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131 lines
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Bootstrap Context Menu
A context menu extension of Bootstrap made for everyone's convenience.
See a [demo page] [id].
`bower install bootstrap-contextmenu`
Note: Requires bootstrap.css
### Via data attributes
Add `data-toggle="context"` to any element that needs a custom context menu and via CSS set `position: relative` to the element.
Point `data-target` attribute to your custom context menu.
`<div class="context" data-toggle="context" data-target="#context-menu"></div>`
### Via Javascript
Call the context menu via JavaScript:
before: function(e,context) {
// execute code before context menu if shown
onItem: function(context,e) {
// execute on menu item selection
### Options
`target` - is the equivalent of the `data-target` attribute. It identifies the html of the menu that will be displayed.
`before` - is a function that is called before the context menu is displayed. If this function returns false, the context menu will not be displayed. It is passed two parameters,
- `e` - the original event. (You can do an `e.preventDefault()` to cancel the browser event).
- `context` - the DOM element where right click occured.
`onItem` - is a function that is called when a menu item is clicked. Useful when you want to execute a specific function when an item is clicked. It is passed two parameters,
- `context` - the DOM element where right click occured.
- `e` - the click event of the menu item, $(e.target) is the item element.
`scopes` - DOM selector for dynamically added context elements. See [issue](https://github.com/sydcanem/bootstrap-contextmenu/issues/56).
### Events
All events are fired at the context's menu. Check out `dropdown` plugin for
a complete description of events.
- `show.bs.context` - This event fires immediately when the menu is opened.
- `shown.bs.context` - This event is fired when the dropdown has been made visible to the user.
- `hide.bs.context` - This event is fired immediately when the hide instance method has been called.
- `hidden.bs.context` - This event is fired when the dropdown has finished being hidden from the user (will wait for CSS transitions, to complete).
$('#myMenu').on('show.bs.context',function () {
// do something...
Activate and specify selector for context menu
Activate within a div, but not on spans
target: '#context-menu2',
before: function (e, element, target) {
if (e.target.tagName == 'SPAN') {
return false;
return true;
Modify the menu dynamically
target: "#myMenu",
before: function(e) {
this.getMenu().find("li").eq(2).find('a').html("This was dynamically changed");
Show menu name on selection
onItem: function(context, e) {
### Nice to have features:
- Close and open animations
- Keyboard shortcuts for menus
### License