $('.fixed-table-body').css('overflow-y','hidden');
// $('.fixed-table-body').css('width','');
// $('.fixed-table-body').css('height','');
// },1);