
1074 lines
60 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

define(['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'moment', 'moment/locale/zh-cn', 'bootstrap-table', 'bootstrap-table-lang', 'bootstrap-table-export', 'bootstrap-table-commonsearch', 'bootstrap-table-template', 'bootstrap-table-jumpto', 'bootstrap-table-fixed-columns'], function ($, undefined, Moment) {
var Table = {
list: {},
// Bootstrap-table 基础配置
defaults: {
url: '',
sidePagination: 'server',
method: 'get', //请求方法
toolbar: ".toolbar", //工具栏
search: true, //是否启用快速搜索
cache: false,
commonSearch: true, //是否启用通用搜索
searchFormVisible: false, //是否始终显示搜索表单
titleForm: '', //为空则不显示标题,不定义默认显示:普通搜索
idTable: 'commonTable',
showExport: true,
exportDataType: "auto", //支持auto,selected,all 当设定为auto时自动时有选中则导出选中没有选中则导出全部
exportTypes: ['json', 'xml', 'csv', 'txt', 'doc', 'excel'],
exportOptions: {
fileName: 'export_' + Moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
preventInjection: false,
mso: {
onMsoNumberFormat: function (cell, row, col) {
return !isNaN($(cell).text()) ? '\\@' : '';
ignoreColumn: [0, 'operate'] //默认不导出第一列(checkbox)与操作(operate)列
pageSize: Config.pagesize || localStorage.getItem("pagesize") || 10,
pageList: [10, 15, 20, 25, 50, 'All'],
pagination: true,
clickToSelect: true, //是否启用点击选中
dblClickToEdit: true, //是否启用双击编辑
singleSelect: false, //是否启用单选
showRefresh: false,
showJumpto: true,
locale: Config.language === 'zh-cn' ? 'zh-CN' : 'en-US',
showToggle: true,
showColumns: true,
pk: 'id',
sortName: 'id',
sortOrder: 'desc',
paginationFirstText: __("First"),
paginationPreText: __("Previous"),
paginationNextText: __("Next"),
paginationLastText: __("Last"),
cardView: false, //卡片视图
iosCardView: true, //ios卡片视图
checkOnInit: true, //是否在初始化时判断
escape: true, //是否对内容进行转义
fixDropdownPosition: true, //是否修复下拉的定位
dragCheckboxMultiselect: true, //拖拽时复选框是否多选模式
selectedIds: [],
selectedData: [],
extend: {
index_url: '',
add_url: '',
edit_url: '',
del_url: '',
import_url: '',
multi_url: '',
dragsort_url: 'ajax/weigh',
// Bootstrap-table 列配置
columnDefaults: {
align: 'center',
valign: 'middle',
config: {
checkboxtd: 'tbody>tr>',
toolbar: '.toolbar',
refreshbtn: '.btn-refresh',
addbtn: '.btn-add',
editbtn: '.btn-edit',
delbtn: '.btn-del',
importbtn: '.btn-import',
multibtn: '.btn-multi',
disabledbtn: '.btn-disabled',
editonebtn: '.btn-editone',
restoreonebtn: '.btn-restoreone',
destroyonebtn: '.btn-destroyone',
restoreallbtn: '.btn-restoreall',
destroyallbtn: '.btn-destroyall',
dragsortfield: 'weigh',
button: {
edit: {
name: 'edit',
icon: 'fa fa-pencil',
title: __('Edit'),
extend: 'data-toggle="tooltip" data-container="body"',
classname: 'btn btn-xs btn-success btn-editone'
del: {
name: 'del',
icon: 'fa fa-trash',
title: __('Del'),
extend: 'data-toggle="tooltip" data-container="body"',
classname: 'btn btn-xs btn-danger btn-delone'
dragsort: {
name: 'dragsort',
icon: 'fa fa-arrows',
title: __('Drag to sort'),
extend: 'data-toggle="tooltip"',
classname: 'btn btn-xs btn-primary btn-dragsort'
api: {
init: function (defaults, columnDefaults, locales) {
defaults = defaults ? defaults : {};
columnDefaults = columnDefaults ? columnDefaults : {};
locales = locales ? locales : {};
$.fn.bootstrapTable.Constructor.prototype.getSelectItem = function () {
return this.$selectItem;
var _onPageListChange = $.fn.bootstrapTable.Constructor.prototype.onPageListChange;
$.fn.bootstrapTable.Constructor.prototype.onPageListChange = function () {
_onPageListChange.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments));
localStorage.setItem('pagesize', this.options.pageSize);
return false;
// 写入bootstrap-table默认配置
$.extend(true, $.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, Table.defaults, defaults);
// 写入bootstrap-table column配置
$.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.columnDefaults, Table.columnDefaults, columnDefaults);
// 写入bootstrap-table locale配置
$.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.locales[Table.defaults.locale], {
formatCommonSearch: function () {
return __('Common search');
formatCommonSubmitButton: function () {
return __('Submit');
formatCommonResetButton: function () {
return __('Reset');
formatCommonCloseButton: function () {
return __('Close');
formatCommonChoose: function () {
return __('Choose');
formatJumpto: function () {
return __('Go');
}, locales);
