define(['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'backend', 'table', 'form'], function ($, undefined, Backend, Table, Form) { var Controller = { index: function () { // 初始化表格参数配置 Table.api.init({ extend: { index_url: 'manystore/index/index' +, add_url: 'manystore/index/add' +, edit_url: 'manystore/index/edit' +, del_url: 'manystore/index/del', url_url: 'manystore/index/url', free_url: 'manystore/index/free', multi_url: 'manystore/index/multi', } }); var table = $("#table"); // 初始化表格 table.bootstrapTable({ url: $.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults.extend.index_url, pk: 'id', fixedColumns: true, fixedRightNumber: 1, columns: [ [ {checkbox: true}, {field: 'id', title: '账号ID'}, {field: 'shop_id', title: '机构ID'}, {field: '', title: __('申请姓名|机构名'), operate: 'LIKE'}, {field: 'check_full', title: __('是否完善展示信息'), searchList: {"false":__('未完善'),"true":__('已完善')}, formatter: Table.api.formatter.normal // formatter:function (value, row, index) { // if(row.check_full){ // return '<span style="color: green">已完善</span>'; // }else{ // return '<span style="color: red">未完善</span>'; // } // } }, {field: 'shop.logo', title: __('Logo'), operate: false, events:, formatter: Table.api.formatter.image}, {field: 'username', title: __('Username')}, {field: 'nickname', title: __('Nickname')}, {field: 'email', title: __('Email')}, {field: 'status', title: __("Status"), formatter: Table.api.formatter.status}, {field: 'shop.status', title: __('Auth_status'), searchList: {"0":__('Auth_status 0'),"1":__('Auth_status 1'),"2":__('Auth_status 2')}, formatter: Table.api.formatter.status}, {field: 'user_id', title: __('User_id')}, {field: 'shop.type', title: __('Type'), searchList: {"1":__('Type 1'),"2":__('Type 2')}, formatter: Table.api.formatter.normal}, {field: 'user.nickname', title: __('User.nickname'), operate: 'LIKE'}, {field: '', title: __(''), operate: 'LIKE'}, {field: 'user.avatar', title: __('User.avatar'), operate: 'LIKE', events:, formatter: Table.api.formatter.image}, {field: 'shop.shop_star', title: __('机构评分'),sortable:true}, {field: 'shop.star_number', title: __('评价数'),sortable:true}, // {field: 'user_id', title: __('申请姓名|机构名'), operate: 'LIKE'}, {field: 'shop.image', title: __('Image'), operate: false, events:, formatter: Table.api.formatter.image}, {field: 'shop.address_city', title: __('Address_city'), operate: 'LIKE', table: table, class: 'autocontent', formatter: Table.api.formatter.content}, {field: 'shop.province', title: __('Province'),visible:false}, {field: '', title: __('City'),visible:false}, {field: 'shop.district', title: __('District'),visible:false}, {field: 'shop.address', title: __('Address'), operate: 'LIKE',visible:false}, {field: 'shop.address_detail', title: __('Address_detail'), operate: 'LIKE',visible:false}, // {field: 'shop.yyzz_images', title: __('Yyzz_images'), operate: false, events:, formatter: Table.api.formatter.images}, // {field: 'shop.front_idcard_image', title: __('身份证正面'), operate: false, events:, formatter: Table.api.formatter.image}, // {field: 'shop.reverse_idcard_image', title: __('身份证反面'), operate: false, events:, formatter: Table.api.formatter.image}, {field: '', title: __('Tel'), operate: 'LIKE'}, {field: 'logintime', title: __('Login time'), formatter: Table.api.formatter.datetime, operate: 'RANGE', addclass: 'datetimerange', sortable: true}, {field: 'operate', title: __('Operate'),width:180, table: table , buttons: [ {name: 'url', text: '查看小程序链接', icon: 'fa fa-chain', classname: 'btn btn-ajax', url: $.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults.extend.url_url, confirm: '查看小程序链接', dropdown : '更多', success: function (data, ret) { //JS将内容放入复制板 try { navigator.clipboard.writeText(ret.msg); console.log('Text copied to clipboard'); Layer.alert("已自动复制内容 : " + ret.msg ); } catch (err) { console.error('Failed to copy: ', err); Layer.alert("浏览器不支持复制,请自行复制 : " + ret.msg ); } $(".btn-refresh").trigger("click"); }, error: function (data, ret) { Layer.alert(ret.msg); return false; }, // visible: function (row) { // //显示条件 只能待入住订单 // if(row.status == '3'){ // return true; // } // return false; // } }, {name: 'free', text: '免登录进入机构后台', icon: 'fa fa-sign-in', classname: 'btn btn-ajax', url: $.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults.extend.free_url, confirm: '确认免登录进入机构后台?