/** * @author zhixin wen * @version: v1.0.1 * Modificated 16.08.16 by Aleksej Tokarev (Loecha) * - Sorting Problem solved * - Recalculated Size of fixed Columns */ (function ($) { 'use strict'; $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, { fixedColumns: false, fixedNumber: 1 }); var BootstrapTable = $.fn.bootstrapTable.Constructor, _initHeader = BootstrapTable.prototype.initHeader, _initBody = BootstrapTable.prototype.initBody, _resetView = BootstrapTable.prototype.resetView, _getCaret = BootstrapTable.prototype.getCaret; // Add: Aleksej BootstrapTable.prototype.initFixedColumns = function () { this.$fixedHeader = $([ '
', '', '', '
', '
'].join('')); this.timeoutHeaderColumns_ = 0; this.$fixedHeader.find('table').attr('class', this.$el.attr('class')); this.$fixedHeaderColumns = this.$fixedHeader.find('thead'); this.$tableHeader.before(this.$fixedHeader); this.$fixedBody = $([ '
', '', '', '
', '
'].join('')); this.timeoutBodyColumns_ = 0; this.$fixedBody.find('table').attr('class', this.$el.attr('class')); this.$fixedBodyColumns = this.$fixedBody.find('tbody'); this.$tableBody.before(this.$fixedBody); }; BootstrapTable.prototype.initHeader = function () { _initHeader.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); if (!this.options.fixedColumns) { return; } this.initFixedColumns(); var that = this, $trs = this.$header.find('tr').clone(true); //Fix: Aleksej "clone()" mit "clone(true)" ersetzt $trs.each(function () { // This causes layout problems: //$(this).find('th:gt(' + (that.options.fixedNumber -1) + ')').remove(); // Fix: Aleksej "-1" hinnzugef黦t. Denn immer eine Spalte Mehr geblieben ist $(this).find('th:gt(' + (that.options.fixedNumber-1) + ')').remove(); }); this.$fixedHeaderColumns.html('').append($trs); }; BootstrapTable.prototype.initBody = function () { _initBody.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); if (!this.options.fixedColumns) { return; } var that = this, rowspan = 0; this.$fixedBodyColumns.html(''); this.$body.find('> tr[data-index]').each(function () { var $tr = $(this).clone(), $tds = $tr.find('td'); var dataIndex = $tr.attr("data-index"); $tr = $(""); $tr.attr("data-index", dataIndex); var end = that.options.fixedNumber; if (rowspan > 0) { --end; --rowspan; } for (var i = 0; i < end; i++) { $tr.append($tds.eq(i).clone()); } that.$fixedBodyColumns.append($tr); if ($tds.eq(0).attr('rowspan')){ rowspan = $tds.eq(0).attr('rowspan') - 1; } }); }; BootstrapTable.prototype.resetView = function () { _resetView.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); if (!this.options.fixedColumns) { return; } clearTimeout(this.timeoutHeaderColumns_); this.timeoutHeaderColumns_ = setTimeout($.proxy(this.fitHeaderColumns, this), this.$el.is(':hidden') ? 100 : 0); clearTimeout(this.timeoutBodyColumns_); this.timeoutBodyColumns_ = setTimeout($.proxy(this.fitBodyColumns, this), this.$el.is(':hidden') ? 100 : 0); }; BootstrapTable.prototype.fitHeaderColumns = function () { var that = this, visibleFields = this.getVisibleFields(), headerWidth = 0; this.$body.find('tr:first-child:not(.no-records-found) > *').each(function (i) { var $this = $(this), index = i; if (i >= that.options.fixedNumber) { return false; } if (that.options.detailView && !that.options.cardView) { index = i - 1; } var $th = that.$fixedHeader.find('th[data-field="' + visibleFields[index] + '"]'); $th.find('.fht-cell').width($this.innerWidth()); headerWidth += $this.outerWidth(); $th.data('fix-pos', index); }); this.$fixedHeader.width(headerWidth + 1).show(); // fix click event this.