916 lines
37 KiB
916 lines
37 KiB
<h1 align="center"><img src="logo.svg" alt="PhpZip" width="250" height="51"></h1>
`PhpZip` is a php-library for extended work with ZIP-archives.
[Russian Documentation](README.RU.md)
### Versions & Dependencies
| Version | PHP | Documentation |
| ------------------- | ---------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ^4.0 (master) | ^7.4\|^8.0 | current |
| ^3.0 | ^5.5\|^7.0 | [Docs v3.3](https://github.com/Ne-Lexa/php-zip/blob/3.3.3/README.md) |
Table of contents
- [Features](#features)
- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Examples](#examples)
- [Glossary](#glossary)
- [Documentation](#documentation)
+ [Overview of methods of the class `\PhpZip\ZipFile`](#overview-of-methods-of-the-class-phpzipzipfile)
+ [Creation/Opening of ZIP-archive](#creationopening-of-zip-archive)
+ [Reading entries from the archive](#reading-entries-from-the-archive)
+ [Iterating entries](#iterating-entries)
+ [Getting information about entries](#getting-information-about-entries)
+ [Adding entries to the archive](#adding-entries-to-the-archive)
+ [Deleting entries from the archive](#deleting-entries-from-the-archive)
+ [Working with entries and archive](#working-with-entries-and-archive)
+ [Working with passwords](#working-with-passwords)
+ [Undo changes](#undo-changes)
+ [Saving a file or output to a browser](#saving-a-file-or-output-to-a-browser)
+ [Closing the archive](#closing-the-archive)
- [Running the tests](#running-the-tests)
- [Changelog](#changelog)
- [Upgrade](#upgrade)
+ [Upgrade version 3 to version 4](#upgrade-version-3-to-version-4)
+ [Upgrade version 2 to version 3](#upgrade-version-2-to-version-3)
### Features
- Opening and unzipping zip files.
- Creating ZIP-archives.
- Modifying ZIP archives.
- Pure php (not require extension `php-zip` and class `\ZipArchive`).
- It supports saving the archive to a file, outputting the archive to the browser, or outputting it as a string without saving it to a file.
- Archival comments and comments of individual entry are supported.
- Get information about each entry in the archive.
- Only the following compression methods are supported:
+ No compressed (Stored).
+ Deflate compression.
+ BZIP2 compression with the extension `php-bz2`.
- Support for `ZIP64` (file size is more than 4 GB or the number of entries in the archive is more than 65535).
- Working with passwords
> **Attention!**
> For 32-bit systems, the `Traditional PKWARE Encryption (ZipCrypto)` encryption method is not currently supported.
> Use the encryption method `WinZIP AES Encryption`, whenever possible.
+ Set the password to read the archive for all entries or only for some.
+ Change the password for the archive, including for individual entries.
+ Delete the archive password for all or individual entries.
+ Set the password and/or the encryption method, both for all, and for individual entries in the archive.
+ Set different passwords and encryption methods for different entries.
+ Delete the password for all or some entries.
+ Support `Traditional PKWARE Encryption (ZipCrypto)` and `WinZIP AES Encryption` encryption methods.
+ Set the encryption method for all or individual entries in the archive.
### Requirements
- `PHP` >= 7.4 or `PHP` >= 8.0 (preferably 64-bit).
- Optional php-extension `bzip2` for BZIP2 compression.
- Optional php-extension `openssl` for `WinZip Aes Encryption` support.
### Installation
`composer require nelexa/zip`
Latest stable version: [](https://packagist.org/packages/nelexa/zip)
### Examples
// create new archive
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
->addFromString('zip/entry/filename', 'Is file content') // add an entry from the string
->addFile('/path/to/file', 'data/tofile') // add an entry from the file
->addDir(__DIR__, 'to/path/') // add files from the directory
->saveAsFile($outputFilename) // save the archive to a file
->close(); // close archive
// open archive, extract, add files, set password and output to browser.