如果已登录其他机构,对方账号将被强制退出。', dropdown : '更多', success: function (data, ret) { Layer.alert(ret.msg ); $(".btn-refresh").trigger("click"); //js获取当前域名, '_blank'); }, error: function (data, ret) { Layer.alert(ret.msg); return false; }, visible: function (row) { //显示条件 只能待入住订单 // if((row.status == 2 || row.status == 3) && row.mock_type == "base" && row.add_mock_status == "1" ){ return true; // } // return false; }}, { name: 'classes_spec', text: __('机构课程'), title: __('机构课程'), classname: 'btn btn-dialog', icon: 'fa fa-leanpub', dropdown : '更多', url: classes_spec_url, callback: function (data) { }, // visible: function (row) { // return row.status == '2'||row.status == '3'; // } }, { name: 'activity', text: __('机构线上活动'), title: __('机构线上活动'), classname: 'btn btn-dialog', icon: 'fa fa-leanpub', dropdown : '更多', url: activity_url, callback: function (data) { }, // visible: function (row) { // return row.paytime; // } }, { name: 'teacher', text: __('主讲老师信息'), title: __('主讲老师信息'), classname: 'btn btn-dialog', icon: 'fa fa-user', dropdown : '更多', url: teacher_url, callback: function (data) { }, // visible: function (row) { // return row.status == '2'||row.status == '3'; // } }, { name: 'verification', text: __('核销员信息'), title: __('核销员信息'), classname: 'btn btn-dialog', icon: 'fa fa-user', dropdown : '更多', url: verification_url, callback: function (data) { }, // visible: function (row) { // return row.status == '2'||row.status == '3'; // } }, { name: 'virtual_user', text: __('机构虚拟参与者'), title: __('机构虚拟参与者'), classname: 'btn btn-dialog', icon: 'fa fa-user', dropdown : '更多', url: virtual_user_url, callback: function (data) { }, // visible: function (row) { // return row.status == '2'||row.status == '3'; // } }, { name: 'order', text: __('机构课程购买订单'), title: __('机构课程购买订单'), classname: 'btn btn-dialog', icon: 'fa fa-cart-arrow-down', dropdown : '更多', url: order_url, callback: function (data) { }, // visible: function (row) { // return row.status == '2'||row.status == '3'; // } }, { name: 'hourorder', text: __('机构课时预约记录'), title: __('机构课时预约记录'), classname: 'btn btn-dialog', icon: 'fa fa-calendar', dropdown : '更多', url: hourorder_url, callback: function (data) { }, // visible: function (row) { // return row.status == '2'||row.status == '3'; // } }, { name: 'activity_order', text: __('机构活动订单'), title: __('机构活动订单'), classname: 'btn btn-dialog', icon: 'fa fa-cart-arrow-down', dropdown : '更多', url: activity_order_url, callback: function (data) { }, // visible: function (row) { // return row.status == '2'||row.status == '3'; // } }, { name: 'user_auth', text: __('机构授权用户'), title: __('机构授权用户'), classname: 'btn btn-dialog', icon: 'fa fa-user', dropdown : '更多', url: user_auth_url, callback: function (data) { }, // visible: function (row) { // return row.status == '2'||row.status == '3'; // } }, { name: 'evaluate', text: __('查看用户评价'), title: __('查看用户评价'), classname: 'btn btn-dialog', icon: 'fa fa-handshake-o', dropdown : '更多', url: evaluate_url, callback: function (data) { }, // visible: function (row) { // return row.classes_evaluate_id; // } }, // // {name: 'unsetmockauth', // text: '取消加圈资格', // icon: 'fa fa-sign-in', // classname: 'btn btn-xs btn-danger btn-magic btn-ajax', // url: $.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults.extend.unsetmockauth_url, // confirm: '(分车版本)确认取消用户加圈资格!', // success: function (data, ret) { // Layer.alert(ret.msg ); // $(".btn-refresh").trigger("click"); // }, // error: function (data, ret) { // Layer.alert(ret.msg); // return false; // }, // visible: function (row) { // //显示条件 只能待入住订单 // if((row.status == 2 || row.status == 3) && row.mock_type == "base" && row.add_mock_status == "2"){ // return true; // } // return false; // }}, ], events:, formatter: Table.api.formatter.operate}, ] ] }); // 为表格绑定事件 Table.api.bindevent(table); }, add: function () { $("#c-address_city").on("cp:updated", function() { var citypicker = $(this).data("citypicker"); var province = citypicker.getCode("province"); var city = citypicker.getCode("city"); var district = citypicker.getCode("district"); if(province){ $("#province").val(province); } if(city){ $("#city").val(city); } if(district){ $("#district").val(district); } $(this).blur(); }); // $(".city-select-tab a").removeClass('active'); $('[data-count="district"]').tab('show'); $(document).on('click', '.btn-changeuser', function (event) { var url = $(this).attr('data-url'); if(!url) return false; var title = $(this).attr('title'); var width = $(this).attr('data-width'); var height = $(this).attr('data-height'); // var ids = $(this).attr('data-id'); var area = [$(window).width() > 800 ? (width?width:'800px') : '95%', $(window).height() > 600 ? (height?height:'600px') : '95%']; var options = { shadeClose: false, shade: [0.3, '#393D49'], area: area, callback:function(ret){//回调方法,需要在本页面Controller中增加方法监听且调用Fast.api.close(ret)传递结果; Fast.api.close(ret); } };,title,options); }); $(document).ready(function() { generrate.listen(); generrate.setOfflineType($("#c-type").val()); }); Form.api.bindevent($("form[role=form]")); }, edit: function () { $("#c-address_city").on("cp:updated", function() { var citypicker = $(this).data("citypicker"); var province = citypicker.getCode("province"); var city = citypicker.getCode("city"); var district = citypicker.getCode("district"); if(province){ $("#province").val(province); } if(city){ $("#city").val(city); } if(district){ $("#district").val(district); } }); $(document).on('click', '.btn-changeuser', function (event) { var url = $(this).attr('data-url'); if(!url) return false; var title = $(this).attr('title'); var width = $(this).attr('data-width'); var height = $(this).attr('data-height'); // var ids = $(this).attr('data-id'); var area = [$(window).width() > 800 ? (width?width:'800px') : '95%', $(window).height() > 600 ? (height?height:'600px') : '95%']; var options = { shadeClose: false, shade: [0.3, '#393D49'], area: area, callback:function(ret){//回调方法,需要在本页面Controller中增加方法监听且调用Fast.api.close(ret)传递结果; Fast.api.close(ret); } };,title,options); }); $(document).ready(function() { generrate.listen(); generrate.setOfflineType($("#c-type").val()); }); Form.api.bindevent($("form[role=form]")); } }; var classes_spec_url = function (row,dom) { return 'school/classes/classes_lib/index?shop_id='+row.shop_id; } var virtual_user_url = function (row,dom) { return 'school/classes/virtual_user/index?shop_id='+row.shop_id; } var teacher_url = function (row,dom) { return 'school/classes/teacher/index?shop_id='+row.shop_id; } var verification_url = function (row,dom) { return 'school/classes/verification/index?shop_id='+row.shop_id; } var order_url = function (row,dom) { return 'school/classes/order/order/index?shop_id='+row.shop_id; } //hourorder_url var hourorder_url = function (row,dom) { return 'school/classes/hourorder/order/index?shop_id='+row.shop_id; } var user_auth_url = function (row,dom) { return 'manystore/user_auth/index?shop_id='+row.shop_id; } var evaluate_url= function (row,dom) { return 'school/classes/evaluate/index?shop_id='+row.shop_id; } var activity_order_url = function (row,dom) { return 'school/classes/activity/order/order/index?shop_id='+row.shop_id; } var activity_url = function (row,dom) { return 'school/classes/activity/activity/index?shop_id='+row.shop_id; } var generrate = { listen:function () { this.offlineListen(); this.priceListen(); }, offlineListen:function () { var that = this; // console.log($("input:radio[name='row[address_type]']").val()) // this.setOfflineType($("input:radio[name='row[address_type]']").val()); // $("input:radio[name='shop[type]']").change(function (){ // that.setOfflineType($(this).val()); // }); $(document).on("change", "#c-type", function(){ //变更后的回调事件 that.setOfflineType($(this).val()); }); }, setOfflineType:function (val) { switch (val) { //1=个人,2=机构 case '1': //1=个人 $('#c_person').show(); $('#c_institution').hide(); $('.c_institution').hide(); $(document).ready(function() { $('#c-yyzzdm').removeAttr('data-rule'); $('#c-yyzz_images').removeAttr('data-rule'); $('#c-legal_entity').removeAttr('data-rule'); }); break; case '2': //2=机构 $('#c_person').hide(); //data-rule="required" $('#c_institution').show(); $('.c_institution').show(); // $('#c-yyzzdm').attr('data-rule', 'required'); // $('#c-yyzz_images').attr('data-rule', 'required'); $(document).ready(function() { $('#c-yyzzdm').attr('data-rule', 'required'); $('#c-yyzz_images').attr('data-rule', 'required'); $('#c-legal_entity').attr('data-rule', 'required'); }); break; } Form.api.bindevent($("form[role=form]")); }, priceListen:function () { // $('#spec').bind('input propertychange', function(){ // var length = $("#spec").val().length; // console.log(length); // }); } } return Controller; });