$fixedHeader.delegate("tr th", 'click', function() { $(this).parents(".fixed-table-container").find(".fixed-table-body table thead tr th:eq("+$(this).data("fix-pos")+") .sortable").click(); }) }; /** * Add: Aleksej * Hook f黵 getCaret. Aktualisieren Header bei Fixed-Columns wenn diese sortiert wurden * @method getCaret * @for BootstrapTable */ BootstrapTable.prototype.getCaret = function () { var result = _getCaret.apply(this, arguments); if (this.options.fixedColumns && this.$fixedHeaderColumns instanceof jQuery) { var that = this, $th; $.each(this.$fixedHeaderColumns.find('th'), function (i, th) { $th = $(th); $th.find('.sortable').removeClass('desc asc').addClass($th.data('field') === that.options.sortName ? that.options.sortOrder : 'both'); }); } return result; }; /** * Add: Aleksej, zum berechnen von Scrollbar-Gr鲞e * @method calcScrollBarSize * @return Number */ BootstrapTable.prototype.calcScrollBarSize = function () { // Es ist egal, ob H鰄e oder Breite var tmpWidth = 100, $container = $('
').css({ width : tmpWidth, overflow : 'scroll', visibility : 'hidden'} ).appendTo('body'), widthWithScroll = $('
').css({ width: '100%' }).appendTo($container).outerWidth(); $container.remove(); return tmpWidth - widthWithScroll; }; BootstrapTable.prototype.fitBodyColumns = function () { var that = this, borderHeight = (parseInt(this.$el.css('border-bottom-width')) + parseInt(this.$el.css('border-top-width'))), // Add. Aleksej top = this.$fixedHeader.outerHeight() + borderHeight, // Fix. Aleksej "-2" mit "+ borderHeight" ersetzt // the fixed height should reduce the scorll-x height height = this.$tableBody.height() - this.calcScrollBarSize(); // Fix. Aleksej "-14" mit "- this.calcScrollBarSize()" ersetzt if (!this.$body.find('> tr[data-index]').length) { this.$fixedBody.hide(); return; } if (!this.options.height) { top = this.$fixedHeader.height(); height = height - top; } this.$fixedBody.css({ width: this.$fixedHeader.width(), height: height, top: top }).show(); this.$body.find('> tr').each(function (i) { that.$fixedBody.find('tr:eq(' + i + ')').height($(this).height() - 1); }); // events this.$tableBody.on('scroll', function () { that.$fixedBody.find('table').css('top', -$(this).scrollTop()); }); this.$body.find('> tr[data-index]').off('hover').hover(function () { var index = $(this).data('index'); that.$fixedBody.find('tr[data-index="' + index + '"]').addClass('hover'); }, function () { var index = $(this).data('index'); that.$fixedBody.find('tr[data-index="' + index + '"]').removeClass('hover'); }); this.$fixedBody.find('tr[data-index]').off('hover').hover(function () { var index = $(this).data('index'); that.$body.find('tr[data-index="' + index + '"]').addClass('hover'); }, function () { var index = $(this).data('index'); that.$body.find('> tr[data-index="' + index + '"]').removeClass('hover'); }); // fix td width bug var $first_tr = that.$body.find('tr:eq(0)'); that.$fixedBody.find('tr:eq(0)').find("td").each(function(index) { $(this).width($first_tr.find("td:eq("+index+")").width()) }); // //v2.1.8 修复配置fixcolumns时,出现左边固定栏的高度与原表格不一致的问题 // setTimeout(function(){ // $('.bootstrap-table th,.bootstrap-table td').css('height','50px'); // //alert($(".fixed-table-body #table").css('height')); // $('.fixed-table-body-columns').css('height',$(".fixed-table-body table tbody").css('height')); //用于修正1.2.0.20201008_beta之前fixed column的table高度 // $('.fixed-columns').css('height',$(".fixed-table-body table").css('height')); //用于修正1.2.0.20201008_beta之后fixed column的table高度 // $('.fixed-table-body').css('overflow-y','hidden'); // $('.fixed-table-body').css('width',''); // $('.fixed-table-body').css('height',''); // },1); }; })(jQuery);