->openFile($outputFilename) // open archive from file
->extractTo($outputDirExtract) // extract files to the specified directory
->deleteFromRegex('~^\.~') // delete all hidden (Unix) files
->addFromString('dir/file.txt', 'Test file') // add a new entry from the string
->setPassword('password') // set password for all entries
->outputAsAttachment('library.jar'); // output to the browser without saving to a file
catch(\PhpZip\Exception\ZipException $e){
// handle exception
Other examples can be found in the `tests/` folder
### Glossary
**Zip Entry** - file or folder in a ZIP-archive. Each entry in the archive has certain properties, for example: file name, compression method, encryption method, file size before compression, file size after compression, CRC32 and others.
### Documentation:
#### Overview of methods of the class `\PhpZip\ZipFile`
- [ZipFile::__construct](#zipfile__construct) - initializes the ZIP archive.
- [ZipFile::addAll](#zipfileaddall) - adds all entries from an array.
- [ZipFile::addDir](#zipfileadddir) - adds files to the archive from the directory on the specified path without subdirectories.
- [ZipFile::addDirRecursive](#zipfileadddirrecursive) - adds files to the archive from the directory on the specified path with subdirectories.
- [ZipFile::addEmptyDir](#zipfileaddemptydir) - add a new directory.
- [ZipFile::addFile](#zipfileaddfile) - adds a file to a ZIP archive from the given path.
- [ZipFile::addSplFile](#zipfileaddsplfile) - adds a `\SplFileInfo` to a ZIP archive.
- [ZipFile::addFromFinder](#zipfileaddfromfinder) - adds files from the `Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder` to a ZIP archive.
- [ZipFile::addFilesFromIterator](#zipfileaddfilesfromiterator) - adds files from the iterator of directories.
- [ZipFile::addFilesFromGlob](#zipfileaddfilesfromglob) - adds files from a directory by glob pattern without subdirectories.
- [ZipFile::addFilesFromGlobRecursive](#zipfileaddfilesfromglobrecursive) - adds files from a directory by glob pattern with subdirectories.
- [ZipFile::addFilesFromRegex](#zipfileaddfilesfromregex) - adds files from a directory by PCRE pattern without subdirectories.
- [ZipFile::addFilesFromRegexRecursive](#zipfileaddfilesfromregexrecursive) - adds files from a directory by PCRE pattern with subdirectories.
- [ZipFile::addFromStream](#zipfileaddfromstream) - adds an entry from the stream to the ZIP archive.
- [ZipFile::addFromString](#zipfileaddfromstring) - adds a file to a ZIP archive using its contents.
- [ZipFile::close](#zipfileclose) - close the archive.
- [ZipFile::count](#zipfilecount) - returns the number of entries in the archive.
- [ZipFile::deleteFromName](#zipfiledeletefromname) - deletes an entry in the archive using its name.
- [ZipFile::deleteFromGlob](#zipfiledeletefromglob) - deletes an entries in the archive using glob pattern.
- [ZipFile::deleteFromRegex](#zipfiledeletefromregex) - deletes an entries in the archive using PCRE pattern.
- [ZipFile::deleteAll](#zipfiledeleteall) - deletes all entries in the ZIP archive.
- [ZipFile::disableEncryption](#zipfiledisableencryption) - disable encryption for all entries that are already in the archive.
- [ZipFile::disableEncryptionEntry](#zipfiledisableencryptionentry) - disable encryption of an entry defined by its name.
- [ZipFile::extractTo](#zipfileextractto) - extract the archive contents.
- [ZipFile::getArchiveComment](#zipfilegetarchivecomment) - returns the Zip archive comment.
- [ZipFile::getEntryComment](#zipfilegetentrycomment) - returns the comment of an entry using the entry name.
- [ZipFile::getEntryContent](#zipfilegetentrycontent) - returns the entry contents using its name.
- [ZipFile::getListFiles](#zipfilegetlistfiles) - returns list of archive files.
- [ZipFile::hasEntry](#zipfilehasentry) - checks if there is an entry in the archive.
- [ZipFile::isDirectory](#zipfileisdirectory) - checks that the entry in the archive is a directory.
- [ZipFile::matcher](#zipfilematcher) - selecting entries in the archive to perform operations on them.
- [ZipFile::openFile](#zipfileopenfile) - opens a zip-archive from a file.
- [ZipFile::openFromString](#zipfileopenfromstring) - opens a zip-archive from a string.
