model = new \app\common\model\ManystoreAttachment; parent::_initialize(); } /** * 附件列表查看 * @ApiMethod (GET) * @ApiParams (name="category", type="string", required=true, description="附件分类分类标识:category1=非机密类1,category2=非机密类2,cert=证件机密类,code=二维码类,user=用户普通上传") * @ApiParams (name="mimetype", type="string", required=true, description="消息类型image/*=图片,audio/*=音频,video/*=视频,text/*=文档,application/*=应用程序,zip,rar,7z,tar=压缩文件") * @ApiParams (name="page", type="number", required=true, description="页数") * @ApiParams (name="limit", type="number", required=true, description="条数") * @ApiParams (name="keyword", type="number", required=true, description="关键词") */ public function index() { //设置过滤方法 $this->request->filter(['strip_tags', 'trim']); $mimetypeQuery = []; $filter = $this->request->request('filter'); $filterArr = $this->request->param(); $page = $this->request->param("page/d",1); $limit = $this->request->param("limit/d",10); $category = $this->request->param("category/s",""); $keyword = $this->request->param("keyword/s",""); $where = []; $wherekeyword =[[]]; if($category)$where["category"] = $category; if($keyword){ $wherekeyword = [ 'filename', 'like', "%{$keyword}%", ]; } if (isset($filterArr['category']) && $filterArr['category'] == 'unclassed') { $filterArr['category'] = ',unclassed'; $this->request->get(['filter' => json_encode(array_diff_key($filterArr, ['category' => '']))]); } if (isset($filterArr['mimetype']) && preg_match("/[]\,|\*]/", $filterArr['mimetype'])) { $this->request->get(['filter' => json_encode(array_diff_key($filterArr, ['mimetype' => '']))]); $mimetypeQuery = function ($query) use ($filterArr) { $mimetypeArr = explode(',', $filterArr['mimetype']); foreach ($mimetypeArr as $index => $item) { if (stripos($item, "/*") !== false) { $query->whereOr('mimetype', 'like', str_replace("/*", "/", $item) . '%'); } else { $query->whereOr('mimetype', 'like', '%' . $item . '%'); } } }; } // list($where, $sort, $order, $offset, $limit) = $this->buildparams(); try { $as = $this->model->getWithAlisaName(); $list = $this->model->with(["user"]) ->where($mimetypeQuery) ->whereRaw("`filename` NOT REGEXP '^[0-9A-Fa-f]{32}'") ->where($where) // ->where("{$as}.shop_id", $this->auth->shop_id) ->where(...$wherekeyword) ->order("{$as}.id desc") ->paginate($limit); // var_dump(111);die; }catch (PDOException $e){ var_dump($e->getData());die; } foreach ($list as $row) { $row->getRelation('user')->visible(['nickname', 'realname', 'mobile', 'avatar']); } $rows = $list->items(); $cdnurl = preg_replace("/\/(\w+)\.php$/i", '', $this->request->root()); foreach ($rows as $k => &$v) { $v['fullurl'] = ($v['storage'] == 'local' ? $cdnurl : $this->view->config['upload']['cdnurl']) . $v['url']; } unset($v); $result = array("total" => $list->total(), "rows" => $rows); $this->apisuccess(__('发送成功'),$result); //return json($result); } /** * 删除附件 * @ApiMethod (POST) * @ApiParams (name="ids", type="string", required=true, description="附件id") * @param array $ids */ public function del($ids = "") { if (!$this->request->isPost()) { $this->apierror(__("Invalid parameters")); } $ids = $ids ? $ids : $this->request->post("ids"); if ($ids) { \think\Hook::add('upload_delete', function ($params) { if ($params['storage'] == 'local') { $attachmentFile = ROOT_PATH . '/public' . $params['url']; if (is_file($attachmentFile)) { @unlink($attachmentFile); } } }); $attachmentlist = $this->model->where('id', 'in', $ids)->select(); foreach ($attachmentlist as $attachment) { \think\Hook::listen("upload_delete", $attachment); $attachment->delete(); } $this->apisuccess(); } $this->apierror(__('Parameter %s can not be empty', 'ids')); } /** * 归类 * @ApiMethod (POST) * @ApiParams (name="category", type="string", required=true, description="附件分类分类标识:category1=非机密类1,category2=非机密类2,cert=证件机密类,code=二维码类,user=用户普通上传") * @ApiParams (name="ids", type="string", required=true, description="附件id") */ public function classify() { // if (!$this->auth->check('general/attachment/edit')) { // \think\Hook::listen('admin_nopermission', $this); // $this->apierror(__('You have no permission'), ''); // } if (!$this->request->isPost()) { $this->apierror(__("Invalid parameters")); } $category = $this->request->post('category', ''); $ids = $this->request->post('ids'); if (!$ids) { $this->apierror(__('Parameter %s can not be empty', 'ids')); } $categoryList = \app\common\model\Attachment::getCategoryList(); if ($category && !isset($categoryList[$category])) { $this->apierror(__('Category not found')); } // if(!defined('SHOP_ID')){ // define('SHOP_ID', $this->auth->shop_id); // } $category = $category == 'unclassed' ? '' : $category; ManystoreAttachment::where('id', 'in', $ids)->update(['category' => $category]); $this->apisuccess(); } }