// 如果是iOS设备则判断是否启用卡片视图
if ($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults.iosCardView && navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPod|iPhone|iPad)/)) {
Table.defaults.cardView = true;
$.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults.cardView = true;
if (typeof defaults.exportTypes != 'undefined') {
$.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults.exportTypes = defaults.exportTypes;
// 绑定事件
bindevent: function (table) {
var parenttable = table.closest('.bootstrap-table');
var options = table.bootstrapTable('getOptions');
var toolbar = $(options.toolbar, parenttable);
var tipsBtn = $(".btn-selected-tips", parenttable);
if (tipsBtn.length === 0) {
tipsBtn = $('<a href="javascript:" class="btn btn-warning-light btn-selected-tips hide" data-animation="false" data-toggle="tooltip" data-title="' + __("Click to uncheck all") + '"><i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i> ' + __("Multiple selection mode: %s checked", "<b>0</b>") + '</a>').appendTo(toolbar);
//点击提示按钮"click").on("click", function (e) {
table.on('uncheckbox', function (status, res, e) {
options.selectedIds = [];
options.selectedData = [];
table.on('', function (status, res, e) {
if (e.status === 0) {
Toastr.error(__('Unknown data format'));
table.on('', function (e, data) {
if (typeof data.rows === 'undefined' && typeof data.code != 'undefined') {
table.on('', function (e, settings, data) {
$(Table.config.refreshbtn, toolbar).find(".fa").addClass("fa-spin");
table.on('', function (e, settings, data) {
if (options.dblClickToEdit) {
table.on('', function (e, row, element, field) {
$(Table.config.editonebtn, element).trigger("click");
table.on('', function (e, data) {
if (options.maintainSelected) {
$.each(data, function (i, row) {
row[options.stateField] = $.inArray(row[], options.selectedIds) > -1;
table.on('', function (e, data) {
$(Table.config.refreshbtn, toolbar).find(".fa").removeClass("fa-spin");
if ($(Table.config.checkboxtd + ":first", table).find("input[type='checkbox'][data-index]").length > 0) {
var posx, posy, dragdiv, drag = false, prepare = false;
var mousemove = function (e) {
if (drag) {
var left = Math.min(e.pageX, posx);
var top = Math.min(e.pageY, posy);
var width = Math.abs(posx - e.pageX);
var height = Math.abs(posy - e.pageY);
dragdiv.css({left: left + "px", top: top + "px", width: width + "px", height: height + "px"});
var dragrect = {x: left, y: top, width: width, height: height};
$(Table.config.checkboxtd, table).each(function () {
var checkbox = $("input:checkbox", this);
var tdrect = this.getBoundingClientRect();
tdrect.x += document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
tdrect.y += document.documentElement.scrollTop;
var td_min_x = tdrect.x;
var td_min_y = tdrect.y;
var td_max_x = tdrect.x + tdrect.width;
var td_max_y = tdrect.y + tdrect.height;
var drag_min_x = dragrect.x;
var drag_min_y = dragrect.y;
var drag_max_x = dragrect.x + dragrect.width;
var drag_max_y = dragrect.y + dragrect.height;
var overlapped = td_min_x <= drag_max_x && td_max_x >= drag_min_x && td_min_y <= drag_max_y && td_max_y >= drag_min_y;
if (overlapped) {
if (!$(this).hasClass("overlaped")) {
} else {
if ($(this).hasClass("overlaped")) {
var selectstart = function () {
return false;
var mouseup = function () {
if (drag) {
$(document).off("mousemove", mousemove);
$(document).off("selectstart", selectstart);
drag = false;
prepare = false;
$(document.body).css({'MozUserSelect': '', 'webkitUserSelect': ''}).attr('unselectable', 'off');
$(Table.config.checkboxtd, table).on("mousedown", function (e) {
if (e.button === 2 || $("input")) {
return false;
posx = e.pageX;
posy = e.pageY;
prepare = true;
}).on("mousemove", function (e) {
if (prepare && !drag) {
drag = true;
dragdiv = $("<div />");
dragdiv.css({position: 'absolute', width: 0, height: 0, border: "1px dashed blue", background: "#0029ff", left: e.pageX + "px", top: e.pageY + "px", opacity: .1});
$(document.body).css({'MozUserSelect': 'none', 'webkitUserSelect': 'none'}).attr('unselectable', 'on');
$(document).on("mousemove", mousemove).on("mouseup", mouseup).on("selectstart", selectstart);
if (options.dragCheckboxMultiselect) {
$(Table.config.checkboxtd, table).removeClass("overlaped");
var exportDataType = options.exportDataType;
// 处理选中筛选框后按钮的状态统一变更
table.on('', function (e) {
var allIds = [];
