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define(['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'backend', 'table', 'form'], function ($, undefined, Backend, Table, Form) {
var Controller = {
index: function () {
// 初始化表格参数配置
extend: {
index_url: 'manystore/index/index' + location.search,
add_url: 'manystore/index/add' + location.search,
edit_url: 'manystore/index/edit' + location.search,
del_url: 'manystore/index/del',
url_url: 'manystore/index/url',
lookminiqrcode_url: 'manystore/index/lookminiqrcode',
miniqrcode_url: 'manystore/index/miniqrcode',
freeapi_url: 'manystore/index/freeapi',
free_url: 'manystore/index/free',
multi_url: 'manystore/index/multi',
var table = $("#table");
// 初始化表格
url: $.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults.extend.index_url,
pk: 'id',
fixedColumns: true,
fixedRightNumber: 2,
columns: [
{checkbox: true},
{field: 'id', title: '账号ID'},
{field: 'shop_id', title: '机构ID'},
{field: 'shop.name', title: __('申请姓名|机构名'), operate: 'LIKE'},
{field: 'check_full', title: __('是否完善展示信息'),
searchList: {"false":__('未完善'),"true":__('已完善')}, formatter: Table.api.formatter.normal
// formatter:function (value, row, index) {
// if(row.check_full){
// return '<span style="color: green">已完善</span>';
// }else{
// return '<span style="color: red">未完善</span>';
// }
// }
{field: 'shop.logo', title: __('Logo'), operate: false, events: Table.api.events.image, formatter: Table.api.formatter.image},
{field: 'username', title: __('Username')},
{field: 'nickname', title: __('Nickname')},
{field: 'email', title: __('Email')},
{field: 'status', title: __("Status"), formatter: Table.api.formatter.status},
{field: 'shop.status', title: __('Auth_status'), searchList: {"0":__('Auth_status 0'),"1":__('Auth_status 1'),"2":__('Auth_status 2')}, formatter: Table.api.formatter.status},
{field: 'user_id', title: __('User_id')},
{field: 'shop.type', title: __('Type'), searchList: {"1":__('Type 1'),"2":__('Type 2')}, formatter: Table.api.formatter.normal},
{field: 'user.nickname', title: __('User.nickname'), operate: 'LIKE'},
{field: 'user.mobile', title: __('User.mobile'), operate: 'LIKE'},
{field: 'user.avatar', title: __('User.avatar'), operate: 'LIKE', events: Table.api.events.image, formatter: Table.api.formatter.image},
{field: 'shop.shop_star', title: __('机构评分'),sortable:true},
{field: 'shop.star_number', title: __('评价数'),sortable:true},
// {field: 'user_id', title: __('申请姓名|机构名'), operate: 'LIKE'},
{field: 'shop.image', title: __('Image'), operate: false, events: Table.api.events.image, formatter: Table.api.formatter.image},
{field: 'shop.address_city', title: __('Address_city'), operate: 'LIKE', table: table, class: 'autocontent', formatter: Table.api.formatter.content},
{field: 'shop.province', title: __('Province'),visible:false},
{field: 'shop.city', title: __('City'),visible:false},
{field: 'shop.district', title: __('District'),visible:false},
{field: 'shop.address', title: __('Address'), operate: 'LIKE',visible:false},
{field: 'shop.address_detail', title: __('Address_detail'), operate: 'LIKE',visible:false},
// {field: 'shop.yyzz_images', title: __('Yyzz_images'), operate: false, events: Table.api.events.image, formatter: Table.api.formatter.images},
// {field: 'shop.front_idcard_image', title: __('身份证正面'), operate: false, events: Table.api.events.image, formatter: Table.api.formatter.image},
// {field: 'shop.reverse_idcard_image', title: __('身份证反面'), operate: false, events: Table.api.events.image, formatter: Table.api.formatter.image},
{field: 'shop.tel', title: __('Tel'), operate: 'LIKE'},
{field: 'logintime', title: __('Login time'), formatter: Table.api.formatter.datetime, operate: 'RANGE', addclass: 'datetimerange', sortable: true},
{field: 'miniqrcode_link', title: __('微信小程序端展示'), operate: false, events: Table.api.events.image, formatter: Table.api.formatter.image},
{field: 'operate', title: __('Operate'),width:180, table: table , buttons: [
{name: 'url',
text: '查看小程序链接',
icon: 'fa fa-chain',
classname: 'btn btn-ajax',
url: $.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults.extend.url_url,
confirm: '查看小程序链接',
dropdown : '更多',
success: function (data, ret) {
try {
