146 lines
5.5 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

* Themes, rules, and i18n support
* Locale: Chinese; 中文
(function(factory) {
typeof module === "object" && module.exports ? module.exports = factory( require( "jquery" ) ) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['jquery'], factory) :
}(function($) {
/* Global configuration
//stopOnError: true,
//focusCleanup: true,
//theme: 'yellow_right',
//timely: 2,
// Custom rules
rules: {
digits: [/^\d+$/, "请填写数字"]
,letters: [/^[a-z]+$/i, "请填写字母"]
,date: [/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/, "请填写有效的日期,格式:yyyy-mm-dd"]
,time: [/^([01]\d|2[0-3])(:[0-5]\d){1,2}$/, "请填写有效的时间00:00到23:59之间"]
,email: [/^[\w\+\-]+(\.[\w\+\-]+)*@[a-z\d\-]+(\.[a-z\d\-]+)*\.([a-z]{2,4})$/i, "请填写有效的邮箱"]
,url: [/^(https?|s?ftp):\/\/\S+$/i, "请填写有效的网址"]
,qq: [/^[1-9]\d{4,}$/, "请填写有效的QQ号"]
,IDcard: [/^\d{6}(19|2\d)?\d{2}(0[1-9]|1[012])(0[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01])\d{3}(\d|X)?$/, "请填写正确的身份证号码"]
,tel: [/^(?:(?:0\d{2,3}[\- ]?[1-9]\d{6,7})|(?:[48]00[\- ]?[1-9]\d{6}))$/, "请填写有效的电话号码"]
,mobile: [/^1[3-9]\d{9}$/, "请填写有效的手机号"]
,zipcode: [/^\d{6}$/, "请检查邮政编码格式"]
,chinese: [/^[\u0391-\uFFE5]+$/, "请填写中文字符"]
,username: [/^\w{3,12}$/, "请填写3-12位数字、字母、下划线"]
,password: [/^[\S]{6,16}$/, "请填写6-16位字符不能包含空格"]
,accept: function (element, params){
if (!params) return true;
var ext = params[0],
value = $(element).val();
return (ext === '*') ||
(new RegExp(".(?:" + ext + ")$", "i")).test(value) ||
this.renderMsg("只接受{1}后缀的文件", ext.replace(/\|/g, ','));
// Default error messages
messages: {
0: "此处",
fallback: "{0}格式不正确",
loading: "正在验证...",
error: "网络异常",
timeout: "请求超时",
required: "{0}不能为空",
remote: "{0}已被使用",
integer: {
'*': "请填写整数",
'+': "请填写正整数",
'+0': "请填写正整数或0",
'-': "请填写负整数",
'-0': "请填写负整数或0"
match: {
eq: "{0}与{1}不一致",
neq: "{0}与{1}不能相同",
lt: "{0}必须小于{1}",
gt: "{0}必须大于{1}",
lte: "{0}不能大于{1}",
gte: "{0}不能小于{1}"
range: {
rg: "请填写{1}到{2}的数",
gte: "请填写不小于{1}的数",
lte: "请填写最大{1}的数",
gtlt: "请填写{1}到{2}之间的数",
gt: "请填写大于{1}的数",
lt: "请填写小于{1}的数"
checked: {
eq: "请选择{1}项",
rg: "请选择{1}到{2}项",
gte: "请至少选择{1}项",
lte: "请最多选择{1}项"
length: {
eq: "请填写{1}个字符",
rg: "请填写{1}到{2}个字符",
gte: "请至少填写{1}个字符",
lte: "请最多填写{1}个字符",
eq_2: "",
rg_2: "",
gte_2: "",
lte_2: ""
/* Themes
var TPL_ARROW = '<span class="n-arrow"><b>◆</b><i>◆</i></span>';
'simple_right': {
formClass: 'n-simple',
msgClass: 'n-right'
'simple_bottom': {
formClass: 'n-simple',
msgClass: 'n-bottom'
'yellow_top': {
formClass: 'n-yellow',
msgClass: 'n-top',
msgArrow: TPL_ARROW
'yellow_right': {
formClass: 'n-yellow',
msgClass: 'n-right',
msgArrow: TPL_ARROW
'yellow_right_effect': {
formClass: 'n-yellow',
msgClass: 'n-right',
msgArrow: TPL_ARROW,
msgShow: function($msgbox, type){
var $el = $msgbox.children();
if ($el.is(':animated')) return;
if (type === 'error') {
$el.css({left: '20px', opacity: 0})
.animate({left: '-4px', opacity: 1}, 150)
.animate({left: '3px'}, 80)
.animate({left: 0}, 80);
} else {
$el.css({left: 0, opacity: 1}).fadeIn(200);
msgHide: function($msgbox, type){
var $el = $msgbox.children();
.animate({left: '20px', opacity: 0}, 300, function(){