$.each(table.bootstrapTable("getData"), function (i, item) {
allIds.push(typeof item[] != 'undefined' ? item[] : '');
var selectedIds = Table.api.selectedids(table, true),
selectedData = Table.api.selecteddata(table, true);
if (options.maintainSelected) {
options.selectedIds = options.selectedIds.filter(function (element, index, self) {
return $.inArray(element, allIds) === -1;
options.selectedData = options.selectedData.filter(function (element, index, self) {
return $.inArray(element[], allIds) === -1;
if (options.selectedIds.length > selectedIds.length) {
$("b", tipsBtn).text(options.selectedIds.length);
} else {
} else {
options.selectedIds = selectedIds;
options.selectedData = selectedData;
if (exportDataType === 'auto') {
options.exportDataType = selectedIds.length > 0 ? 'selected' : 'all';
if ($(".export .exporttips").length === 0) {
$(".export .dropdown-menu").prepend("<li class='exporttips alert alert-warning-light mb-0 no-border p-2'></li>")
$(".export .exporttips").html("导出记录:" + (selectedIds.length > 0 ? "选中" : "全部"));
$(Table.config.disabledbtn, toolbar).toggleClass('disabled', !options.selectedIds.length);
// 提交通用搜索时判断是否和Tabs筛选一致
table.on('', function (e, setting, query) {
var tabs = $('.panel-heading [data-field]', table.closest(".panel-intro"));
var field ="field");
var value = $(" > a", tabs).data("value");
if (query.filter && typeof query.filter[field] !== 'undefined' && query.filter[field] != value) {
$("li", tabs).removeClass("active");
$("li > a[data-value='" + query.filter[field] + "']", tabs).parent().addClass("active");
// 绑定TAB事件
$('.panel-heading [data-field] a[data-toggle="tab"]', table.closest(".panel-intro")).on('', function (e) {
var field = $(this).closest("[data-field]").data("field");
var value = $(this).data("value");
var object = $("[name='" + field + "']", table.closest(".bootstrap-table").find(".commonsearch-table"));
if (object.prop('tagName') === "SELECT") {
$("option[value='" + value + "']", object).prop("selected", true);
} else {
table.bootstrapTable('getOptions').totalRows = 0;
table.bootstrapTable('refresh', {pageNumber: 1});
return false;
// 修复重置事件
$("form", table.closest(".bootstrap-table").find(".commonsearch-table")).on('reset', function () {
setTimeout(function () {
// $('.panel-heading [data-field] a[data-toggle="tab"]').trigger('');
}, 0);
$('.panel-heading [data-field] li', table.closest(".panel-intro")).removeClass('active');
$('.panel-heading [data-field] li:first', table.closest(".panel-intro")).addClass('active');
// 刷新按钮事件
toolbar.on('click', Table.config.refreshbtn, function () {
// 添加按钮事件
toolbar.on('click', Table.config.addbtn, function () {
var ids = Table.api.selectedids(table);
var url = options.extend.add_url;
if (url.indexOf("{ids}") !== -1) {
url = Table.api.replaceurl(url, {ids: ids.length > 0 ? ids.join(",") : 0}, table);
}, $(this).data("original-title") || $(this).attr("title") || __('Add'), $(this).data() || {});
// 导入按钮事件
if ($(Table.config.importbtn, toolbar).length > 0) {
require(['upload'], function (Upload) {
Upload.api.upload($(Table.config.importbtn, toolbar), function (data, ret) {
url: options.extend.import_url,
data: {file: data.url},
}, function (data, ret) {
// 批量编辑按钮事件
toolbar.on('click', Table.config.editbtn, function () {
var that = this;
var ids = Table.api.selectedids(table);
if (ids.length > 10) {
var title = $(that).data('title') || $(that).attr("title") || __('Edit');
var data = $(that).data() || {};
delete data.title;
$.each(Table.api.selecteddata(table), function (index, row) {
var url = options.extend.edit_url;
row = $.extend({}, row ? row : {}, {ids: row[]});
url = Table.api.replaceurl(url, row, table);, typeof title === 'function' ?, row) : title, data);
$(document).on('click', Table.config.destroyallbtn, function () {
var that = this;
Layer.confirm(__('Are you sure you want to truncate?'), function () {
var url = $(that).data("url") ? $(that).data("url") : $(that).attr("href");
Fast.api.ajax(url, function () {
}, function () {
return false;
$(document).on('click', Table.config.restoreallbtn, function () {
var that = this;
var url = $(that).data("url") ? $(that).data("url") : $(that).attr("href");
Fast.api.ajax(url, function () {
}, function () {
return false;
$(document).on('click', Table.config.restoreonebtn + ',' + Table.config.destroyonebtn, function () {
var that = this;