console.log('Text copied to clipboard');
Layer.alert("已自动复制内容 : " + ret.msg );
} catch (err) {
console.error('Failed to copy: ', err);
Layer.alert("浏览器不支持复制,请自行复制 : " + ret.msg );
error: function (data, ret) {
return false;
// visible: function (row) {
// //显示条件 只能待入住订单
// if(row.status == '3'){
// return true;
// }
// return false;
// }
{name: 'free',
text: '免登录进入机构专业版后台',
icon: 'fa fa-sign-in',
classname: 'btn btn-ajax',
url: $.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults.extend.free_url,
confirm: '确认免登录进入机构专业版后台专业版为老版本后台比API版本功能更多更全但操作稍多一些如果已登录其他机构对方账号将被强制退出。',
dropdown : '更多',
success: function (data, ret) {
Layer.alert(ret.msg );
window.open(shop_backend_url, '_blank');
error: function (data, ret) {
return false;
visible: function (row) {
//显示条件 只能待入住订单
// if((row.status == 2 || row.status == 3) && row.mock_type == "base" && row.add_mock_status == "1" ){
return true;
// }
// return false;
{name: 'freeapi',
text: '免登录进入机构API版后台',
icon: 'fa fa-sign-in',
classname: 'btn btn-ajax',
url: $.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults.extend.freeapi_url,
confirm: '确认免登录进入机构API版后台API版本操作更简洁明了但功能没有【专业版|老版本】后台的多)',
dropdown : '更多',
success: function (data, ret) {
Layer.alert(ret.msg );
window.open(shop_api_backend_url, '_blank');
error: function (data, ret) {
return false;
visible: function (row) {
//显示条件 只能待入住订单
// if((row.status == 2 || row.status == 3) && row.mock_type == "base" && row.add_mock_status == "1" ){
return true;
// }
// return false;
name: 'classes_spec',
text: __('机构课程'),
title: __('机构课程'),
classname: 'btn btn-dialog',
icon: 'fa fa-leanpub',
dropdown : '更多',
url: classes_spec_url,
callback: function (data) {
// visible: function (row) {
// return row.status == '2'||row.status == '3';
// }
name: 'activity',
text: __('机构线上活动'),
title: __('机构线上活动'),
classname: 'btn btn-dialog',
icon: 'fa fa-leanpub',
dropdown : '更多',
url: activity_url,
callback: function (data) {
// visible: function (row) {
// return row.paytime;
// }
name: 'teacher',
text: __('主讲老师信息'),
title: __('主讲老师信息'),
classname: 'btn btn-dialog',
icon: 'fa fa-user',
dropdown : '更多',
url: teacher_url,
callback: function (data) {
// visible: function (row) {
// return row.status == '2'||row.status == '3';
// }
name: 'verification',
text: __('核销员信息'),
title: __('核销员信息'),
classname: 'btn btn-dialog',
icon: 'fa fa-user',
dropdown : '更多',
url: verification_url,
callback: function (data) {
// visible: function (row) {
// return row.status == '2'||row.status == '3';
// }
name: 'virtual_user',
text: __('机构虚拟参与者'),
title: __('机构虚拟参与者'),
classname: 'btn btn-dialog',
icon: 'fa fa-user',
dropdown : '更多',
url: virtual_user_url,
callback: function (data) {
// visible: function (row) {
// return row.status == '2'||row.status == '3';
// }
name: 'order',
text: __('机构课程购买订单'),
title: __('机构课程购买订单'),
classname: 'btn btn-dialog',
icon: 'fa fa-cart-arrow-down',
dropdown : '更多',
url: order_url,
callback: function (data) {
// visible: function (row) {
// return row.status == '2'||row.status == '3';
// }
name: 'hourorder',
text: __('机构课时预约记录'),
title: __('机构课时预约记录'),
classname: 'btn btn-dialog',
icon: 'fa fa-calendar',
dropdown : '更多',
url: hourorder_url,
callback: function (data) {
// visible: function (row) {
// return row.status == '2'||row.status == '3';
// }
name: 'activity_order',
text: __('机构活动订单'),
title: __('机构活动订单'),
classname: 'btn btn-dialog',
icon: 'fa fa-cart-arrow-down',
dropdown : '更多',
url: activity_order_url,
callback: function (data) {
// visible: function (row) {
// return row.status == '2'||row.status == '3';
// }
name: 'user_auth',
text: __('机构授权用户'),
title: __('机构授权用户'),
classname: 'btn btn-dialog',
icon: 'fa fa-user',
dropdown : '更多',
url: user_auth_url,
callback: function (data) {
// visible: function (row) {
// return row.status == '2'||row.status == '3';
// }
name: 'evaluate',
text: __('查看用户评价'),
title: __('查看用户评价'),
classname: 'btn btn-dialog',
icon: 'fa fa-handshake-o',
dropdown : '更多',
url: evaluate_url,
callback: function (data) {
// visible: function (row) {
// return row.classes_evaluate_id;
// }
// {name: 'unsetmockauth',
// text: '取消加圈资格',
// icon: 'fa fa-sign-in',
// classname: 'btn btn-xs btn-danger btn-magic btn-ajax',