- [ZipFile::openFromStream](#zipfileopenfromstream) - opens a zip-archive from the stream.
- [ZipFile::outputAsAttachment](#zipfileoutputasattachment) - outputs a ZIP-archive to the browser.
- [ZipFile::outputAsPsr7Response](#zipfileoutputaspsr7response) - outputs a ZIP-archive as PSR-7 Response.
- [ZipFile::outputAsSymfonyResponse](#zipfileoutputaspsr7response) - outputs a ZIP-archive as Symfony Response.
- [ZipFile::outputAsString](#zipfileoutputasstring) - outputs a ZIP-archive as string.
- [ZipFile::rename](#zipfilerename) - renames an entry defined by its name.
- [ZipFile::rewrite](#zipfilerewrite) - save changes and re-open the changed archive.
- [ZipFile::saveAsFile](#zipfilesaveasfile) - saves the archive to a file.
- [ZipFile::saveAsStream](#zipfilesaveasstream) - writes the archive to the stream.
- [ZipFile::setArchiveComment](#zipfilesetarchivecomment) - set the comment of a ZIP archive.
- [ZipFile::setCompressionLevel](#zipfilesetcompressionlevel) - set the compression level for all files in the archive.
- [ZipFile::setCompressionLevelEntry](#zipfilesetcompressionlevelentry) - sets the compression level for the entry by its name.
- [ZipFile::setCompressionMethodEntry](#zipfilesetcompressionmethodentry) - sets the compression method for the entry by its name.
- [ZipFile::setEntryComment](#zipfilesetentrycomment) - set the comment of an entry defined by its name.
- [ZipFile::setReadPassword](#zipfilesetreadpassword) - set the password for the open archive.
- [ZipFile::setReadPasswordEntry](#zipfilesetreadpasswordentry) - sets a password for reading of an entry defined by its name.
- [ZipFile::setPassword](#zipfilesetpassword) - sets a new password for all files in the archive.
- [ZipFile::setPasswordEntry](#zipfilesetpasswordentry) - sets a new password of an entry defined by its name.
- [ZipFile::unchangeAll](#zipfileunchangeall) - undo all changes done in the archive.
- [ZipFile::unchangeArchiveComment](#zipfileunchangearchivecomment) - undo changes to the archive comment.
- [ZipFile::unchangeEntry](#zipfileunchangeentry) - undo changes of an entry defined by its name.
#### Creation/Opening of ZIP-archive
##### ZipFile::__construct**
Initializes the ZIP archive
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
##### ZipFile::openFile
Opens a zip-archive from a file.
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
##### ZipFile::openFromString
Opens a zip-archive from a string.
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
##### ZipFile::openFromStream
Opens a zip-archive from the stream.
$stream = fopen('file.zip', 'rb');
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
#### Reading entries from the archive
##### ZipFile::count
Returns the number of entries in the archive.
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
$count = count($zipFile);
// or
$count = $zipFile->count();
##### ZipFile::getListFiles
Returns list of archive files.
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
$listFiles = $zipFile->getListFiles();
// example array contents:
// array (
// 0 => 'info.txt',
// 1 => 'path/to/file.jpg',
// 2 => 'another path/',
// 3 => '0',
// )
##### ZipFile::getEntryContent
Returns the entry contents using its name.
// $entryName = 'path/to/example-entry-name.txt';
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
$contents = $zipFile[$entryName];
// or
$contents = $zipFile->getEntryContents($entryName);
##### ZipFile::hasEntry
Checks if there is an entry in the archive.
// $entryName = 'path/to/example-entry-name.txt';
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
$hasEntry = isset($zipFile[$entryName]);
// or
$hasEntry = $zipFile->hasEntry($entryName);
##### ZipFile::isDirectory
Checks that the entry in the archive is a directory.
// $entryName = 'path/to/';
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
$isDirectory = $zipFile->isDirectory($entryName);
##### ZipFile::extractTo
Extract the archive contents.
The directory must exist.
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
Extract some files to the directory.
The directory must exist.