var url = $(that).data("url") ? $(that).data("url") : $(that).attr("href");
var row = Table.api.getrowbyindex(table, $(that).data("row-index"));
url: url,
data: {ids: row[]}
}, function () {
return false;
// 批量操作按钮事件
toolbar.on('click', Table.config.multibtn, function () {
var ids = Table.api.selectedids(table);
Table.api.multi($(this).data("action"), ids, table, this);
// 批量删除按钮事件
toolbar.on('click', Table.config.delbtn, function () {
var that = this;
var ids = Table.api.selectedids(table);
__('Are you sure you want to delete the %s selected item?', ids.length),
{icon: 3, title: __('Warning'), offset: 0, shadeClose: true, btn: [__('OK'), __('Cancel')]},
function (index) {
Table.api.multi("del", ids, table, that);
// 拖拽排序
require(['dragsort'], function () {
$("tbody", table).dragsort({
itemSelector: 'tr:visible',
dragSelector: "a.btn-dragsort",
dragEnd: function (a, b) {
var element = $("a.btn-dragsort", this);
var data = table.bootstrapTable('getData');
var current = data[parseInt($(this).data("index"))];
var options = table.bootstrapTable('getOptions');
var ids = $.map($("tbody tr:visible", table), function (tr) {
return data[parseInt($(tr).data("index"))][];
var changeid = current[];
var pid = typeof != 'undefined' ? : '';
var params = {
url: table.bootstrapTable('getOptions').extend.dragsort_url,
data: {
ids: ids.join(','),
changeid: changeid,
pid: pid,
field: Table.config.dragsortfield,
orderway: options.sortOrder,
table: options.extend.table,
Fast.api.ajax(params, function (data, ret) {
var success = $(element).data("success") || $.noop;
if (typeof success === 'function') {
if (false ===, data, ret)) {
return false;
}, function (data, ret) {
var error = $(element).data("error") || $.noop;
if (typeof error === 'function') {
if (false ===, data, ret)) {
return false;
placeHolderTemplate: ""
table.on("click", "input[data-id][name='checkbox']", function (e) {
var ids = $(this).data("id");
table.bootstrapTable($(this).prop("checked") ? 'checkBy' : 'uncheckBy', {field:, values: [ids]});
table.on("click", "[data-id].btn-change", function (e) {
var changer = $.proxy(function () {
Table.api.multi($(this).data("action") ? $(this).data("action") : '', [$(this).data("id")], table, this);
}, this);
if (typeof $(this).data("confirm") !== 'undefined') {
Layer.confirm($(this).data("confirm"), function (index) {
} else {
table.on("click", "[data-id].btn-edit", function (e) {
var ids = $(this).data("id");
var row = Table.api.getrowbyid(table, ids);
row.ids = ids;
var url = Table.api.replaceurl(options.extend.edit_url, row, table);, $(this).data("original-title") || $(this).attr("title") || __('Edit'), $(this).data() || {});
table.on("click", "[data-id].btn-del", function (e) {
var id = $(this).data("id");
var that = this;
__('Are you sure you want to delete this item?'),
{icon: 3, title: __('Warning'), shadeClose: true, btn: [__('OK'), __('Cancel')]},
function (index) {
Table.api.multi("del", id, table, that);
table.on("mouseenter mouseleave", ".autocontent", function (e) {
var target = $(".autocontent-item", this).get(0);
if (!target) return;
if (e.type === 'mouseenter') {
if (target.scrollWidth > target.offsetWidth && $(".autocontent-caret", this).length === 0) {
$(this).append("<div class='autocontent-caret'><i class='fa fa-chevron-down'></div>");
} else {
$(".autocontent-caret", this).remove();
table.on("click mouseenter", ".autocontent-caret", function (e) {
var hover = $(this).prev().hasClass("autocontent-hover");
if (!hover && e.type === 'mouseenter') {
var text = $(this).prev().text();
var tdrect = $(this).parent().get(0).getBoundingClientRect();
var index ={id: 'autocontent', skin: 'layui-layer-fast layui-layer-autocontent', title: false, content: text, btn: false, anim: false, shade: 0, isOutAnim: false, area: 'auto', maxWidth: 450, maxHeight: 350, offset: [tdrect.y, tdrect.x]});
if (hover) {
$(document).one("mouseleave", "#layui-layer" + index, function () {
var mousedown = function (e) {
if ($(".layui-layer").length === 0) {
$(document).off("mousedown", mousedown);
$(document).off("mousedown", mousedown).on("mousedown", mousedown);
if (options.fixDropdownPosition) {
var tableBody = table.closest(".fixed-table-body");
table.on(' fa.event.refreshdropdown', ".btn-group", function (e) {
var dropdownMenu = $(".dropdown-menu", this);
var btnGroup = $(this);