// url: $.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults.extend.unsetmockauth_url,
// confirm: '(分车版本)确认取消用户加圈资格!',
// success: function (data, ret) {
// Layer.alert(ret.msg );
// $(".btn-refresh").trigger("click");
// },
// error: function (data, ret) {
// Layer.alert(ret.msg);
// return false;
// },
// visible: function (row) {
// //显示条件 只能待入住订单
// if((row.status == 2 || row.status == 3) && row.mock_type == "base" && row.add_mock_status == "2"){
// return true;
// }
// return false;
// }},
], events: Table.api.events.operate, formatter: Table.api.formatter.operate},
// 为表格绑定事件
add: function () {
$("#c-address_city").on("cp:updated", function() {
var citypicker = $(this).data("citypicker");
var province = citypicker.getCode("province");
var city = citypicker.getCode("city");
var district = citypicker.getCode("district");
// $(".city-select-tab a").removeClass('active');
$(document).on('click', '.btn-changeuser', function (event) {
var url = $(this).attr('data-url');
if(!url) return false;
var title = $(this).attr('title');
var width = $(this).attr('data-width');
var height = $(this).attr('data-height');
// var ids = $(this).attr('data-id');
var area = [$(window).width() > 800 ? (width?width:'800px') : '95%', $(window).height() > 600 ? (height?height:'600px') : '95%'];
var options = {
shadeClose: false,
shade: [0.3, '#393D49'],
area: area,
$(document).ready(function() {
edit: function () {
$("#c-address_city").on("cp:updated", function() {
var citypicker = $(this).data("citypicker");
var province = citypicker.getCode("province");
var city = citypicker.getCode("city");
var district = citypicker.getCode("district");
$(document).on('click', '.btn-changeuser', function (event) {
var url = $(this).attr('data-url');
if(!url) return false;
var title = $(this).attr('title');
var width = $(this).attr('data-width');
var height = $(this).attr('data-height');
// var ids = $(this).attr('data-id');
var area = [$(window).width() > 800 ? (width?width:'800px') : '95%', $(window).height() > 600 ? (height?height:'600px') : '95%'];
var options = {
shadeClose: false,
shade: [0.3, '#393D49'],
area: area,
$(document).ready(function() {
var classes_spec_url = function (row,dom) {
return 'school/classes/classes_lib/index?shop_id='+row.shop_id;
var virtual_user_url = function (row,dom) {
return 'school/classes/virtual_user/index?shop_id='+row.shop_id;
var teacher_url = function (row,dom) {
return 'school/classes/teacher/index?shop_id='+row.shop_id;
var verification_url = function (row,dom) {
return 'school/classes/verification/index?shop_id='+row.shop_id;
var order_url = function (row,dom) {
return 'school/classes/order/order/index?shop_id='+row.shop_id;
var hourorder_url = function (row,dom) {
return 'school/classes/hourorder/order/index?shop_id='+row.shop_id;
var user_auth_url = function (row,dom) {
return 'manystore/user_auth/index?shop_id='+row.shop_id;
var evaluate_url= function (row,dom) {
return 'school/classes/evaluate/index?shop_id='+row.shop_id;
var activity_order_url = function (row,dom) {
return 'school/classes/activity/order/order/index?shop_id='+row.shop_id;
var activity_url = function (row,dom) {
return 'school/classes/activity/activity/index?shop_id='+row.shop_id;
var generrate = {
listen:function () {
offlineListen:function () {
var that = this;
// console.log($("input:radio[name='row[address_type]']").val())
// this.setOfflineType($("input:radio[name='row[address_type]']").val());
// $("input:radio[name='shop[type]']").change(function (){
// that.setOfflineType($(this).val());
// });
$(document).on("change", "#c-type", function(){
setOfflineType:function (val) {
switch (val) { //1=个人,2=机构
case '1': //1=个人
$(document).ready(function() {
case '2': //2=机构
// $('#c-yyzzdm').attr('data-rule', 'required');
// $('#c-yyzz_images').attr('data-rule', 'required');
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#c-yyzzdm').attr('data-rule', 'required');
$('#c-yyzz_images').attr('data-rule', 'required');
$('#c-legal_entity').attr('data-rule', 'required');
priceListen:function () {
// $('#spec').bind('input propertychange', function(){
// var length = $("#spec").val().length;
// console.log(length);
// });
return Controller;