// $toDirectory = '/tmp';
$extractOnlyFiles = [
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
$zipFile->extractTo($toDirectory, $extractOnlyFiles);
#### Iterating entries
`ZipFile` is an iterator.
Can iterate all the entries in the `foreach` loop.
foreach($zipFile as $entryName => $contents){
echo "Filename: $entryName" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Contents: $contents" . PHP_EOL;
echo '-----------------------------' . PHP_EOL;
Can iterate through the `Iterator`.
$iterator = new \ArrayIterator($zipFile);
while ($iterator->valid())
$entryName = $iterator->key();
$contents = $iterator->current();
echo "Filename: $entryName" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Contents: $contents" . PHP_EOL;
echo '-----------------------------' . PHP_EOL;
#### Getting information about entries
##### ZipFile::getArchiveComment
Returns the Zip archive comment.
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
$commentArchive = $zipFile->getArchiveComment();
##### ZipFile::getEntryComment
Returns the comment of an entry using the entry name.
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
$commentEntry = $zipFile->getEntryComment($entryName);
#### Adding entries to the archive
All methods of adding entries to a ZIP archive allow you to specify a method for compressing content.
The following methods of compression are available:
- `\PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod::STORED` - no compression
- `\PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod::DEFLATED` - Deflate compression
- `\PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod::BZIP2` - Bzip2 compression with the extension `ext-bz2`
##### ZipFile::addFile
Adds a file to a ZIP archive from the given path.
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
// $file = '...../file.ext';
// $entryName = 'file2.ext'
// you can specify the name of the entry in the archive (if null, then the last component from the file name is used)
$zipFile->addFile($file, $entryName);
// you can specify a compression method
$zipFile->addFile($file, $entryName, \PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod::STORED); // No compression
$zipFile->addFile($file, $entryName, \PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod::DEFLATED); // Deflate compression
$zipFile->addFile($file, $entryName, \PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod::BZIP2); // BZIP2 compression
##### ZipFile::addSplFile
Adds a `\SplFileInfo` to a ZIP archive.
// $file = '...../file.ext';
// $entryName = 'file2.ext'
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
$splFile = new \SplFileInfo('README.md');
$zipFile->addSplFile($splFile, $entryName);
// or
$zipFile[$entryName] = new \SplFileInfo($file);
// set compression method
$zipFile->addSplFile($splFile, $entryName, $options = [
\PhpZip\Constants\ZipOptions::COMPRESSION_METHOD => \PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod::DEFLATED,
##### ZipFile::addFromFinder
Adds files from the [`Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder`](https://symfony.com/doc/current/components/finder.html) to a ZIP archive.
$finder = new \Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder();
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
$zipFile->addFromFinder($finder, $options = [
\PhpZip\Constants\ZipOptions::COMPRESSION_METHOD => \PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod::DEFLATED,
\PhpZip\Constants\ZipOptions::MODIFIED_TIME => new \DateTimeImmutable('-1 day 5 min')
##### ZipFile::addFromString
Adds a file to a ZIP archive using its contents.
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
$zipFile[$entryName] = $contents;
// or
$zipFile->addFromString($entryName, $contents);
// you can specify a compression method
$zipFile->addFromString($entryName, $contents, \PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod::STORED); // No compression
$zipFile->addFromString($entryName, $contents, \PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod::DEFLATED); // Deflate compression
$zipFile->addFromString($entryName, $contents, \PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod::BZIP2); // BZIP2 compression
##### ZipFile::addFromStream
Adds an entry from the stream to the ZIP archive.
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
// $stream = fopen(..., 'rb');
$zipFile->addFromStream($stream, $entryName);
// or
$zipFile[$entryName] = $stream;
// you can specify a compression method
$zipFile->addFromStream($stream, $entryName, \PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod::STORED); // No compression
$zipFile->addFromStream($stream, $entryName, \PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod::DEFLATED); // Deflate compression
$zipFile->addFromStream($stream, $entryName, \PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod::BZIP2); // BZIP2 compression
##### ZipFile::addEmptyDir
Add a new directory.
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
// $path = "path/to/";
// or
$zipFile[$path] = null;
##### ZipFile::addAll
Adds all entries from an array.
