<?php return [ 'SQL Result' => '查询结果', 'Basic query' => '基础查询', 'View structure' => '查看表结构', 'View data' => '查看表数据', 'Backup and Restore' => '备份与还原', 'Backup now' => '立即备份', 'File' => '文件', 'Size' => '大小', 'Date' => '备份日期', 'Restore' => '还原', 'Delete' => '删除', 'Optimize' => '优化表', 'Repair' => '修复表', 'Optimize all' => '优化全部表', 'Repair all' => '修复全部表', 'Backup successful' => '备份成功', 'Restore successful' => '还原成功', 'Delete successful' => '删除成功', 'Can not open zip file' => '无法打开备份文件', 'Can not unzip file' => '无法解压备份文件', 'Sql file not found' => '未找到SQL文件', 'Table:%s' => '总计:%s个表', 'Record:%s' => '记录:%s条', 'Data:%s' => '占用:%s', 'Index:%s' => '索引:%s', 'SQL Result:' => '查询结果:', 'SQL can not be empty' => 'SQL语句不能为空', 'Max output:%s' => '最大返回%s条', 'Total:%s' => '共有%s条记录! ', 'Row:%s' => '记录:%s', 'Executes one or multiple queries which are concatenated by a semicolon' => '请输入SQL语句,支持批量查询,多条SQL以分号(;)分格', 'Query affected %s rows and took %s seconds' => '共影响%s条记录! 耗时:%s秒!', 'Query returned an empty result' => '返回结果为空!', 'Query took %s seconds' => '耗时%s秒!', 'Optimize table %s done' => '优化表[%s]成功', 'Repair table %s done' => '修复表[%s]成功', 'Optimize table %s fail' => '优化表[%s]失败', 'Repair table %s fail' => '修复表[%s]失败' ];