var isPullRight = dropdownMenu.hasClass("pull-right") || dropdownMenu.hasClass("dropdown-menu-right");
var left, top, position;
if (true || dropdownMenu.outerHeight() + btnGroup.outerHeight() > tableBody.outerHeight() - 41) {
position = 'fixed';
top = btnGroup.offset().top - $(window).scrollTop() + btnGroup.outerHeight();
if ((top + dropdownMenu.outerHeight()) > $(window).height()) {
top = btnGroup.offset().top - dropdownMenu.outerHeight() - 5;
left = isPullRight ? btnGroup.offset().left + btnGroup.outerWidth() - dropdownMenu.outerWidth() : btnGroup.offset().left;
if (left || top) {
position: position, left: left, top: top, right: 'inherit'
var checkdropdown = function () {
if ($("", table).length > 0 && $(" .dropdown-menu", table).css("position") == 'fixed') {
$("", table).trigger("fa.event.refreshdropdown");
$(window).on("scroll", function () {
tableBody.on("scroll", function () {
var id = table.attr("id");
Table.list[id] = table;
return table;
// 批量操作请求
multi: function (action, ids, table, element) {
var options = table.bootstrapTable('getOptions');
var data = element ? $(element).data() : {};
ids = ($.isArray(ids) ? ids.join(",") : ids);
var url = typeof data.url !== "undefined" ? data.url : (action == "del" ? options.extend.del_url : options.extend.multi_url);
var params = typeof data.params !== "undefined" ? (typeof data.params == 'object' ? $.param(data.params) : data.params) : '';
options = {url: url, data: {action: action, ids: ids, params: params}};
Fast.api.ajax(options, function (data, ret) {
var success = $(element).data("success") || $.noop;
if (typeof success === 'function') {
if (false ===, data, ret)) {
return false;
}, function (data, ret) {
var error = $(element).data("error") || $.noop;
if (typeof error === 'function') {
if (false ===, data, ret)) {
return false;
// 单元格元素事件
events: {
operate: {
'click .btn-editone': function (e, value, row, index) {
var table = $(this).closest('table');
var options = table.bootstrapTable('getOptions');
var ids = row[];
row = $.extend({}, row ? row : {}, {ids: ids});
var url = options.extend.edit_url;, row, table), $(this).data("original-title") || $(this).attr("title") || __('Edit'), $(this).data() || {});
'click .btn-delone': function (e, value, row, index) {
var that = this;
var top = $(that).offset().top - $(window).scrollTop();
var left = $(that).offset().left - $(window).scrollLeft() - 260;
if (top + 154 > $(window).height()) {
top = top - 154;
if ($(window).width() < 480) {
top = left = undefined;
__('Are you sure you want to delete this item?'),
{icon: 3, title: __('Warning'), offset: [top, left], shadeClose: true, btn: [__('OK'), __('Cancel')]},
function (index) {
var table = $(that).closest('table');
var options = table.bootstrapTable('getOptions');
Table.api.multi("del", row[], table, that);
image: {
'click .img-center': function (e, value, row, index) {
var data = [];
value = value === null ? '' : value.toString();
var arr = value != '' ? value.split(",") : [];
var url;
$.each(arr, function (index, value) {
url = Fast.api.cdnurl(value);
src: url,
thumb: url.match(/^(\/|data:image\\)/) ? url : url + Config.upload.thumbstyle
photos: {
"start": $(this).parent().index(),
"data": data
anim: 5 //0-6的选择指定弹出图片动画类型默认随机请注意3.0之前的版本用shift参数
// 单元格数据格式化
formatter: {
icon: function (value, row, index) {
value = value === null ? '' : value.toString();
value = value.indexOf(" ") > -1 ? value : "fa fa-" + value;
return '<i class="' + value + '"></i> ' + value;
image: function (value, row, index) {
return, value, row, index);
images: function (value, row, index) {
value = value == null || value.length === 0 ? '' : value.toString();
var classname = typeof this.classname !== 'undefined' ? this.classname : 'img-sm img-center';
var arr = value !== '' ? (value.indexOf('data:image/') === -1 ? value.split(',') : [value]) : [];
var html = [];
var url;
$.each(arr, function (i, value) {
value = value ? value : '/assets/img/blank.gif';
url = Fast.api.cdnurl(value, true);
url = !Config.upload.thumbstyle || url.match(/^(\/|data:image\/)/) || url.indexOf(Config.upload.thumbstyle.substring(0, 1)) > -1 ? url : url + Config.upload.thumbstyle;
html.push('<a href="javascript:"><img class="' + classname + '" src="' + url + '" /></a>');
return html.join(' ');
file: function (value, row, index) {
return, value, row, index);
files: function (value, row, index) {