$entries = [
'file.txt' => 'file contents', // add an entry from the string contents
'empty dir/' => null, // add empty directory
'path/to/file.jpg' => fopen('..../filename', 'rb'), // add an entry from the stream
'path/to/file.dat' => new \SplFileInfo('..../filename'), // add an entry from the file
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
##### ZipFile::addDir
Adds files to the archive from the directory on the specified path without subdirectories.
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
// you can specify the path in the archive to which you want to put entries
$localPath = 'to/path/';
$zipFile->addDir($dirName, $localPath);
// you can specify a compression method
$zipFile->addDir($dirName, $localPath, \PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod::STORED); // No compression
$zipFile->addDir($dirName, $localPath, \PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod::DEFLATED); // Deflate compression
$zipFile->addDir($dirName, $localPath, \PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod::BZIP2); // BZIP2 compression
##### ZipFile::addDirRecursive
Adds files to the archive from the directory on the specified path with subdirectories.
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
// you can specify the path in the archive to which you want to put entries
$localPath = 'to/path/';
$zipFile->addDirRecursive($dirName, $localPath);
// you can specify a compression method
$zipFile->addDirRecursive($dirName, $localPath, \PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod::STORED); // No compression
$zipFile->addDirRecursive($dirName, $localPath, \PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod::DEFLATED); // Deflate compression
$zipFile->addDirRecursive($dirName, $localPath, \PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod::BZIP2); // BZIP2 compression
##### ZipFile::addFilesFromIterator
Adds files from the iterator of directories.
// $directoryIterator = new \DirectoryIterator($dir); // without subdirectories
// $directoryIterator = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir); // with subdirectories
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
// you can specify the path in the archive to which you want to put entries
$localPath = 'to/path/';
$zipFile->addFilesFromIterator($directoryIterator, $localPath);
// or
$zipFile[$localPath] = $directoryIterator;
// you can specify a compression method
$zipFile->addFilesFromIterator($directoryIterator, $localPath, \PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod::STORED); // No compression
$zipFile->addFilesFromIterator($directoryIterator, $localPath, \PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod::DEFLATED); // Deflate compression
$zipFile->addFilesFromIterator($directoryIterator, $localPath, \PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod::BZIP2); // BZIP2 compression
Example with some files ignoring:
$ignoreFiles = [
'dir_ignore/sub dir ignore/'
// $directoryIterator = new \DirectoryIterator($dir); // without subdirectories
// $directoryIterator = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir); // with subdirectories
// use \PhpZip\Util\Iterator\IgnoreFilesFilterIterator for non-recursive search
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
$ignoreIterator = new \PhpZip\Util\Iterator\IgnoreFilesRecursiveFilterIterator(
##### ZipFile::addFilesFromGlob
Adds files from a directory by [glob pattern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glob_(programming)) without subdirectories.
$globPattern = '**.{jpg,jpeg,png,gif}'; // example glob pattern -> add all .jpg, .jpeg, .png and .gif files
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
$zipFile->addFilesFromGlob($dir, $globPattern);
// you can specify the path in the archive to which you want to put entries
$localPath = 'to/path/';
$zipFile->addFilesFromGlob($dir, $globPattern, $localPath);
// you can specify a compression method
$zipFile->addFilesFromGlob($dir, $globPattern, $localPath, \PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod::STORED); // No compression
$zipFile->addFilesFromGlob($dir, $globPattern, $localPath, \PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod::DEFLATED); // Deflate compression
$zipFile->addFilesFromGlob($dir, $globPattern, $localPath, \PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod::BZIP2); // BZIP2 compression
##### ZipFile::addFilesFromGlobRecursive
Adds files from a directory by [glob pattern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glob_(programming)) with subdirectories.
$globPattern = '**.{jpg,jpeg,png,gif}'; // example glob pattern -> add all .jpg, .jpeg, .png and .gif files
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
$zipFile->addFilesFromGlobRecursive($dir, $globPattern);
// you can specify the path in the archive to which you want to put entries
$localPath = 'to/path/';
$zipFile->addFilesFromGlobRecursive($dir, $globPattern, $localPath);
// you can specify a compression method
$zipFile->addFilesFromGlobRecursive($dir, $globPattern, $localPath, \PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod::STORED); // No compression
$zipFile->addFilesFromGlobRecursive($dir, $globPattern, $localPath, \PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod::DEFLATED); // Deflate compression
$zipFile->addFilesFromGlobRecursive($dir, $globPattern, $localPath, \PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod::BZIP2); // BZIP2 compression
##### ZipFile::addFilesFromRegex
Adds files from a directory by [PCRE pattern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression) without subdirectories.
