<?php /* * This file is part of the Symfony package. * * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\Handler; use MongoDB\BSON\Binary; use MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime; use MongoDB\Client; use MongoDB\Collection; /** * Session handler using the mongodb/mongodb package and MongoDB driver extension. * * @author Markus Bachmann <markus.bachmann@bachi.biz> * * @see https://packagist.org/packages/mongodb/mongodb * @see https://php.net/mongodb */ class MongoDbSessionHandler extends AbstractSessionHandler { private $mongo; /** * @var Collection */ private $collection; /** * @var array */ private $options; /** * Constructor. * * List of available options: * * database: The name of the database [required] * * collection: The name of the collection [required] * * id_field: The field name for storing the session id [default: _id] * * data_field: The field name for storing the session data [default: data] * * time_field: The field name for storing the timestamp [default: time] * * expiry_field: The field name for storing the expiry-timestamp [default: expires_at]. * * It is strongly recommended to put an index on the `expiry_field` for * garbage-collection. Alternatively it's possible to automatically expire * the sessions in the database as described below: * * A TTL collections can be used on MongoDB 2.2+ to cleanup expired sessions * automatically. Such an index can for example look like this: * * db.<session-collection>.createIndex( * { "<expiry-field>": 1 }, * { "expireAfterSeconds": 0 } * ) * * More details on: https://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/expire-data/ * * If you use such an index, you can drop `gc_probability` to 0 since * no garbage-collection is required. * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When "database" or "collection" not provided */ public function __construct(Client $mongo, array $options) { if (!isset($options['database']) || !isset($options['collection'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('You must provide the "database" and "collection" option for MongoDBSessionHandler.'); } $this->mongo = $mongo; $this->options = array_merge([ 'id_field' => '_id', 'data_field' => 'data', 'time_field' => 'time', 'expiry_field' => 'expires_at', ], $options); } /** * @return bool */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function close() { return true; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function doDestroy(string $sessionId) { $this->getCollection()->deleteOne([ $this->options['id_field'] => $sessionId, ]); return true; } /** * @return int|false */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function gc($maxlifetime) { return $this->getCollection()->deleteMany([ $this->options['expiry_field'] => ['$lt' => new UTCDateTime()], ])->getDeletedCount(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function doWrite(string $sessionId, string $data) { $expiry = new UTCDateTime((time() + (int) \ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime')) * 1000); $fields = [ $this->options['time_field'] => new UTCDateTime(), $this->options['expiry_field'] => $expiry, $this->options['data_field'] => new Binary($data, Binary::TYPE_OLD_BINARY), ]; $this->getCollection()->updateOne( [$this->options['id_field'] => $sessionId], ['$set' => $fields], ['upsert' => true] ); return true; } /** * @return bool */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function updateTimestamp($sessionId, $data) { $expiry = new UTCDateTime((time() + (int) \ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime')) * 1000); $this->getCollection()->updateOne( [$this->options['id_field'] => $sessionId], ['$set' => [ $this->options['time_field'] => new UTCDateTime(), $this->options['expiry_field'] => $expiry, ]] ); return true; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function doRead(string $sessionId) { $dbData = $this->getCollection()->findOne([ $this->options['id_field'] => $sessionId, $this->options['expiry_field'] => ['$gte' => new UTCDateTime()], ]); if (null === $dbData) { return ''; } return $dbData[$this->options['data_field']]->getData(); } private function getCollection(): Collection { if (null === $this->collection) { $this->collection = $this->mongo->selectCollection($this->options['database'], $this->options['collection']); } return $this->collection; } /** * @return Client */ protected function getMongo() { return $this->mongo; } }