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2024-11-06 19:09:37 +08:00
return [
'Manystore_id' => '机构账号id',
'Shop_id' => '机构店铺id',
'User_id' => '主讲师用户id',
2024-12-11 19:03:47 +08:00
'Classes_cate_ids' => '标签',
'Classes_label_ids' => '热门',
'Start_time' => '开始时间',
'End_time' => '结束时间',
2024-11-06 19:09:37 +08:00
'Self_label_tag' => '机构特色标签',
'Add_type' => '添加人类型',
'Add_type 1' => '机构',
'Add_type 2' => '总后台',
'Add_id' => '添加人id',
'Title' => '标题',
'Headimage' => '头图',
'Images' => '轮播图',
'Type' => '地点类型',
'Type out' => '户外',
'Type in' => '室内',
2024-12-11 19:03:47 +08:00
'Classes_num' => '核销次数',
2024-11-06 19:09:37 +08:00
'Address_type' => '地址类型',
'Address_type 1' => '按机构',
'Address_type 2' => '独立位置',
'Address_city' => '城市选择',
'Province' => '省编号',
'City' => '市编号',
'District' => '县区编号',
'Address' => '店铺地址',
'Address_detail' => '店铺详细地址',
'Longitude' => '经度',
'Latitude' => '纬度',
'Classes_date_text' => '上课日期',
'Classes_time_text' => '上课时间',
'Content' => '课程详情',
'Notice' => '课程须知',
'Virtual_num' => '虚拟报名人数',
'Sale' => '总销量',
'Price' => '售价',
'Underline_price' => '划线价',
'Virtual_collect' => '虚拟收藏量',
'Status' => '状态',
'Status 1' => '上架',
'Set status to 1' => '设为上架',
'Status 2' => '下架',
'Set status to 2' => '设为下架',
'Status 3' => '(审核课程)平台下架',
2024-11-06 19:09:37 +08:00
'Set status to 3' => '设为平台下架',
'Auth_status' => '审核状态',
'Auth_status 0' => '待审核',
'Auth_status 1' => '审核通过',
'Auth_status 2' => '审核失败',
'Reason' => '审核不通过原因',
'Auth_time' => '审核时间',
'Admin_id' => '审核管理员id',
'Weigh' => '权重',
'Recommend' => '平台推荐',
'Recommend 0' => '否',
'Recommend 1' => '是',
'Hot' => '平台热门',
'Hot 0' => '否',
'Hot 1' => '是',
'New' => '平台最新',
'New 0' => '否',
'New 1' => '是',
'Selfhot' => '机构热门',
'Selfhot 0' => '否',
'Selfhot 1' => '是',
'Createtime' => '创建时间',
'Updatetime' => '修改时间',
'Deletetime' => '删除时间',
'Manystore.nickname' => '昵称',
'Shop.name' => '店铺名称',
'Shop.image' => '封面图',
'Shop.address_city' => '城市选择',
'Shop.province' => '省编号',
'Shop.city' => '市编号',
'Shop.district' => '县区编号',
'Shop.address' => '店铺地址',
'Shop.address_detail' => '店铺详细地址',
'User.nickname' => '昵称',
'User.realname' => '真实姓名',
'User.mobile' => '手机号',
'User.avatar' => '头像',
'Admin.nickname' => '昵称',
'Limit_num' => '总限定人数',
'Sign_num' => '总已报名人数',
'Verification_num' => '总已核销人数',
2024-11-06 19:09:37 +08:00