$regexPattern = '/\.(jpe?g|png|gif)$/si'; // example regex pattern -> add all .jpg, .jpeg, .png and .gif files
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
$zipFile->addFilesFromRegex($dir, $regexPattern);
// you can specify the path in the archive to which you want to put entries
$localPath = 'to/path/';
$zipFile->addFilesFromRegex($dir, $regexPattern, $localPath);
// you can specify a compression method
$zipFile->addFilesFromRegex($dir, $regexPattern, $localPath, \PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod::STORED); // No compression
$zipFile->addFilesFromRegex($dir, $regexPattern, $localPath, \PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod::DEFLATED); // Deflate compression
$zipFile->addFilesFromRegex($dir, $regexPattern, $localPath, \PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod::BZIP2); // BZIP2 compression
##### ZipFile::addFilesFromRegexRecursive
Adds files from a directory by [PCRE pattern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression) with subdirectories.
$regexPattern = '/\.(jpe?g|png|gif)$/si'; // example regex pattern -> add all .jpg, .jpeg, .png and .gif files
$zipFile->addFilesFromRegexRecursive($dir, $regexPattern);
// you can specify the path in the archive to which you want to put entries
$localPath = 'to/path/';
$zipFile->addFilesFromRegexRecursive($dir, $regexPattern, $localPath);
// you can specify a compression method
$zipFile->addFilesFromRegexRecursive($dir, $regexPattern, $localPath, \PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod::STORED); // No compression
$zipFile->addFilesFromRegexRecursive($dir, $regexPattern, $localPath, \PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod::DEFLATED); // Deflate compression
$zipFile->addFilesFromRegexRecursive($dir, $regexPattern, $localPath, \PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod::BZIP2); // BZIP2 compression
#### Deleting entries from the archive
##### ZipFile::deleteFromName
Deletes an entry in the archive using its name.
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
##### ZipFile::deleteFromGlob
Deletes a entries in the archive using [glob pattern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glob_(programming)).
$globPattern = '**.{jpg,jpeg,png,gif}'; // example glob pattern -> delete all .jpg, .jpeg, .png and .gif files
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
##### ZipFile::deleteFromRegex
Deletes a entries in the archive using [PCRE pattern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression).
$regexPattern = '/\.(jpe?g|png|gif)$/si'; // example regex pattern -> delete all .jpg, .jpeg, .png and .gif files
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
##### ZipFile::deleteAll
Deletes all entries in the ZIP archive.
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
#### Working with entries and archive
##### ZipFile::rename
Renames an entry defined by its name.
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
$zipFile->rename($oldName, $newName);
##### ZipFile::setCompressionLevel
Set the compression level for all files in the archive.
> _Note that this method does not apply to entries that are added after this method is run._
By default, the compression level is 5 (`\PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionLevel::NORMAL`) or the compression level specified in the archive for Deflate compression.
The values range from 1 (`\PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionLevel::SUPER_FAST`) to 9 (`\PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionLevel::MAXIMUM`) are supported. The higher the number, the better and longer the compression.
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
##### ZipFile::setCompressionLevelEntry
Sets the compression level for the entry by its name.
The values range from 1 (`\PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionLevel::SUPER_FAST`) to 9 (`\PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionLevel::MAXIMUM`) are supported. The higher the number, the better and longer the compression.
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
$zipFile->setCompressionLevelEntry($entryName, \PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionLevel::FAST);
##### ZipFile::setCompressionMethodEntry
Sets the compression method for the entry by its name.
The following compression methods are available:
- `\PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod::STORED` - No compression
- `\PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod::DEFLATED` - Deflate compression
- `\PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod::BZIP2` - Bzip2 compression with the extension `ext-bz2`
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
$zipFile->setCompressionMethodEntry($entryName, \PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod::DEFLATED);
##### ZipFile::setArchiveComment
Set the comment of a ZIP archive.