value = value == null || value.length === 0 ? '' : value.toString();
var classname = typeof this.classname !== 'undefined' ? this.classname : 'img-sm img-center';
var arr = value !== '' ? (value.indexOf('data:image/') === -1 ? value.split(',') : [value]) : [];
var html = [];
var suffix, url;
$.each(arr, function (i, value) {
value = Fast.api.cdnurl(value, true);
suffix = /[\.]?([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$/.exec(value);
suffix = suffix ? suffix[1] : 'file';
url = Fast.api.fixurl("ajax/icon?suffix=" + suffix);
html.push('<a href="' + value + '" target="_blank"><img src="' + url + '" class="' + classname + '"></a>');
return html.join(' ');
content: function (value, row, index) {
var width = this.width != undefined ? (this.width.toString().match(/^\d+$/) ? this.width + "px" : this.width) : "250px";
var hover = this.hover != undefined && this.hover ? "autocontent-hover" : "";
return "<div class='autocontent-item " + hover + "' style='white-space: nowrap; text-overflow:ellipsis; overflow: hidden; max-width:" + width + ";'>" + value + "</div>";
status: function (value, row, index) {
var custom = {normal: 'success', hidden: 'gray', deleted: 'danger', locked: 'info'};
if (typeof this.custom !== 'undefined') {
custom = $.extend(custom, this.custom);
this.custom = custom;
this.icon = 'fa fa-circle';
return, value, row, index);
normal: function (value, row, index) {
var colorArr = ["primary", "success", "danger", "warning", "info", "gray", "red", "yellow", "aqua", "blue", "navy", "teal", "olive", "lime", "fuchsia", "purple", "maroon"];
var custom = {};
if (typeof this.custom !== 'undefined') {
custom = $.extend(custom, this.custom);
value = value == null || value.length === 0 ? '' : value.toString();
var keys = typeof this.searchList === 'object' ? Object.keys(this.searchList) : [];
var index = keys.indexOf(value);
var color = value && typeof custom[value] !== 'undefined' ? custom[value] : null;
var display = index > -1 ? this.searchList[value] : null;
var icon = typeof this.icon !== 'undefined' ? this.icon : null;
if (!color) {
color = index > -1 && typeof colorArr[index] !== 'undefined' ? colorArr[index] : 'primary';
if (!display) {
display = __(value.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + value.slice(1));
var html = '<span class="text-' + color + '">' + (icon ? '<i class="' + icon + '"></i> ' : '') + display + '</span>';
if (this.operate != false) {
html = '<a href="javascript:;" class="searchit" data-toggle="tooltip" title="' + __('Click to search %s', display) + '" data-field="' + this.field + '" data-value="' + value + '">' + html + '</a>';
return html;
toggle: function (value, row, index) {
var table = this.table;
var options = table ? table.bootstrapTable('getOptions') : {};
var pk = || "id";
var color = typeof this.color !== 'undefined' ? this.color : 'success';
var yes = typeof this.yes !== 'undefined' ? this.yes : 1;
var no = typeof !== 'undefined' ? : 0;
var url = typeof this.url !== 'undefined' ? this.url : '';
var confirm = '';
var disable = false;
if (typeof this.confirm !== "undefined") {
confirm = typeof this.confirm === "function" ?, value, row, index) : this.confirm;
if (typeof this.disable !== "undefined") {
disable = typeof this.disable === "function" ?, value, row, index) : this.disable;
return "<a href='javascript:;' data-toggle='tooltip' title='" + __('Click to toggle') + "' class='btn-change " + (disable ? 'btn disabled no-padding' : '') + "' data-index='" + index + "' data-id='"
+ row[pk] + "' " + (url ? "data-url='" + url + "'" : "") + (confirm ? "data-confirm='" + confirm + "'" : "") + " data-params='" + this.field + "=" + (value == yes ? no : yes) + "'><i class='fa fa-toggle-on text-success text-" + color + " " + (value == yes ? '' : 'fa-flip-horizontal text-gray') + " fa-2x'></i></a>";
url: function (value, row, index) {
value = value == null || value.length === 0 ? '' : value.toString();
return '<div class="input-group input-group-sm" style="width:250px;margin:0 auto;"><input type="text" class="form-control input-sm" value="' + value + '"><span class="input-group-btn input-group-sm"><a href="' + value + '" target="_blank" class="btn btn-default btn-sm"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a></span></div>';
search: function (value, row, index) {
var field = this.field;
if (typeof this.customField !== 'undefined') {
