define(['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'backend', 'table', 'form'], function ($, undefined, Backend, Table, Form) { var Controller = { index: function () { // 初始化表格参数配置 Table.api.init({ extend: { index_url: 'general/config/index', add_url: 'general/config/add', edit_url: 'general/config/edit', del_url: 'general/config/del', multi_url: 'general/config/multi', table: 'config', } }); var table = $("#table"); // 初始化表格 table.bootstrapTable({ url: $.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults.extend.index_url, pk: 'id', sortName: 'id', columns: [ [ {field: 'state', checkbox: true}, {field: 'id', title: __('Id')}, {field: 'name', title: __('Name')}, {field: 'intro', title: __('Intro')}, {field: 'group', title: __('Group')}, {field: 'type', title: __('Type')}, { field: 'operate', title: __('Operate'), table: table, events:, formatter: Table.api.formatter.operate } ] ] }); // 为表格绑定事件 Table.api.bindevent(table); $("form.edit-form").data("validator-options", { display: function (elem) { return $(elem).closest('tr').find("td:first").text(); } }); Form.api.bindevent($("form.edit-form")); //不可见的元素不验证 $("form#add-form").data("validator-options", { ignore: ':hidden', rules: { content: function () { return ['radio', 'checkbox', 'select', 'selects'].indexOf($("#add-form select[name='row[type]']").val()) > -1; }, extend: function () { return $("#add-form select[name='row[type]']").val() == 'custom'; } } }); Form.api.bindevent($("form#add-form"), function (ret) { setTimeout(function () { location.reload(); }, 1500); }); //切换显示隐藏变量字典列表 $(document).on("change", "form#add-form select[name='row[type]']", function (e) { $("#add-content-container").toggleClass("hide", ['select', 'selects', 'checkbox', 'radio'].indexOf($(this).val()) > -1 ? false : true); }); //选择规则 $(document).on("click", ".rulelist > li > a", function () { var ruleArr = $("#rule").val() == '' ? [] : $("#rule").val().split(";"); var rule = $(this).data("value"); var index = ruleArr.indexOf(rule); if (index > -1) { ruleArr.splice(index, 1); } else { ruleArr.push(rule); } $("#rule").val(ruleArr.join(";")); $(this).parent().toggleClass("active"); }); //添加向发件人发送测试邮件按钮和方法 $('input[name="row[mail_from]"]').parent().next().append('<a class="btn btn-info testmail">' + __('Send a test message') + '</a>'); $(document).on("click", ".testmail", function () { var that = this; Layer.prompt({title: __('Please input your email'), formType: 0}, function (value, index) { Backend.api.ajax({ url: "general/config/emailtest", data: $(that).closest("form").serialize() + "&receiver=" + value }); }); }); //删除配置 $(document).on("click", ".btn-delcfg", function () { var that = this; Layer.confirm(__('Are you sure you want to delete this item?'), { icon: 3, title: '提示' }, function (index) { Backend.api.ajax({ url: "general/config/del", data: {name: $(that).data("name")} }, function () { $(that).closest("tr").remove(); Layer.close(index); }); }); }); }, add: function () { Controller.api.bindevent(); }, edit: function () { Controller.api.bindevent(); }, api: { bindevent: function () { Form.api.bindevent($("form[role=form]")); } } }; return Controller; });