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
##### ZipFile::setEntryComment
Set the comment of an entry defined by its name.
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
$zipFile->setEntryComment($entryName, $comment);
##### ZipFile::matcher
Selecting entries in the archive to perform operations on them.
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
$matcher = $zipFile->matcher();
Selecting files from the archive one at a time:
->add('entry name')
->add('another entry');
Select multiple files in the archive:
'entry name',
'another entry name',
Selecting files by regular expression:
Select all files in the archive:
count() - gets the number of selected entries:
$count = count($matcher);
// or
$count = $matcher->count();
getMatches() - returns a list of selected entries:
$entries = $matcher->getMatches();
// example array contents: ['entry name', 'another entry name'];
invoke() - invoke a callable function on selected entries:
// example
$matcher->invoke(static function($entryName) use($zipFile) {
$newName = preg_replace('~\.(jpe?g)$~i', '.no_optimize.$1', $entryName);
$zipFile->rename($entryName, $newName);
Functions for working on the selected entries:
$matcher->delete(); // remove selected entries from a ZIP archive
$matcher->setPassword($password); // sets a new password for the selected entries
$matcher->setPassword($password, $encryptionMethod); // sets a new password and encryption method to selected entries
$matcher->setEncryptionMethod($encryptionMethod); // sets the encryption method to the selected entries
$matcher->disableEncryption(); // disables encryption for selected entries
#### Working with passwords
Implemented support for encryption methods:
- `\PhpZip\Constants\ZipEncryptionMethod::PKWARE` - Traditional PKWARE encryption (legacy)
- `\PhpZip\Constants\ZipEncryptionMethod::WINZIP_AES_256` - WinZip AES encryption 256 bit (recommended)
- `\PhpZip\Constants\ZipEncryptionMethod::WINZIP_AES_192` - WinZip AES encryption 192 bit
- `\PhpZip\Constants\ZipEncryptionMethod::WINZIP_AES_128` - WinZip AES encryption 128 bit
##### ZipFile::setReadPassword
Set the password for the open archive.
> _Setting a password is not required for adding new entries or deleting existing ones, but if you want to extract the content or change the method / compression level, the encryption method, or change the password, in this case the password must be specified._
##### ZipFile::setReadPasswordEntry
Gets a password for reading of an entry defined by its name.
$zipFile->setReadPasswordEntry($entryName, $password);
##### ZipFile::setPassword
Sets a new password for all files in the archive.
> _Note that this method does not apply to entries that are added after this method is run._
You can set the encryption method:
$encryptionMethod = \PhpZip\Constants\ZipEncryptionMethod::WINZIP_AES_256;
$zipFile->setPassword($password, $encryptionMethod);
##### ZipFile::setPasswordEntry
Sets a new password of an entry defined by its name.
$zipFile->setPasswordEntry($entryName, $password);
You can set the encryption method:
$encryptionMethod = \PhpZip\Constants\ZipEncryptionMethod::WINZIP_AES_256;
$zipFile->setPasswordEntry($entryName, $password, $encryptionMethod);
##### ZipFile::disableEncryption
Disable encryption for all entries that are already in the archive.
> _Note that this method does not apply to entries that are added after this method is run._
##### ZipFile::disableEncryptionEntry
Disable encryption of an entry defined by its name.
#### Undo changes
##### ZipFile::unchangeAll
Undo all changes done in the archive.
##### ZipFile::unchangeArchiveComment
Undo changes to the archive comment.
##### ZipFile::unchangeEntry
Undo changes of an entry defined by its name.
#### Saving a file or output to a browser
##### ZipFile::saveAsFile
Saves the archive to a file.
##### ZipFile::saveAsStream
Writes the archive to the stream.
// $fp = fopen($filename, 'w+b');
##### ZipFile::outputAsString
Outputs a ZIP-archive as string.
$rawZipArchiveBytes = $zipFile->outputAsString();
##### ZipFile::outputAsAttachment
Outputs a ZIP-archive to the browser.