var customValue = this.customField.split('.').reduce(function (obj, key) {
return obj === null || obj === undefined ? '' : obj[key];
}, row);
value = Fast.api.escape(customValue);
field = this.customField;
return '<a href="javascript:;" class="searchit" data-toggle="tooltip" title="' + __('Click to search %s', value) + '" data-field="' + field + '" data-value="' + value + '">' + value + '</a>';
addtabs: function (value, row, index) {
var url = Table.api.replaceurl(this.url || '', row, this.table);
var title = this.atitle ? this.atitle : __("Search %s", value);
return '<a href="' + Fast.api.fixurl(url) + '" class="addtabsit" data-value="' + value + '" title="' + title + '">' + value + '</a>';
dialog: function (value, row, index) {
var url = Table.api.replaceurl(this.url || '', row, this.table);
var title = this.atitle ? this.atitle : __("View %s", value);
return '<a href="' + Fast.api.fixurl(url) + '" class="dialogit" data-value="' + value + '" title="' + title + '">' + value + '</a>';
flag: function (value, row, index) {
var that = this;
value = value == null || value.length === 0 ? '' : value.toString();
var colorArr = {index: 'success', hot: 'warning', recommend: 'danger', 'new': 'info'};
if (typeof this.custom !== 'undefined') {
colorArr = $.extend(colorArr, this.custom);
var field = this.field;
if (typeof this.customField !== 'undefined') {
var customValue = this.customField.split('.').reduce(function (obj, key) {
return obj === null || obj === undefined ? '' : obj[key];
}, row);
value = Fast.api.escape(customValue);
field = this.customField;
if (typeof that.searchList === 'object' && typeof that.custom === 'undefined') {
var i = 0;
var searchValues = Object.values(colorArr);
$.each(that.searchList, function (key, val) {
if (typeof colorArr[key] == 'undefined') {
colorArr[key] = searchValues[i];
i = typeof searchValues[i + 1] === 'undefined' ? 0 : i + 1;
var html = [];
var arr = value != '' ? value.split(',') : [];
var color, display, label;
$.each(arr, function (i, value) {
value = value == null || value.length === 0 ? '' : value.toString();
if (value == '')
return true;
color = value && typeof colorArr[value] !== 'undefined' ? colorArr[value] : 'primary';
display = typeof that.searchList !== 'undefined' && typeof that.searchList[value] !== 'undefined' ? that.searchList[value] : __(value.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + value.slice(1));
label = '<span class="label label-' + color + '">' + display + '</span>';
if (that.operate) {
html.push('<a href="javascript:;" class="searchit" data-toggle="tooltip" title="' + __('Click to search %s', display) + '" data-field="' + field + '" data-value="' + value + '">' + label + '</a>');
} else {
return html.join(' ');
label: function (value, row, index) {
return, value, row, index);
datetime: function (value, row, index) {
var datetimeFormat = typeof this.datetimeFormat === 'undefined' ? 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss' : this.datetimeFormat;
if (isNaN(value)) {
return value ? Moment(value).format(datetimeFormat) : __('None');
} else {
return value ? Moment(parseInt(value) * 1000).format(datetimeFormat) : __('None');
operate: function (value, row, index) {
var table = this.table;
// 操作配置
var options = table ? table.bootstrapTable('getOptions') : {};
// 默认按钮组
var buttons = $.extend([], this.buttons || []);
// 所有按钮名称
var names = [];
buttons.forEach(function (item) {
if (options.extend.dragsort_url !== '' && names.indexOf('dragsort') === -1) {
if (options.extend.edit_url !== '' && names.indexOf('edit') === -1) {
Table.button.edit.url = options.extend.edit_url;
if (options.extend.del_url !== '' && names.indexOf('del') === -1) {
return Table.api.buttonlink(this, buttons, value, row, index, 'operate');
buttons: function (value, row, index) {
// 默认按钮组
var buttons = $.extend([], this.buttons || []);
return Table.api.buttonlink(this, buttons, value, row, index, 'buttons');
buttonlink: function (column, buttons, value, row, index, type) {
var table = column.table;
column.clickToSelect = false;
type = typeof type === 'undefined' ? 'buttons' : type;
var options = table ? table.bootstrapTable('getOptions') : {};
var html = [];
var hidden, visible, disable, url, classname, icon, text, title, refresh, confirm, extend,
dropdown, link;
var fieldIndex = column.fieldIndex;
var dropdowns = {};
$.each(buttons, function (i, j) {
if (type === 'operate') {
if ( === 'dragsort' && typeof row[Table.config.dragsortfield] === 'undefined') {
return true;
if (['add', 'edit', 'del', 'multi', 'dragsort'].indexOf( > -1 && !options.extend[ + "_url"]) {
return true;
var attr = + "-" +;
if (typeof attr === 'undefined' || attr) {
hidden = typeof j.hidden === 'function' ?, row, j) : (typeof j.hidden !== 'undefined' ? j.hidden : false);
if (hidden) {
return true;
visible = typeof j.visible === 'function' ?, row, j) : (typeof j.visible !== 'undefined' ? j.visible : true);
if (!visible) {
return true;
dropdown = j.dropdown ? j.dropdown : '';
url = j.url ? j.url : '';
url = typeof url === 'function' ?, row, j) : (url ? Fast.api.fixurl(Table.api.replaceurl(url, row, table)) : 'javascript:;');
classname = j.classname ? j.classname : (dropdown ? 'btn-' + name + 'one' : 'btn-primary btn-' + name + 'one');
icon = j.icon ? j.icon : '';
text = typeof j.text === 'function' ?, row, j) : j.text ? j.text : '';
title = typeof j.title === 'function' ?, row, j) : j.title ? j.title : text;
refresh = j.refresh ? 'data-refresh="' + j.refresh + '"' : '';
confirm = typeof j.confirm === 'function' ?, row, j) : (typeof j.confirm !== 'undefined' ? j.confirm : false);
confirm = confirm ? 'data-confirm="' + confirm + '"' : '';
extend = typeof j.extend === 'function' ?, row, j) : (typeof j.extend !== 'undefined' ? j.extend : '');
disable = typeof j.disable === 'function' ?, row, j) : (typeof j.disable !== 'undefined' ? j.disable : false);
if (disable) {
classname = classname + ' disabled';
link = '<a href="' + url + '" class="' + classname + '" ' + (confirm ? confirm + ' ' : '') + (refresh ? refresh + ' ' : '') + extend + ' title="' + title + '" data-table-id="' + (table ? table.attr("id") : '') + '" data-field-index="' + fieldIndex + '" data-row-index="' + index + '" data-button-index="' + i + '"><i class="' + icon + '"></i>' + (text ? ' ' + text : '') + '</a>';
if (dropdown) {
if (typeof dropdowns[dropdown] == 'undefined') {
dropdowns[dropdown] = [];
} else {
if (!$.isEmptyObject(dropdowns)) {
var dropdownHtml = [];
$.each(dropdowns, function (i, j) {
dropdownHtml.push('<div class="btn-group"><button type="button" class="btn btn-primary dropdown-toggle btn-xs" data-toggle="dropdown">' + i + '</button><button type="button" class="btn btn-primary dropdown-toggle btn-xs" data-toggle="dropdown"><span class="caret"></span></button><ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right"><li>' + j.join('</li><li>') + '</li></ul></div>');
html.unshift(dropdownHtml.join(' '));
return html.join(' ');
replaceurl: function (url, row, table) {
var options = table ? table.bootstrapTable('getOptions') : null;
var ids = options ? row[] : 0;
row.ids = ids ? ids : (typeof row.ids !== 'undefined' ? row.ids : 0);
url = url == null || url.length === 0 ? '' : url.toString();
url = !url.match(/(?=([?&]ids=)|(\/ids\/)|(\{ids}))/i) ?
url + (url.match(/(\?|&)+/) ? "&ids=" : "/ids/") + '{ids}' : url;
url = url.replace(/\{(.*?)\}/gi, function (matched) {
matched = matched.substring(1, matched.length - 1);
var temp = matched.split('.').reduce(function (obj, key) {
return obj === null || obj === undefined ? '' : obj[key];
}, row);
temp = Fast.api.escape(temp);
return temp;
return url;
// 获取选中的条目ID集合
selectedids: function (table, current) {
var options = table.bootstrapTable('getOptions');
if (!current && options.maintainSelected) {
return options.selectedIds;
return $.map(table.bootstrapTable('getSelections'), function (row) {
return row[];
selecteddata: function (table, current) {
var options = table.bootstrapTable('getOptions');
if (!current && options.maintainSelected) {
return options.selectedData;
return table.bootstrapTable('getSelections');
// 切换复选框状态
toggleattr: function (table) {
$("input[type='checkbox']", table).trigger('click');
// 根据行索引获取行数据
getrowdata: function (table, index) {
index = parseInt(index);
var data = table.bootstrapTable('getData');
return typeof data[index] !== 'undefined' ? data[index] : null;
// 根据行索引获取行数据
getrowbyindex: function (table, index) {
return Table.api.getrowdata(table, index);
// 根据主键ID获取行数据
getrowbyid: function (table, id) {
var row = {};
var options = table.bootstrapTable("getOptions");
$.each(Table.api.selecteddata(table), function (i, j) {
if (j[] == id) {
row = j;
return false;
return row;
return Table;