You can set the Mime-Type:
$mimeType = 'application/zip';
$zipFile->outputAsAttachment($outputFilename, $mimeType);
##### ZipFile::outputAsPsr7Response
Outputs a ZIP-archive as [PSR-7 Response](http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-7/).
The output method can be used in any PSR-7 compatible framework.
// $response = ....; // instance Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface
$zipFile->outputAsPsr7Response($response, $outputFilename);
You can set the Mime-Type:
$mimeType = 'application/zip';
$zipFile->outputAsPsr7Response($response, $outputFilename, $mimeType);
##### ZipFile::outputAsSymfonyResponse
Outputs a ZIP-archive as [Symfony Response](https://symfony.com/doc/current/components/http_foundation.html#response).
The output method can be used in Symfony framework.
$response = $zipFile->outputAsSymfonyResponse($outputFilename);
You can set the Mime-Type:
$mimeType = 'application/zip';
$response = $zipFile->outputAsSymfonyResponse($outputFilename, $mimeType);
Example use in Symfony Controller:
namespace App\Controller;
use PhpZip\ZipFile;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;
class DownloadZipController
* @Route("/downloads/{id}")
* @throws \PhpZip\Exception\ZipException
public function __invoke(string $id): Response
$zipFile = new ZipFile();
$zipFile['file'] = 'contents';
$outputFilename = $id . '.zip';
return $zipFile->outputAsSymfonyResponse($outputFilename);
##### ZipFile::rewrite
Save changes and re-open the changed archive.
#### Closing the archive
##### ZipFile::close
Close the archive.
### Running the tests
Install the dependencies for the development:
composer install --dev
Run the tests:
### Changelog
Changes are documented in the [releases page](https://github.com/Ne-Lexa/php-zip/releases).
### Upgrade
#### Upgrade version 3 to version 4
Update the major version in the file `composer.json` to `^4.0`.
"require": {
"nelexa/zip": "^4.0"
Then install updates using `Composer`:
composer update nelexa/zip
Update your code to work with the new version:
- removed deprecated classes and methods.
- removed `zipalign` functional. This functionality will be placed in a separate package `nelexa/apkfile`.
#### Upgrade version 2 to version 3
Update the major version in the file `composer.json` to `^3.0`.
"require": {
"nelexa/zip": "^3.0"
Then install updates using `Composer`:
composer update nelexa/zip
Update your code to work with the new version:
- Class `ZipOutputFile` merged to `ZipFile` and removed.
+ `new \PhpZip\ZipOutputFile()` to `new \PhpZip\ZipFile()`
- Static initialization methods are now not static.
+ `\PhpZip\ZipFile::openFromFile($filename);` to `(new \PhpZip\ZipFile())->openFile($filename);`
+ `\PhpZip\ZipOutputFile::openFromFile($filename);` to `(new \PhpZip\ZipFile())->openFile($filename);`
+ `\PhpZip\ZipFile::openFromString($contents);` to `(new \PhpZip\ZipFile())->openFromString($contents);`
+ `\PhpZip\ZipFile::openFromStream($stream);` to `(new \PhpZip\ZipFile())->openFromStream($stream);`
+ `\PhpZip\ZipOutputFile::create()` to `new \PhpZip\ZipFile()`
+ `\PhpZip\ZipOutputFile::openFromZipFile(\PhpZip\ZipFile $zipFile)` > `(new \PhpZip\ZipFile())->openFile($filename);`
- Rename methods:
+ `addFromFile` to `addFile`
+ `setLevel` to `setCompressionLevel`
+ `ZipFile::setPassword` to `ZipFile::withReadPassword`
+ `ZipOutputFile::setPassword` to `ZipFile::withNewPassword`
+ `ZipOutputFile::disableEncryptionAllEntries` to `ZipFile::withoutPassword`
+ `ZipOutputFile::setComment` to `ZipFile::setArchiveComment`
+ `ZipFile::getComment` to `ZipFile::getArchiveComment`
- Changed signature for methods `addDir`, `addFilesFromGlob`, `addFilesFromRegex`.
- Remove methods:
+ `getLevel`
+ `setCompressionMethod`
+ `setEntryPassword`